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Summary of Discussions

19. All countries in the region covered by the Expert Consultation use numerous irrigation reservoirs for fish production. Among the water bodies of irrigation systems in the arid zone of the Region, usually only irrigation reservoirs are used for fish production. Irrigation canals, drainage/residual water canals, water bodies formed by seepage, and water bodies storing residual water are utilized much less. Fishery management is best developed in irrigation reservoirs of India and Pakistan, where for many years irrigation systems have been a valuable source of fish. Enhancement of fish stocks by stocking, practiced in most countries of the Region, has resulted in steady increases in fish production, providing a growing fish supply to the markets. But while in the countries of Central Asia fish stocks in reservoirs are at present underutilized, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, and in the large reservoirs of Syria, fish stocks appear to be over-exploited.

20. In countries of Central Asia and in Mongolia fishery management in irrigation and other types of reservoirs has been declining since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. These countries are still partly isolated from the rest of Asia and from the Western world, not only by linguistic barrier (until recently their lingua franca was Russian), but also by the historical influence exerted on them for many years by the former Soviet Union. Radical changes which have taken place in these countries over the last 10 years have resulted in the dismantling of the centrally planned economic system, in which many coordinating centers had been located in Moscow. The countries have now entered a phase in which not only the whole economy but also the organizational structure of the major sectors, such as irrigated agriculture and fisheries, are being subjected to rapid changes. The introduction of new structures goes in parallel with the dismantling of the old structures. This has been accompanied by drastic cuts in financing, departure of professionals, and some other changes, which together have resulted in neglect of the existing infrastructure, decline in the previously well-functioning fishery management, and consequently in a drastic decline in fishery production.

21. In major water storages in Central Asia and Mongolia organized fishing activities have declined as fishing and fish stock enhancement activities which were formerly coordinated by the government have been scaled down. In some water bodies poaching of fish is now widespread and may have contributed to the sharp decline in the officially declared fish catches. Fish production continues to be allocated a lesser priority than irrigation, hydropower production and clean water supply for towns and industries. Fishery laws and regulations, valid in the old era, need to be updated or rewritten. The recovery and rehabilitation of the fishery associated with the major irrigation systems in these countries requires a major effort. Only in this way can fish regain status as an important food source and contribute to the food security and income generation in these countries.

22. In countries of Central Asia and Mongolia the lack of finances for private investors has been a major obstacle to initiating or restarting fishery activities. This has slowed down the process of recovery. It is recognized that a more forceful representation of fisheries managers and specialists in government forums, as well as their involvement in fund-raising through international assistance, is needed to overcome the stagnation. Free market economy has been sometimes misunderstood as a competition for meager money sources. It is in the common interest of the presently fragmented fisheries organizations and enterprises in countries which have changed to a market-oriented economy, to join in the effort of obtaining assistance, especially foreign funds.

23. In Mongolia until now little attention has been paid to the fishing potential of irrigation systems. These systems appear to be in need of rehabilitation and, in connection with that, their potential for fish production needs to be evaluated. Priority should be given to water bodies close to major centers of habitation, especially those close to Ulaan Baatar.

24. Adequate water supply during the critical reproduction and growing periods is a precondition for maintaining fish stocks in irrigation reservoirs. However, due to the priority given to irrigation and often also hydropower production, a satisfactory water supply for fish cannot always be safeguarded. Then other fish stock management methods may have to be applied. The most commonly used method is regular stocking of reservoirs with hatchery-produced fingerlings. The Expert Consultation showed the need for evaluation of the effectiveness of regular enhancements of fish stocks in reservoirs. Information available for Indian reservoirs indicates that proper stocking of reservoirs significantly contributes to incremental fish production. A similar experience is available for several reservoirs in Turkey. But information is still needed on the benefit of stocking reservoirs with fish of various sizes and species, especially for large reservoirs. Close monitoring of stock enhancement measures will lead to rationalization of such measures. At present, the dearth of information hampers efforts to improve management of fish stocks in numerous irrigation water bodies. Only a good knowledge of the fish standing stock will allow the right scale of enhancement to be chosen, or the conclusion that no enhancement is needed. This has important economic implications.

25. The Expert Consultation recognized the problem of large losses of fish at high water discharges which require the excess water to spill over dams. This is particularly true in Kazakhstan and for large dams in India. At present very little can be done to avoid this. It has been suggested that one way of mitigation is to allow fish to migrate back upstream into the reservoir. The Expert Consultation therefore recommended that fish passes could be constructed on a pilot scale. Appropriate technical solutions can be selected from the already available wide range of fish passes, with the possibility of adapting them to the migratory habit of individual fish species. For this purpose field trials are needed which would test the behaviour of the relevant species. Careful monitoring of fish yields in the reservoirs should accompany each modification, so as to evaluate each new design. The Expert Consultation further recommended that a review of the efficiency of the existing fish passes serving non-cyprinid fish in Asia and Australia be prepared with suggestions for their modification. The review should include considerations of new designs of fish passes which have already been tested in trials in other parts of the world, and their evaluation for suitability for dams and barrages serving irrigation and other uses in the arid zone of Asia.

26. During periods when no water is being used for irrigation excess water is sometimes be discharged by spilling into depressions. An example was given of a discharge from an upstream-situated reservoir which provides water for hydropower production during winter. At that time the river is frozen, and the water releases have to be diverted into a depression so as not to cause ice breaking and consequently formation of ice barriers which would result in flooding of inhabited floodplains. Such large winter releases from an upstream reservoir situated in a neighbouring country waste not only water, but also fish. The Expert Consultation drew attention to the need to minimize damaging transboundary impacts, using regional collaboration and discussions as a mechanism for solving such problems. International river basin commissions or other appropriate bodies need to address fisheries considerations and concerns and to involve fisheries specialists and managers in discussions on water resource allocation and on water distribution timing.

27. The Expert Consultation has drawn attention to the low level of utilization of irrigation canals for fish production in the arid zone of Asia. Syria has demonstrated in pilot scale experiments that active canals (i.e. those which contain water permanently or most of the time) can be managed for fish production. This being an isolated experience, the Expert Consultation recommended that further pilot studies in Syria and other countries in the Region should test the potential of canals using one or more fish species, both indigenous and introduced and already well acclimatized to the Region. The Expert Consultation also recommended that a regional review, including constraints, of the current use of irrigation and drainage canals for fish production be prepared.

28. The Expert Consultation also noted that a pilot study in India showed that flow-through components of irrigation systems could be effectively utilized for intensive aquaculture, particularly below dams, where part of the water can be diverted through this system. A similar experience is also available from Iran. After being used for aquaculture, the water can again be utilized for irrigation. The Expert Consultation also highlighted the potential of seepage water from canals and dams for fish production. In Pakistan seepage from a major irrigation canal taking water from the Chashma barrage on the Indus River has been ponded and used for fish pond culture.

29. Assistance in the development of new aquaculture technologies and their application to semi-intensive fishery production systems, particularly for high value fish species, including those endemic to the region, is also needed. This would lead to a better utilization of the presently underutilized, or non-utilized components of irrigation water bodies, such as irrigation canals, which could serve, for example, for raceway fish production. For enhancing fish stocks in irrigation water bodies the Expert Consultation encouraged the countries to promulgate the use of artificial breeding technologies for production of stocking material, where such technologies are not yet in routine use.

30. In some countries of Central Asia fish hatcheries cum fish farms have been constructed alongside major canals as well as reservoirs. Such fish farms have been producing fish predominantly for stocking reservoirs, but some of them also have produced fish for marketing. While most of them are still functioning, their production capacity has declined due to the rapidly increasing cost of fish feed, spare parts for pumps and water conveyance, labour cost, etc. This has led to a reduction in the stocking rate in reservoirs. Privatization of hatcheries may be the only way for overcoming the current problem. The necessary investment capital for privatization may have to come in the form of government or foreign assistance as local capital is still scarce. An economic study of potential returns from a regular fish stocking management programme is essential for any further initiative in this direction. The Expert Consultation recommended that a study be urgently carried out to provide insight into the potential for fishery rehabilitation of irrigation reservoirs in particular, using regular stocking of seed/fingerlings produced in hatcheries. The study, which should be prepared in one country of Central Asia, possibly in Kazakhstan, should include a section on marketing. A draft outline of such a study is presented as Appendix D.

31. The general crisis of sturgeon fisheries in the Caspian Sea requires the intensification of the production of stocking material for regular releases into the sea. Kazakhstan, with its irrigation systems adjacent to the Ural River, has the potential for an increase in production of sturgeon fingerlings. Major irrigation canals, such as the Kushumsky, are a suitable environment for growing spawn to the size suitable for release into the Caspian Sea. The River Ural is the only river which has not been dammed and therefore adult sturgeons can still reach their spawning grounds situated in this river. However, irrigation water uptake from the river represents a danger for the spawn. The Expert Consultation recognized the urgent need for the rehabilitation of sturgeon stocks and gave full support to the Kazakhstan proposal to develop technology for reducing high spawn mortalities resulting from the sturgeon spawn entering irrigation systems, as well as to carry out pilot studies on growing sturgeon in irrigation systems of the Ural and Volga Rivers. This idea, when fully formulated, should receive full support of donors for its implementation.

32. Only a few countries use drainage/waste water canals for fish production. Some results have been obtained from a pilot study in Syria, and drainage waters have been also used for fish production in some parts of India. The issue of regular maintenance of these canals needs attention. The Expert Consultation gave support to initiatives in some countries of the Region, such as Syria, India and Uzbekistan, and recommended that FAO initiate steps for collection of information on the worldwide suitability and use of such waters for fish, including those of medical significance, i.e. for the control of vectors and hosts of water-borne diseases. The study could be prepared in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

33. The Expert Consultation stressed the need for more information on the fishery potential of water bodies storing drainage (residual) water. Such water bodies have usually elevated salinity and are often polluted and contaminated with agrochemicals and heavy metals. A decline in the use of agrochemicals, including those containing heavy metals, in irrigated agriculture, has been noticed in many countries of the Region. This may eventually lead to gradual reduction of harmful substances not only in reservoirs and the rivers to which the water is eventually returned, but also in residual water bodies. Levels of agrochemicals in fish and fish food organisms, water pollution levels, as well as the general health status of fish stocks in water bodies of irrigation systems need to be regularly monitored. Depending on the results, fisheries managers could use for fish production those residual water bodies with an already improved water quality.

34. The Expert Consultation requested countries in the Region to collate information on residual water bodies, such as terminal lakes, which are used for fish production in only a few countries so far. The information should include morphological, hydrochemical and biological characteristics, including fish species diversity and their current use for fisheries, and on organization(s) responsible for the fisheries and environmental management of such water bodies. The information should be sent to the FAO Secretariat in Rome, Fisheries Department, for further analysis and for preparation of a synthesis for the next meeting on the management of fish stocks and fisheries in water bodies of irrigation systems in the arid zone of Asia.

35. The participation of irrigation specialists from Uzbekistan and India in the Expert Consultation assisted in better understanding of the complexity involved in manipulating a water resource in order to satisfy both irrigation demands and fisheries requirements. The Expert Consultation agreed that a pilot model study on methodologies for increasing fish production in various types of irrigation water bodies, including those established from discharged waters, is needed. The Expert Consultation therefore recommended that countries in the Region with experience in optimizing fish production in irrigation reservoirs and in irrigation and drainage canals prepare an account of their management practices. The studies could be carried out by the existing lead centres in inland fisheries: the Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Institute (AFRI) in Pakistan; the Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CICFRI) in Barrackpore, India; the Kazakhstan Scientific and Research Institute of Fishery Industry, Almaty; the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (ICWC) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. These centres are also suitable places for training in fisheries management, including enhancement technologies, for various types of water bodies serving or arising from irrigated agriculture.

36. With the ever increasing demand for water resources, more care must be taken to satisfy all uses, especially for irrigation, hydropower production and fisheries. The discussions showed that it would be possible to achieve the same crop production with less water. Engineering measures for this purpose are well known and should be applied wherever feasible. Reducing water demand for agriculture would have a positive impact on fish stocks and fisheries, especially where at present large seasonal agricultural demands cause a major drop in water level which damages the spawning and nursery areas. Regular dialogues between irrigation and fisheries specialists and implementation of guidelines for economical water use should become an established practice. The Expert Consultation recommended that FAO consider the preparation of draft guidelines for optimal utilization of irrigation water bodies serving agricultural production in arid zones.

37. The ICWC in Uzbekistan is a suitable institution for training specialists from countries where Russian remains the language of international communication. The ICWC, which has been already involved in a number of international programmes on the rehabilitation of the Aral Sea and its basin, also uses both Russian and English for communication among its member countries. The Centre is well equipped and has a broad knowledge of the situation in Central Asia. The Expert Consultation recommended the use of this Centre as a suitable location for further activities in fisheries management of irrigation water bodies in landlocked countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. The training unit of the Centre would be an appropriate coordinator for the implementation of subregional projects such as a project for better utilization of selected irrigation water bodies through small-scale aquaculture, proposed for three countries in the subregion, i.e. Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (Appendix E). The ICWC could also assume responsibility for coordination in developing strategies for better management of fisheries in transboundary waters in the Aral Sea Basin.

38. The complexity of irrigation systems and their considerable potential for fishery production require that in the future the existing training centres be strengthened to correspond to the future demand for training. The Expert Consultation highlighted the importance of all irrigation reservoirs, i.e. large, medium and small-sized, for fish production. While the CICFRI in India should be strengthened to become the lead centre for training in large irrigation reservoir fisheries management, the AFRI in Pakistan should be strengthened to take over as lead training centre for the utilization of small and medium-sized reservoirs for fisheries. Another centre could be established in Syria in the Department of Fisheries Resources, Damascus, to specialize in training for irrigation canal fish production.

39. Large-scale river system modifications involving dams in the arid zone of Asia have led to blockage of migratory paths of fish, flooding of spawning and nursery grounds, changes in the dominant type of fish food organisms and, consequently, changes in fish species composition. Natural spawning areas in the rivers need to be identified and protected. As species diversity of indigenous fish has declined, and a number of excellent food quality fish have either disappeared or became rare in catches, the enhancement strategy has centered on introductions of adaptable fish species, which now dominate most fish catches. The Expert Consultation recognized the need for the rehabilitation of at least some important indigenous fish species, and recommended that each country prepare a review on the present status of indigenous fish. The information would then be collated by the FAO. The next step should be the rehabilitation of the most threatened economically important indigenous fish species. This could be realized through the development of technologies for artificial propagation of native fish where such technologies do not yet exist. The produced stocking material then should be released in protected areas, until self-propagating stocks are established.

40. Global warming may have already impacted on the rainfall in the arid zone of Asia, and there is a grave concern in some countries such as Pakistan, India and Syria that the increasing irregularity of monsoon and drought periods may cause a serious problem for any new irrigation projects required for increasing land crop production. The impact of prolonged droughts may also impact on fish stocks and fisheries dependent on them. Hence, a more efficient use of water is essential to satisfy the rising demands of both sectors. The deliberations showed a great support for several areas where a TCDC approach or other development or cooperative programme would be appropriate. Countries, such as India and Syria, with well developed capability in a particular field of fishery management in one or more components of irrigation systems, could assist those countries where improvement is needed.

41. The Expert Consultation requested that in order to speed up the rehabilitation and further development of fisheries in irrigation systems in countries of Central Asia, each country government give full support to organizing a national conference on fisheries which would review the current situation, analyze achievements and problems, and identify the necessary steps for improvement and advancement. Country conferences should be followed by a regional conference which would focus on developing strategies for regional cooperation. The Expert Consultation strongly supported a suggestion that both the national and regional conferences be attended by specialists from countries outside the region, such as northern America, Australia and Africa, and that international organizations such as FAO be also involved. FAO has been requested to assist in the organization of the regional conference.

42. The Expert Consultation also requested that further assistance be given to specialists of Central Asia and Mongolia to participate in international workshops on the application of fishery in irrigation systems developed elsewhere in Asia, especially in India, Pakistan and the countries of Southeast Asia. These countries, situated in a climatic zone either with a monsoon rainfall pattern, or in the high rainfall tropical area, have considerable experience not only in extensive fisheries but also in enhancement methods. Their technologies could be transferred either directly or modified to suit countries with arid climate. Assistance could be provided in the form of TCDC, and/or in collaboration with international organizations such as ICLARM, NACA, Mekong River Commission, and Asian Institute of Technology.

43. International assistance is much needed in many fields of fisheries. Until recently the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia were isolated not only from Western information but also from that available in the rest of Asia, mainly in the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent and Southeast Asia. While much of the effort of international organizations focused for many years on fisheries development in the high rainfall and monsoon countries, including India and Pakistan, countries of Central Asia and Mongolia remained isolated from the advances in the rest of the world. Information was unavailable and contacts were very limited. The Expert Consultation, recognizing the urgent need for improved information, has requested FAO to include countries of Central Asia and Mongolia on distribution lists for inland fisheries publications. FAO has also been asked to consider the possibility of establishing a free-of-charge information source, using Virtual Journal or Website, specifically devoted to fishery and agriculture aspects of irrigation systems.

44. The Expert Consultation recognized the need for critical revision or reformulation of the policy pertaining to inland fisheries in countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. In order to do that, fishery laws may have to be amended to correspond to the changes in the economy and the privatisation trend in the fisheries industry. In some countries (Mongolia) there is free access to fishing while elsewhere, due to the lack of enforcement of the existing fishery laws and regulations, inland fisheries have entered the grey economy, as the government may not pay sufficient attention to fisheries, resulting in an increase in illegal fishing. New or amended fishery laws and regulations should have a section specifically directed toward fish production in the diversity of water bodies serving irrigated agriculture and resulting from it. The Legal Office of FAO, Rome, Italy, should be approached for advice on how to undertake such revisions. The existence of appropriate laws and regulations would assist in the dialogue of fishery experts, managers and decision makers with other water resource users on planning for, management and rehabilitation of irrigation systems. This need is a burning issue particularly in countries of Central Asia and Mongolia.

45. Further development of inland fisheries in several countries of Asia with arid climate suffers from poor coordination and monitoring of water resources. A number of river basins are shared by several riparian countries. The action of one country may lead to destabilisation of the existing fishery activities and even harm fish stocks in another country. The Expert Consultation recognized as urgent the need to standardize methods for monitoring fishery resources among the riparian countries to better assess the impacts on fish stocks of water resource manipulation for irrigation needs. (Appendix F).

46. Fishery specialists in all countries participating in the Expert Consultation expressed the need to take part in discussions dealing with water resource allocation, management, etc. Representation of fishery specialists in planning, management and decision-making would mean that the interests of fisheries are presented and discussed at a high level. This has not always been the case. Such an approach would contribute to better understanding of fishery problems by other users of the same water resource. As irrigation demands determine the quantities and timing of water discharges, close collaboration is imperative in decisions regarding water allocation and releases.

47. Where transboundary river/lake basins exist, collaboration among the riparian countries is essential for achieving optimal conditions for fisheries development under constraints of multiple-use of water resources. The Expert Consultation highlighted the importance of international river/lake basin coordinating bodies for international collaboration in aspects of fishery resources development in irrigation water bodies in the Region. Where a basin coordinating body does not exist, it should be established.

48. The Expert Consultation provided a mechanism for increasing awareness, highlighting needs for development and bringing expertise in the region together to achieve the single most important goal of optimum utilization of irrigation system water bodies for fish production to contribute further to food security in the relatively less developed and developing part of the arid world. The Expert Consultation brought forward the problem of a sharp decline over the last 10 years in fish catches from irrigation and multi-use reservoirs in a number of countries of Central Asia and in Mongolia. The Expert Consultation noted that in most countries in the Region fish stocks in irrigation reservoirs remain underutilized, but that a clearer picture of the situation is needed to better understand the situation and to put forward measures for improvements. The Expert Consultation therefore recommended that an FAO ad hoc Working Party be established as soon as possible to address critical issues as related to fisheries in irrigation systems of arid Asia and to assist in the development of strategies for fisheries rehabilitation and further development. It stressed the need to invite irrigation specialists, such as crop production specialists and engineers, to the meetings of the ad hoc Working Party, as cross-sectoral discussions are essential for the successful outcome of such meetings. The Expert Consultation also recommended that other countries of the Region be included in activities initiated by the present Expert Consultation.

49. The Report was unanimously adopted on 29 September 2001.

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