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Abdel-Latif, A.F. (1974)001
Aswan, Egypt,
Lake Nasser Development Centre, 235 p.
Fisheries of Lake Nasser
Abdel-Malek, S.A. (1972)002
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:203–13
Food and feeding habits of some Egyptian fishes in Lake Quarum. Part I. Tilapia zillii (Gerv.)
B. According to different length groups
Abdel-Malek, S.A. (1972)003
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:239–59
Food and feeding habits of some Egyptian fishes in Lake Quarun. Part I. Tilapia zillii (Gerv.)
C. According to different sexes
Abid-Magid, A.M. (1971)004
J.Zool., Lond., 163:63–72
The ability of Clarias lazera to survive without air breathing
Abolarin, M.O. (1970)005
Bull.Epizoot.Dis.Afr., 18:221–8
A note on Trypanosomes from the African fresh-water fish and some comments on the possible relationship between Taxonomy and Pathology in Trypanosomes
Abolarin, M.O. (1971)006
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 2(1):93–106
A new species of Henneguya (Myxosporida, Protozoa) from West African catfish, Clarias lazera Val. with a review of the genus Henneguya theolohan, 1892
Aboul-Ela, I., F.I. Amer and A.R. El-Bolock (1973)
Bull.Zool.Soc.Egypt, 25:25–33
Studies on spawning behaviour of Clarias lazera Cuv. and Val. in fish farms of the A.R. Egypt
Abu-Gideiri, Y.B. and D.H. Nasr (1973)008
Hydrobiologia, 43(3–4):415–28
Sound production by Synodontis schall (Block-Schneider)
Adeniji, H.A. (1975)009
Arch.Hydrobiol., 75(2):253–62
Some aspects of the limnology and the fishery development of Lake Kainji, Nigeria
Adeniji, H.A., E.O. Ita and H.F. Henderson (1971)
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):75
In Evaluation of fisheries resources in African fresh waters. African reservoirs. Lake Kainji, Nigeria
Aderounmu, E.A. and F. Adeniyi (1972)011
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 2(2):151–6
Cestodes in fish from a pond at Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Adiase, W.K. (1969)012
In Man-made lakes: the Accra Symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng, Accra, Ghana Universities Press, pp. 235–7
A preliminary report on the food of fish in the Volta Lake
Albrecht, H. (1968)013
Z.Tierpsychol, 25:377–94
Freshwater studies on Tilapia species (Pisces, Cichlidae) in East Africa
Alkholy, A.A. and S.A. Abdel-Maled (1972)014
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:185–201
Food and feeding habits of some Egyptian fishes in Lake Quarun. Part I. Tilapia sillii (Gerv.) A. According to different localities
Alkholy, A.A., S.Z. Rofail and M.A. Mahdi (1973)
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 3:1–27
Biological studies on Sudanese inland fishes. I Lates niloticus 
Allason, B.R., A. Bok and N.I. Van Wyk (1971)016
J.Fish Biol., 3:181–5
The influence of exposure to low temperature on Tilapia mossambica Peters (Cichlidae).
2. Changes in serum osmolarity, sodium and chloride ion concentrations
Almaça, C. (1971)017
Arq.Mus.Bocage Lisb., 3 (suppl. 21): 1–5 Sur la collection de Barbeaux (genre et sous-genre Barbus) ibériqúes et nord-africains du Forschungs institut Senckenberg (Frankfurt a.M.)
Almaça, C. (1971)018
Bull.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat., Paris, 42(5): 853–6
Sur la spéciation des barbeaux Nord-Africains
Almaça, C. (1972)019
Arq.Mus.Bocage Lisb., 3(10):319–46
Sur la systématique de Barbeaux (genre et sous-genre Barbus) de la Péninsule ibériqus et de l'Afrique du Nord
Apfebach, R. (1968)020
Aquar.Mag., 10:212–3
Entwicklung der Brutpflege beim Buntbarsch Tilapia
Aravindan, C.M. and K.G. Padmanabhan (1972)
Acta Zool., Stockh., 53(1):45–7
Formation of the micropyle in Tilapia mossambica
Peters and Stigmatogobius javanicus (Blkr.)
Arnold, M., K. Kriesten and H.M. Peters (1968)
Z. Zellforsch.Mikrosk.Anat., 91:248–60
Die Haftorgane von Tilapia - larven (Cichlidae, Teleostei). Histochemische und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen
Avtalion, R.R. and A. Wojdani (1971)023
Bamidgeh, 4:117–24
Electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis of sera from some known FI hybrids of Tilapia
Axelrod, H.R. (1974)024
Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 256 p.
African cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika
Badawi, H.K. (1971)025
Mar.Biol., 8:96–8
Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins of four Tilapia species (Pisces)
Badawi, H.K. and M.M. Said (1971)026
Mar.Biol., 8(3):202–4
A comparative study of the blood of four Tilapia
Bailey, R.G. (1969)027
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 80:170–99
The non-cichlid fishes of the eastward-flowing rivers of Tanzania, East Africa
Bailey, R.G. (1972)028
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 2(1):33–43
Observations on the biology of Nothobranchius guentheir (Pfeffer) (Cyprinodontidae), an annual fish from the coastal region of East Africa
Bakare, O. (1968)029
M.S. Thesis, University of Ife, Ife, Nigeria, 103 p.
Food and feeding habits of the non-ciclid fishes of the middle Niger with particular reference to the Kainji reservoir basin
Bakare, O. (1970)030
In Kainji Lake studies, Vol. I Ecology, edited by S.A. Visser, Ibadan, University Press pp. 65–85
Bottom deposits as food in inland freshwater fish
Balon, E.K. (1971)031
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:89–118
Age and growth of Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau 1861 in Lake Kariba, Sinazongwe Area
Balon, E.K. (1971)032
Zambia Mus.J., 2
The eels of Siengwazi Falls (Kalomo River, Zambia) and their significance
Balon, E.K. (1971)033
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:175–86
First catches of Lake Tanganyika clupeids
(Kapenta-Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K. (1971)034
Vestn.Cesk Spol.Zool., 35(1):1–8
The intervals of early fish development and their terminology: a review and proposal
Balon, E.K. (1971)035
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:119–62
Replacement of Alestes imberi Peters 1852 by A. lateralis Boulenger, 1900 in Lake Kariba, with ecological notes
Balon, E.K. (1971)036
Paper presented to the Man-made Lakes
Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee
Results of fish population size assessments in Lake Kariba coves (Zambia) a decade after their creation
Balon, E.K. (1972)037
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 2(1):45–73
Possible fish stock assessment and available production survey as developed on Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K. (1972)038
Lake Kariba Ichthyol.Stud., (2)
Technical exhibit to American Fisheries Society, 102nd annual meeting, 1972
Fisheries in the age of ecology. (mimeo)
Balon, E.K. (1973)039
Geophys.Monogr.Am.Geophys.Union, 17:149–58
Results of fish population size assessments in Lake Kariba coves (Zambia), a decade after their creation
Balon, E.K. (1974)040
Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 144 p.
Fishes of Lake Kariba, Africa. Length-weight relationship, a pictorial guide
Balon, E.K.041
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., (in press)
Age, growth and production of Haplochromis darlingi (Boulenger, 1971) from Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K.042
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., (in press)
Notes on the age, growth and production of Labeo altivelis, Peters 1852, from Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K.043
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., (in press)
Notes on the age, growth and production of Mormyrops deliciosus (Leach 1818) and Mormyrus longirostris (Peters 1852) from Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K.044
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., (in press)
Total production, available production and yield of major fish Taxa from Lake Kariba
Balon, E.K. and A.G. Coche (1974)045
Monogr.Biol., (24):767
Lake Kariba a man-made Tropical Ecosystem in Central Africa
Balthazart, J. (1973)046
Behaviour, 46(1–2):37–72
Analyse factorielle du comportement agonistique chez Tilapia macrochir (Boulenger 1912)
Bannister, K.E. (1972)047
Bull.Br.Mus.Nat.Hist.(Zool.), 24:263–90
On the cyprinid fish Barbus alluaudi Pellegrin: a possible intergenetic hybrid from Africa.
Studies on African Cyprinidae Part I
Bannister, K.E. (1973)048
Bull.Br.Mus.Nat.Hist.(Zool.), 26(1):1–148
A revision of the large Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) of East and Central Africa
Bannister, K.E. and M. Poll (1973)049
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(1):81–95
Description of three new species of Varicorhinus from the Upemba National Park (Rep. Zaire) (Pisces, Cyprinidae). (in French)
Bard, J. (1971)050
Bois For.Trop., (140):3–12
La production des eaux continentales en Afrique francophone au sud du Sahara et à Madagascar
Bard, J. (1973)051
Bois For.Trop., (147):63–70
Les poissons de la famille des Osteoglossidae et la pisciculture
Bard, J., P. de Kimpe and P. Lessent (1975)
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SR2:7 p.
Paper presented to the FAO/CIFA Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana 30 September – 6 October 1975
Nouveaux poissons et nouvelles méthodes d'élevage en Afrique
Bashamohideen, M. and V. Parvatheswararao (1972)
Mar.Biol., 16:68–74
Adaptations to osmotic stress in the fresh-water euryhaline teleost Tilapia mossambica. 4. Change in blood glucose, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen levels
Bastl, I.054
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., (in press)
Contributions on the life history of red-breasted bream (Tilapia rendalli gefunis Thys 1964) from Lake Kariba, Zambia
Bauer, J. (1968)055
Z. Tierpsychol., 25:22–70
Untersuchungen zum Kontaktverhalten verschiedener Arternder Gattung Tilapia (Cichlidae, Pisces)
Bauer, T. (1972)056
Experientia, 28(6):669–70
High electrical discharge frequency during aggressive behaviour in a mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii
Beadle, L.C. (1974)057
London, Longmans, 365 p.
The inland waters of Tropical Africa: an Introduction to Tropical limnology
Beckman, W.C. and R.L. Welcomme (1973)058
Rome, FAO, Lake Victoria Fisheries Project (Phase 2), FI:DP/RAF/71/242/2:2 p.
Biological consideration of the possible effects of the development of the existing artisanal fishery of Lake Victoria. 
Report prepared for the Lake Victoria Fisheries Project (Phase 2)
Begg, G.W. (1973)059
Piscator, (86)110–2
Some abnormalities and an interesting anatomical feature occurring in the tiger-fish Hydrocynus vittatus at Lake Kariba
Begg, G.W. (1974)060
Hydrobiologia, 44(2–3):277–85
The distribution of fish of riverine origin in relation to the limnological characteristics of the five basins of Lake Kariba
Begg, G.W. (1974)061
Rep.Lake Kariba Fish.Res.Inst.Proj., (17) (mimeo)
Investigation into the biology and status of the Tanganyika sardine, Limnothrissa miodon Boulenger in Lake Kariba
Behnke, R.J. (1972)062
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 29(6):639–71
The systematics of salmonid fishes of recently glaciated lakes
Bell-Cross, G. and B. Bell-Cross (1971)063
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:207–14
Introduction of Limnothrissa miodon and Limnocaridina tanganicae from Lake Tanganyika into Lake Kariba
Bell-Cross, G. (1971)064
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:331–40
Weir fishing on the Central Barotse flood plain in Zambia
Bell-Cross, G. (1972)065
Arnoldia, Rhod., 5:1–9
The fish of the Zambesi River System
Bell-Cross, G. (1974)066
Occas.Pap.Natl.Mus.Monuments Rhod., (B), 5(5):279–338
A fisheries survey of the Upper Zambesi River System
Bell-Cross, G. and J. Kaoma (1971)067
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:235–44
Additions and amendments to the check list of the fishes of Zambia
Bell-Cross, G. and M.I. van der Lingen (1972)
Intern.Ciro.Queen Victoria Mus.Salisbury, (2) (mimeo)
Check-list of Rhodesian fish fauna giving allocated colloquial names as at January 1972
Benech, V. (1974)069
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 8(1):23–33
Données sur la croissance de Citharinus citharus (Poissons, Characiformes) dans le bassin tchadien
Bergh, H. and J. Haug (1971)070
East Afr.Agrio.For.J., 36(4):392–400
The fluorine content and food value of Kenya lake fish
Bishai, H.M. and W. Labib (1973)071
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 3:395–418
Age and growth of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) at Serow fish farm
Bishai, H.M., M.M. Ishak and W.D. Labib (1972)
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:275–95
Experimental studies on feeding the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. in Egypt
Bolock, A.R.E. (1972)073
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:53–82
The use of vertebrae for determining age and growth of the Nile catfish Clarias lazera (Cuv. and Val.) in the A.R.E.
Bourn, D.M. (1972)074
M.Sc. thesis, University of Edinburgh
The diet and feeding ecology of economic fishes in Lake Chilwa, Southern Malawi
Bourn, D.M. (1974)075
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(2):135–45
The feeding of three commercially important fish species in Lake Chilwa, Malawi
Bowmaker, A.P. (1968)076
Proc.Trans.Rhod.Assoc., 52:28–37
Some Upper Congo fish which offer a means of biological control of the snail vectors of bilharziasis
Bowmaker, A.P. (1969)077
Hydrobiologia, 33:202–41
Contribution to knowledge of the biology of Alestes macrophthalmus
Brestowsky, M. (1968)078
Z.Tierpsychol., 25:761–828
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Elternibindung von Tilapia Jungfischen (Pisces:Cichlidae)
Bruton, M.N. (1974)079
J.Fish.Biol., 6:701–15
The growth of Tilapia mossambica Peters (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Sibaya, South Africa
Bruton, M.N.080
J.S.Afr.Wildl.Manage.Assoc., (in press)
The rational exploitation of Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters) in Lake Sibaya, South Africa
Bruton, M.N. and R.E. Boltt (1975)081
J.Fish.Biol., 7(4):423–46
Aspects of the biology of Tilapia mossambica, Peters (Pisces:Cichlidae) in a natural freshwater lake (Lake Sibaya, South Africa)
Burgis, M.J., et al. (1973)082
Proc.Pr.Soc.Lond., (B), 184:271–98
The biomass and distribution of organisms in Lake George, Uganda
Cadwalladr, D.A. (1969)083
Occas.Pap.Minist.Anim.Ind.Game Fish.Fish.Dep.
Uganda, (2/1969):1–4
A discussion of possible management methods to revive the Labeo victorianus fishery of Lake
Victoria, with special reference to Nzoia River, Kenya
Carey, T.G. (1968)084
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:245–95
Feeding habits of some fishes in the Kafue River
Carey, T.G. (1971)085
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:245–95
Hydrobiological survey of the Kafue Flood plain
Carreon, J.A., R.F. Ventura and G.J. Amazan (1973)
Aqua. 2(1):5–16
Notes on the induced breeding of Clarias macrocephalus Günther
Caulton, M.S. (1972)087
B.Sc. Hons. thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
The swimbladder and its role in vertical movements in the cichlid fish, Tilapia mossambica Peters
Caulton, M.S. (1975)088
J.Fish.Biol., 7:513–7
The ability of the cichlid fishes Tilapia rendalli Boulenger, Tilapia sparrmanii A. Smith and Hemihaplochromis (= Pseudocrenilabrus) philander M.Weber, to enter deep water
Caulton, M.S. and B.J. Hill (1973)089
J.Fish.Biol., 5(6):783–8
The ability of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) to enter deep water
Caulton, M.S. and B.J. Hill (1975)090
J.Fish.Biol., 7:221–6
The effect of temperature on the ability of Tilapia mossambica Peters to enter deep water
Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, (1972)091
Nogent-sur-Maine, CTFT, 89 p.
Incidences sur la pêche de l'aménagement hydroagricole du bassin du Sénégal.
1. Organisation de la pêche sur le fleuve Sénégal
Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, (1972)092
Nogent-sur-Maine, CTFT, 119 p.
Incidences sur la pêche de l'aménagement hydroagricole du bassin du Sénégal.
2. Influence des travaux d'aménagement sur les ressources piscicoles
Chardon, M. and P. Vandewalle (1971)093
Ann.Soc.R.Zool.Belg., 101(1–2):3–24
(Comparison of the cephalic region in five species of the genus Tilapia of which three are mouth brooders.) (French)
Chavet, C. (1972)094
Tethys, 4(4):981–8
Note préliminaire à l'étude des stocks de poissons du genre Chrysichthys des lagunes et rivières de la Côte d'Ivoire
Chervinski, J. (1971)095
Bamidgeh, 23(2):56–9
Sexual dimorphism in Tilapia aurea and Tilapia zillii from Dor and from Lake Tiberias
Chervinski, J. and A. Yashouv (1971)096
Bamidgeh, 23(4):125–9
Preliminary experiments on the growth of Tilapia aurea Steindachner (Pisces, Cichlidae) in sea-water ponds
Chilvers, R.M. (1969)097
Rep.EAFFRO, (1968):32–8
A method of age estimation from length frequency data for large fish with reference to Bagrus docmac (Forsk.)
Chilvers, R.M. (1970)098
Rep.EAFFRO, (1969):37–8
Length conversion factors for Bagrus docmac (Forskal)
Chilvers, R.M. and J.M. Gee (1974)099
J.Fish.Biol., 6(4):483–505
The food of Bagrus docmac (Forsk.) (Pisces: Siluriformes) and its relationship with Haplochromis hilgendorf (Pisces:Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria, East Africa
Cihar, J. (1972)100
Senchkenb.Biol., 53(3/4):219–33
Revision der Fische der Familie Polypteridae aus den Sammlungen des Senckenberg-Museums in Frankfurt am Main
Clay, D. (1972)101
Piscator, 26(85):74–7
Introduction of exotic fish to Swaziland
Coche, A.G. (1971)102
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:11–87
Lake Kariba Basin: A multi-disciplinary Bibliography, annotated and indexed, 1954–1968
Coche, A.G. (1973)103
FAO Aquacult.Bull., 6(2–3):28
Lake Kossou Fishery Development Project, Ivory Coast
Coche, A.G. (1975)104
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SE 13:46 p.
L'élevage de poissons en cages et en particulier de Tilapia nilotica (L.) dans le Lac de Kossou, Côte d'Ivoire. Paper presented to the FAO/CIFA Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Acora, Ghana, 30 September–6 October 1975
Cockson, A. (1970)105
Rev.Biol.Lisb., 7(3–4):239–45
Polysaccharides in the gill epithelium of Tilapia shirana chilwae
Cockson, A. (1972)106
Zool.Beitr., 18(1):101–8
Notes on the anatomy, histology and histochemistry of the respiratory tree of Clarias mossambicus
Cockson, A. and D. Bourn (1972)107
Comp.Biochem.Physiol. (A), 41(4):715–8
Enzymes in the digestive tract of two species of euryaline fish
Cockson, A. and D. Bourn (1973)108
Hydrobiologia, 43(3–4):357–63
Protease and Amylase in the digestive tract of Barbus paludinosus
Coe, M.J. (1969)109
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 80:1–14
Observations on Tilapia alcalica in Lake Natron on the Kenya-Tanzania border
Coe, M. (1971)110
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 83(3–4):309–16
Notes on the Tilapia nilotica subsp. from the Kinyank (Ngingyang) and Suguta Rivers in the vicinity of the Kapedo alkaline hot springs, Kenya
Coke, M. (1968)111
Trans.Am.Fish.Soc., 97(4):460–5
Depth distribution of fish on a bush-cleared area of Lake Kariba, Central Africa
Coke, M. (1969)112
News Lett.Limnol.Soc.South Afr., (13):53–5
Some observations on the fish population dynamics in Lake Kariba
Colombo, L. et al. (1972)113
Endocrinology, 91(2):450–62
Corticosteroidogenesis in vitro by the head kidney of Tilapia mossambica (Cichlida, Teleostei)
Conant, E.B. (1972)114
J.Exp.Zool., 181(3):353–63
Regeneration in the African lungfish, Protopterus.
2. Branching structures
Conant, B. (1973)115
Biol.Bull.Mar.Biol.Lab., Woods Hole, 144(2):248–61
Regeneration in the African lungfish, Protopterus.
3. Regeneration during fasting and aestivation
Cordone, A.J. and A.W. Kudhongania (1970)116
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1969):53–60
Catch characteristics of various codend mesh sizes in demersal trawl catches in Lake Victoria
Cordone, A.J. and A. Kudhongania (1972)117
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 2(1): 1–19
Observations of the influences of codend mesh size on bottom trawl catches in Lake Victoria, with emphasis on the Haplochromis population
Coulter, G.W. (1970)118
J.Fish.Biol., 2:329–53
Population changes within a group of fish species in Lake Tanganyika following their exploitation
Coulter, G.W. and Y.A. Znamensky (1971)119
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:215–24
The chiromila net. A method for catching light-attracted fish in Lake Tanganyika
Daget, J. (1968)120
Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (A), 30(4):1582–9
Contribution à l'étude des eaux douces de l'Ennedi. 4. Poissons
Daget, J. (1968)121
Niamey, Republic of Niger, Publications Bureau, Organisation of African Unity.
In International Atlas of W.Africa, 1st instalment.
The distribution of freshwater fish in Western Africa (in French and English)
Daget, J. (1968)122
Bull.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat., Paris (2), 40:1114–5
Poissons d'eau dcuce du Sénégal récoltés par MM.A. Villiers, et C. Reizer
Daget, J. (1968)123
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 2(2):11–20
Le genre Hemistichodus (Poissons, Characiformes)
Daget, J. (1973)124
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., special issue 2:107–14
La pêche dans le fleuve Niger
Daget, J. and J.R. Durand (1968)125
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 2:91–111
Etude du peuplement de poissons d'un milieu saumâtre tropical poïkilohalin; la baie de Cocody en Côte d'Ivoire
Daget, J., N. Planquette and P. Planquette (1973)
Bull.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat., Paris, (15):121–42
Premiéres données sur la dynamique des peuplements de poissons du Bandama (Côte d'Ivoire)
Dawood, W.L. (1970)127
M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo, 175 p.
Biological studies on common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. in Egypt
Deelstra, H.A., O. White and D.S. Wiggans (1974)
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(2):161–6
Nutritive value of fish of Lake Tanganyika.
1. Amino acid composition
De Kimpe, P. and J.C. Micha (1974)129
Aqua. 4 (in press)
First guidelines for the culture of Clarias lazera in Central Africa
Denizot, J.P., (1971)130
Histochemie, 28(4):305–15
(Histochemical study of mucopolysaccharides of mormyromast (type II of Cordier) in Gnathonemus petersii (Mormyridae)) (French)
Denton, T.E. and W.M. Howell (1973)131
Experientia, 29(1):122–4
Chromosomes of the African polypterid fishes, Polypterus palmas and Calamoichthys calabaricus
Denyoh, F.M.K., (1969)132
In Man-made lakes: the Accra Symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng. Accra, Ghana Universities Press, pp. 206–19
Changes in fish population and gear selectivity in the Volta Lake
Denzer, H.W.133
FAO Fish.Rep., (44) Vol.4:357–66
Studies on the physiology of young Tilapia
Devaraj, K.V., T.J. Varghese and G.P. Satyanarayana Rao (1972)
Curr.Sci., 41(24):858–70
Induced breeding of the freshwater catfish Clarias batrachus (Linn.) by using pituitary glands from marine catfish
De Witt, J.W. (1973)135
Rome, FAO, Lake Nasser Development Centre, Aswan
(Man-made Lake) Project FI-DP/EGY/66/558/10:56 p.
Arab Republic of Egypt. Lake Nasser fisheries survey and training programme
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Les peuplements ichtyologiques de l'El Beid. 2e note: variations inter et intraspécifiques
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Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 7(1)55–62
Application de l'analyse des correspondances à l'étude de certains peuplements ichtyologiques du lac Tchad
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Zonation ichtyologique dans le lac Tchad. (Summary)
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Fort Lamy, ORSTOM, pag. var.
Courbeslongueur-poids de 46 espèces de poissons du Bassin tchadien
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Croissance en longueur d'Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835) (Poissons, Characidae) dans le bas Chari et le lac Tchad
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Observations sur la sexualité et la reproduction des Alestes baremoze du bas Chari et du lac Tchad
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Variations du coefficient de condition chez les Alestes baremoze du bas Chari et du lac Tchad
Durand, J.R. and G. Loubens (1971)153
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 5(2):137–45
Développement embryonnaire et larvaire d'Alestes baremoze
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Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 5(2):113–36
Etude de certains caractères méristiques chez Alestes baremoze du bas Chari et du lac Tchad
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Two new species of cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi (formerly known as Lake Nyasa)
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Fat metabolism in Tilapia zillii Gerv. 
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Fat metabolism in Tilapia zillii Gerv.
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Selectivity of wire basket traps for Tilapia (T. nilotica, T. galilaea and T. zillii)
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Tilapia fisheries in Lake Mariut. Age and growth of Tilapia nilotica in the lake
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Scale characteristics and annulus formation of the cichlid fish Tilapia nilotica L.
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Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 1:193–204
Reproduction of Tilapia nilotica L.
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Report on survey to Lake Nasser and Lake Nubia 
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Characidotrema nursei sp. nov. from the gills of Alestes nurse from River Nile (Vermes, Trematoda, Monogenoidea)
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Sampling fish stocks in the Kafue River
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A note on fishery development on the kafue flood plain
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Acclimatization experiments with mullet fry for culture in fresh water ponds
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Feeds for Tilapia and catfish
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A brief review of the current status of the inland fisheries of Africa
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Development of fisheries in the Sahelian zone.
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Small-scale fisheries (COFI/74/9) and supplement (COFI/74/9, Sup. 1). Paper presented to the Second Session and related Symposium of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September–7 October 1975
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Central Fisheries Research Institute, Zambia.
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Fishery survey in the western and mid-western regions. Nigeria. Final report.
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Report to the Government of Nigeria on fishing technology relating to river and swamp fisheries of Northern Nigeria. Based on the work of William Reed FAO/TA Fishery Technologist
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The fish population of newly impounded Kainji Lake - Kainji Lake Research Project. Nigeria
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Rapport au Gouvernement du Dahomey sur l'évolution de la pêche intérieure, son état actual et ses possibilités, établi sur la base des travaux de R.L. Welcomme, spécialiste de la pêche
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Age determination in Tilapia melanotheron (Ruppell) in the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria, with discussion of the environmental and physiological basis of growth markings in the tropics
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The biology of West African shad Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) in the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria
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The food and feeding interrelationship of the fishes in Lagos Lagoon
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J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 26(11): 2807–21
Oxygen consumption of Tilapia nilotica in relation to swimming speed and salinity
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Proc.Helminthol.Soc.Wash., 40(1): 166–7
Three digenetio trematodes of Clarias mossambica Peters (Clariidae) from Ethiopia
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Digenetic trematodes of fish from the Volta River drainage system in Ghana prior to the construction of the Volta dam at Akosombo in May 1964
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Additional Hemiurid and other Trematodes of fishes from Ghana
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A new parasitic isopod of the family Cymothoidae from clupeid fish of Lake Tanganyika - a further Lake Tanganyika enigma
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The Lake Victoria fisheries: some facts and fallacies
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Evolution, 23:359–69
Alternative routes to evolutionary success by African cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia and the species flocks of the Great Lakes
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The cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa: their biology and evolution
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The specific difference of temperature responses among cichlid fishes genus Tilapia
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A technique for age determinations in the silver barbel (Eutropius depressirostris)
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S.Afr.J.Sci., 69(1):25–7
Distribution of fishes in southern Africa
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A comparison of certain aspects of the biology of Lates nilcticus (Linné) in some East African Lakes
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The establishment of a commercial fishery for Haplochromis in the Uganda waters of Lake Victoria
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Notes on the genus Xenoclarias (Greenwood)
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The genus Xenoclarias (Pisces, Siluriformes) in Lake Victoria with a redescription of Xenoclarias eupogon and notes on the biology of the species
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Food and feeding relationships of fish in a tropical fish pond
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Approaches to the evaluation and management of fish stock in Kainji Lake, Nigeria

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