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Moriarty, C. The decline in catches of European elver 1980–1992.

Antunes, C. and M. Weber. The glass eel fishery and the by-catch in the Rio Minho after one decade (1981–1982 and 1991–1992).

Desaunay, Y., D. Guerault and R. Lecomte-Finiger. Variation of the oceanic larval migration of Anguilla anguilla (L.) glass eels from a two-year study in the Vilaine estuary (France).

Desaunay, Y., R. Lecomte-Finiger and D. Guerault. Mean age and migration patterns of Anguilla anguilla (L.) glass eels from three French estuaries (Somme, Vilaine and Adour Rivers).

Donnelly, R.E., J.D. Reynolds and T. Walsh. The management of glass eel stocks in the Shannon Estuary, Ireland.

White E. and B. Knights. Studies of elver and juvenile eel migration in the Rivers Severn and Avon, England, 1991–1993. (Verbal presentation).

Legault, A. Preliminary study of the fluvial recruitment of eels.

Hodson, P.V. Are American eels Anguilla restart an endangered species in the St. Lawrence Great Lakes?

Lara, M.J. The glass eel fishery in Asturias (NW Spain) and biological studies on eel.

Williamson, G.R. Terminology of the growth stages of the eel Anguilla anguilla.


Yahyaoui, A. A microstructural study of otoliths and an estimation of Moroccan glass eel Anguilla anguilla larval stage period.

Lecomte-Finiger, R., Y. Desunay, D. Guerault and P. Grellier. The immigration of Anguilla anguilla (L.) glass eels in coastal waters: Questions about the determinism of the otolith structures.

Holmgren, K. & H. Wickstrom. Note on otolith growth in elvers Anguilla anguilla (L.) and the relative otolith size during somatic growth.

Walsh, T. and C. Moriarty. Use of OPRS electronic scanning in age determination of the eel Anguilla anguilla (L.).

Jan, G.P. and K. Breteler. Effect of fin-clipping on growth and survival of yellow eel Anguilla anguilla (L.).

Robak, S. Size, age and growth of eels Anguilla anguilla (L.) in Great Mazurian Lakes. (Poster).


Dekker, W. Assessment of eel fisheries using length-based analysis; the IJsselmeer eel stock.

McCarthy, T.K., S. Neiland and J. Allison. Some preliminary observations on the eel stocks of Loughs Ree and Derg.

Kangur, A. Biomass of the catchable stock and catch of eel in Lake Vortusjärv (Estonia).

Hahlbeck, E. Eel fishery and eel catches in the coastal area of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany, Baltic Sea).

Clarke, D.A., T.K. McCarthy and I. Cowx. Foraging activity patterns and diets of yellow eels Anguilla anguilla (L.) in Lough Derg.

Quigley, D.T. and T. O'Brien. The eel fisheries of the River Shannon, Ireland.

Legault, A. National supervisory network for fish stocking. (Verbal presentation).


Legault, A. Problems of eel migration in the management of estuarine barrages.

Tesch, F.-W. Vertical movements of migrating silver eels in the sea.

McCarthy, T.K., M. O.'Farrell, P. Cullen and W. O'Connor. Migration of silver eels in the River Shannon: tagging experiments and monitoring of commercial fishing operations.

Petukhov, V.B. Environmental factors affecting silver eel migratory activity in four lakes in Belarus. (Verbal presentation).

Denayer, B. and C. Belpaire. Bottle-necks for restoration of the eel population Anguilla anguilla (L.) of the River Yser basin (Flanders).


Höglund, J. Purification of Anguillicola crassus whole-worm extract antigens for detection of specific antibodies in sera of the Euopean eel by ELISA.

Hahlbeck, E. The present distribution of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus in the European eel Anguilla anguilla in the coastal area of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany: Baltic Sea).

Boetius, I. Changes in the infestation rate of Anguillicola in some Danish localities during 1991 and 1992.

Callaghan, R. and T.K. McCarthy. Metazoan parasite assemblages of eels in the Dunkellin River, western Ireland.

Tulonen, J. Radionuclides Cs134 and Cs137 in eel in Finnish fresh waters after the accident in the nuclear power station in Chernobyl in the year 1986.

Purcell, P. and T.K. McCarthy. Some observations on the parasitism of River Shannon eels by Ergasilus gibbus von Nordmann, 1832 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae). (Poster).

Biagianti-Risbourg, A. Burtel, C. Lemaire, C.Hildebrand and R. Lecomte-Finiger. Liver perturbations in Anguilla anguilla from a polluted Mediterranean lagoon (Bages-Sigean, Gulf of Lions, France). (Poster).


Knights, B. Earthworms for feeding eels in aquaculture.

Appelbaum, V. Birkan, and A. Prilutzky. Use of chicken meal in the food of the eel Anguilla anguilla. (Verbal presentation).

Gelin, C., R. Fordham, and K.O. Wahlstrom. Low mortality during the early rearing of glass eels.

Santos, M.A. and M. Weber. Chemical composition, energy content and growth of monthly captured glass eels from the Rio Minho, Portugal, reared in individual recirculation systems.

Bessa, R., E. Grilo, and L. Cavalinhos. Best biometric parameters of elvers from the river Liz (middle west coast of Portugal) for aquaculture purposes.

Prilutzky, A., V. Birkan, and S. Appelbaum. A self-cleaning device for outlet-nets in eel rearing tanks.

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