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3. The participants were welcomed by Mr Thomas W. Maembe, Director of Fisheries (Tanzania). He informed the participants that the sub-Saharan region had in the past made many attempts to develop commercial aquaculture but so far very limited success had been recorded. The Consultation would therefore provide an opportunity to examine issues related to commercial aquaculture, identify the causes of failures and propose possible strategies to ensure future success.

4. Mr Ulf N. Wijkström, Chief, Development Planning Service (FIPP), FAO Fisheries Department, in his address to the Consultation underscored the significance that FAO places on aquaculture development especially in less privileged parts of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa. The text of his statement is reproduced in Appendix D.

5. Mr Omesh C. Khanna, FAO Representative in Tanzania, speaking on behalf of Dr Jacques Diouf, the Director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), thanked the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for hosting this Consultation and underscored the importance of aquaculture in food security and poverty alleviation, especially for impoverished communities in rural areas. The text of his inaugural address is reproduced in Appendix E.

6. In her opening address, the Hon. Zakia Hamdani Meghji (MP), Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism (Tanzania) pointed out the clear indication of the commitment of FAO towards the development of sustainable commercial aquaculture as a tool to achieve food security, alleviating poverty, increasing incomes and opening up employment opportunities. The text of the speech is reproduced in Appendix F.

7. The Consultation adopted the Agenda and arrangements for the Consultation shown in Appendix A.

8. Mr Thomas W. Maembe (Tanzania) was elected Chairperson of the Technical Consultation. Dr Charlotte Amatcha Yobouet (Côte d’Ivoire) and Mr Charles Maguswi (Zambia) were elected First and Second Chairpersons respectively.

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