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Appendix A. Agenda

1. Opening of the Session

2. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

3. Election of Chairmen and Rapporteurs

4. Introductory presentation

- T. Petr, Consultant

5. Presentations of technical country papers and discussion

- India (B.P. Das)
- Kazakhstan (K.H. Ismukhanov)
- Kyrgyzstan (D. Djancharov)
- Pakistan (N. Akhtar)
- Turkey (R. Celebi)
- Mongolia (D. Ganbaatar)
- Uzbekistan, engineering aspects (P. Umarov)
- Uzbekistan, fisheries aspects (B. Kamilov)
- Iran (M. Foghi)
- India (P.V. Dehadrai)
- Syria (I. Krouma)

6. Preparation of Draft Report

7. Discussion and Approval of Draft Report

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