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Jackson, P.B.N. (1971)301
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):35–50
The African Great Lakes Fisheries: past, present and future
Jackson, P.B.N. (1973)302
S.Afr.J.Sci., 69(3):85–7
Preliminary report on small fishes from the Hendrik Verweerd Dam, Orange River
Jackson, P.B.N. (1974)303
Piscator, (90):36–50
Common and scientific names of freshwater fishes in Southern Africa
Jackson, P.B.N. (1975)304
Spec.Publ.J.L.B. Smith Inst.Ichthyol., (14):179–213
Common and scientific names of the fishes of Southern Africa. Part 2. Freshwater fishes
Jalabert, B., P. Kammacher and P. Lessent (1971)
Ann.Biol.Anim.Biochim.Biophys., 11(1):155–65
Déterminisme du sexe chez les hybrides entre Tilapia macrochir et Tilapia nilotica.
Etude de la sex ratio dans les recroisements des hybrides de première génération par les espèces parentes
Jalabert, B. et al. (1974)306
Ann.Biol.Anim.Biochim.Biophys., 14(4-B):729–39
Sex determination in Tilapia macrochir and Tilapia nilotica: effect of methyltestosterone administered in fry food on sex differentiation; sex ratio of the offspring produced by sex-reversed males
Job, S.V. (1969)307
Mar.Biol., 3(3):222–6
The respiratory metabolism of Tilapia mossambica
(Teleostei). 2. The effect of size, temperature, salinity and partial pressure of oxygen
Johnson, R.P. (1974)308
Rome, FAO, FI:DP-NIR/66/524/9:28 p.
Nigeria. Observations on Tilapia in Kainji Lake, with emphasis on T. galilaea. A report prepared for the Kainji Lake Research (Man-made Lake) Project
Johnson, R.P. (1974)309
FAO Fish.Synop., (90):46 p.
Synopsis of biological data on Sarotherodon galilaeus
Josman, V. (1971)310
M.Sc.Thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Some aspects of the effect of temperature on the respiratory and cardiac activities of the cichlid teleost Tilapia mossambica
Jubb, R.A. (1971)311
Piscator, 25(81):39–42
Oreodaimon quathlambae (Labeo quathlambae) in the Tscelikane River, Southeast Lesotho
Jubb, R.A. (1973)312
Piscator, 28(87):9–12
Notes on exotic fishes introduced into South African waters
Jubb, R.A. (1973)313
Piscator, 28(88):62–4
Notes on exotic fishes introduced into South African waters: Cyprinids
Jubb, R.A. (1974)314
Arnoldia, Rhod., 6(25):1–14
The distribution of Tilapia mossambicus Peters, 1852, and Tilapia mortimeri Trewavas, 1966, in Rhodesian waters
Kamel, A., G. Nawar and E.G. Yoakim (1973)
Bull.Zool.Soc.Egypt, 25:115–22
Notes on the food and feeding habits of the Nile cyprinoid Labeo niloticus (Forskal 1775)
Kapetsky, J.M. (1974)316
Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan. 194 p.
Growth, mortality and production of five fish species of the Kafue river flood plain, Zambia
Kapetsky, J.M. (1974)317
Monogr.Biol., 24:497–523
The Kafue River flood plain: an example of pre-impoundment potential for fish production
Kenmuir, D.H.S. (1973)318
Hydrobiologia, 43(3–4):365–70
Observation on a breeding pair of Tilapia rendalli rendalli Boulenger 1860 in an experimental tank at Lake Kariba, Fisheries Research Institute
Kenmuir, D.H.S. (1973)319
Occas.Pap.Natl.Mus.Rhod.(B), 5(3):115–70
The ecology of the Tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Castlenau, in Lake Kariba
Kenmuir, D.H.S. (1975)320
Arnoldia Rhod., 7(9):1–8
The diet on fingerling Tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus Cast., in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia
Khalil, L.F. (1972)321
J. Helminthol., 46(4):341–4
Afromacroderoides lazerae gen. et sp.nov. (Allocreadiidae:Walliniinae), a new Digenean from the African freshwater fish Clarias lazera
Khalil, L.F. (1969)322
J.Zool.Lond., 158:143–70
Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of The Sudan
Khalil, L.F. (1971)323
Tech.Commrs.Commonw,Agric.Bur., Slough. (42):80 p.
Check list of the helminth parasites of African freshwater fishes
Khalil, L.F. and J.P. Thurston (1973)324
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(2):209–48
Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of Uganda including the descriptions of two new species of digeneans
Kiener, A. (1973)325
Ann.Hydrobiol., 4:126–7
Diversité des lacs de Madagascar et caractéristiques de leurs populations ichtyologiques. (Summary)
Kiener, A. and G. Richard-Vindard (1972)326
Monogr.Biol., 21:477–99
Fishes of the continental waters of Madagascar
Kirk, R.G. (1972)327
Aquaculture, 1(1):45–60
A review of recent developments in Tilapia culture with special reference to fish farming in the heated effluents of power stations
Kitaka, G.E.B. (1973)328
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special issue 2:77–85
The relevance of limnological information in the development and management of inland fisheries
Kop, P.P.A.M. and B.A. Heuts (1973)329
Rev.Comportement Anim., 7(1):63–75
An experiment on sibling imprinting in the jewel fish Hemichromis bimaculatus (Gill 1862, Cichlidae)
Koura, R. and A.A. Shaheen (1969)330
Stud.Rev.GFCM (39):1–12
Salectivity of gillnets for Nile perch (Lates niloticus)
Kruger, E.J. (1973)331
Zool.Afr., 8(1):25–34
Autumn feeding cycle of the bull-dog fish, Gnathonemus macrolepidotus (Pisces, Mormyridae)
Kudhongania, A.W. (1973)332
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special issue 2, 93–106
Past trends and recent research on the fisheries of Lake Victoria in relation to possible future developments
Kudhongania, A.W. and A.J. Cordone (1974)333
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(2):167–81
Past trends, present stocks and possible future state of the fisheries of the Tanzania part of the Lake Victoria
Kudhongania, A.W. and A.J. Cordone (1974)334
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(1):15–31
Batho-spatial distribution pattern and biomass estimate of the major demersal fishes in Lake Victoria
Ladiges, W. (1968)335
Int.Rev.Ges.Hydrobiol.Hydrogr., 53:339–52
Die Bedeutung ökologischen Faktoren für die Differenzierung der Cichlidae des Tanganyika und der Njassa-Sees
Lagler, K.F. (1973)336
Rome, FAO, FI:DP/IVC/71/526/4:13 p.
A review of the Lake Kossou Fishery Development Project, Ivory Coast
Lamarque, P. and C. Gosset (1975)337
Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/1:21 p.
The promotion of integrated fishery development, Malawi.
Electric fishing (20 September–22 November 1974)
Lamprecht, J. (1973)338
Z.Tierpsychol., 32(1):10–61
Mechanismen des Paarzusammenhaltes beim Cichliden Tilapia mariae Boulenger 1899 (Cichlidae, Teleostei)
Langescheid, C. (1968)339
Experientia, Basel, 24:963
Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die augeborene Gröbenunterscheidung bei Tilapia nilotica und Hemihaplochromis multicolor (Pisces, Cichlidae)
Lanzing, W.J.R. (1970)340
J.Fish.Biol., 2:249–52
The development of a saccus vasculosus in Tilapia mossambica Peters and other cichlids
Lanzing, W.J.R. (1974)341
J.Fish.Biol., 6:341–7
Sound production in the cichlid Tilapia mossambica Peters
Lanzing, W.J.R. and C.C. Bower (1973)342
J.Fish.Biol., 6:29–41
Development of colour patterns in relation to behaviour in Tilapia mossambica (Peters)
Lanzing, W.J.R. and D.R. Higgindotham (1974)
J.Fish. Biol., 6:307–10
Scanning microscopy of surface structures of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) scales
Latif, A.F.A. and M.M. Rashid (1972)344
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish., Cairo, 2:215–38
Studies on Tilapia nilotica from Lake Nasser.
1. Macroscopic characters of gonads
Lauzanne, L. (1969)345
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 3(2):15–27
Etude quantitative de la nutrition des Alestes baremoze (Pisc.Charac.)
Lauzanne, L.(1970)346
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 4(1):71–6
La sélection des proies chez Alestes baremoze (Pisc.Charac.)
Lauzanne, L. (1972)347
Verh.Int.Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol., 18:636–46
Régimes alimentaires des principales espèces de poissons de l'archipel oriental du Lac Tchad
Lauzanne, L. (1973)348
Cah. ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.) Bondy, 7(1):3–15
Etudes qualitatives de la nutrition des Alestes baremose (Pisces Characidae)
Lazard, J. (1973)349
Notes Doc. Pêche. Piscic.CTFT, Nogent-sur-Marne, (6): 52–62
Mise en valeur piscicole de la retenue de Nombolo
Leatherland, J.F., M. Hyder and D.M. Ensor (1974)
Comp.Biochem.Physiol.(A) 48(4):669–710
Regulation of plasma Na+ and K+ concentrations in five African species of Tilapia fishes
Lenfant, C. and K. Johansen (1968)351
J.Exp.Biol., 49:437–68
Respiration in African Lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus. I. Respiratory properties of blood and normal patterns of breathing and gas exchange. II. Control of breathing
Lelek, A. (1970)352
Paper presented at Symposium on Ecology of Kainji Lake, Ife, Nigeria, University of Ife.
Possible trends in the development of the fish fauna in the Kainji Lake, Nigeria
Lelek, A. and S. El-Zarka (1974)353
J. West Afr. Soi. Assoc., 16(2):171–8
Preliminary observation on the effect of Kainji Dam on the down stream fisheries
Lelek, A. (1973)354
Arch.Hydrobiol., 71(3):381–420
Sequence of changes in fish populations of the new tropical man-made Lake, Kainji, Nigeria, West Africa
Lelek, A. and S. El-Zarka(1973)355
Geophys.Monogr.Ser., 17:655–60
Ecological comparison of the preimpoundment and post impoundment fish faunas of the River Niger and Kainji Lake, Nigeria
Lelek, A. and A.A. Wuddah (1968)356
Vestn.Cesk.Zemed.Mus. 32(4):342–9
Contribution to the maturity and fecundity of Tilapia galilaea (Linnaeus) in the Volta Lake
Lelek, A. and A.A. Wuddah (1968)357
In Man-made Lakes: The Accra Symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng. Accra, Ghana Universities Press, pp. 186–9
A note on the occurrence and length frequency distribution of Tilapia species caught in gillnets in Volta Lake
Lema, R., B. Giadom and K.H. Ibrahim (1975)
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SE3:6 p.
Observations on the introduction of Tilapia andersonii (Castelnau) into Tanzania from Zambia
Lemasson, J. and J. Bard (1968)359
FAO Fish.Rep., (44)Vol.5:182–95
Nouveaux poissons et nouveaux systèmes pour la pisciculture en Afrique
Lemasson, J. and J. Bard (1974)360
Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne, 32 p.
Bilan de la pisciculture dans neuf états d'Afrique Tropicale
Lessent, P. (1969)361
In: IBP Report of the regional meeting of hydrobiologists in Tropical Africa, Kampala, Uganda, 20–28 May 1968, pp. 106–12
La pêche continentale en Côte d'Ivoire
Lewis, D.S.C. (1974)362
Hydrobiologia, 45:281–301
The effects of the formation of Lake Kainji (Nigeria) upon the indigenous fish population
Lewis, D.S.C. (1974)363
J.Fish.Biol., 6:349–63
The food and feeding habits of Hydrocynus forskahlii Cuvier and Hydrocynus brevis Günther in Lake Kainji, Nigeria
Loiselle, P.V. (1969)364
J.Am.Killifish.Assoc., 6(2):40–63
The biology of Epiplatys bifasciatus (Steindachner 1881) (Teleostomi:Cyprinodontidae:Rivulinae) in Southern Togo
Loiselle, P.V. (1969)365
Bull.Inst.Enseign.Super.Benin, No.Spec. Mai:36 p.
Monographie systématique et notes biologiques sur les poissons de la Lagune de Lomé
Loiselle, P.V. (1972)366
Rome, FAO, FI:DP/GHA/67/510/2
Preliminary survey of inshore habitats in the Volta Lake.
Report prepared for the Volta Lake Research Project
Loiselle, P.V. (1973)367
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(2):379–90
Description of a new species of Barbus (Pisces Cyprinidae) from West Africa
Loiselle, P.V. and R.L. Welcomme (1971)368
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 83(1–2):1–15
Two new species of Earbus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from southeastern Dahomey
Loiselle, P.V. and R.L. Welcomme (1972)369
Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 85(1–2):37–58
Description of a new genus of cichlid fish from West Africa
Loubens, G. (1969)370
Cah. ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 3(2):45–73
Etude de certains peuplements ichtyologiques par des pêches au poisson (1re note)
Loubens, G. (1970)371
Cah. ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 4(1):45–61
Etude de certains peuplements ichtyologiques par des pêches au poisson (2e note.
Loubens, G. (1973)372
Cah. ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 7(3–4):209–33
Production de la pêche et peuplements ichtyologiques d'un bief du delta du Chari
Loubens, G. (1974)373
Cah.ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 8(1):3–21
Quelques aspects de la biologie des Lates niloticus du Tchad
Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (1969)374
Biol.J.Limn.Soc.,Lond., 1:51–75
Speciation in tropical freshwater fishes
Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (1970)375
In Proceedings of IBP/Unesco Regional Meeting of Inland Water Biologists in Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur and Malacca, 5th–11th May 1969 (sponsored by Unesco). Djakarta, Indonesia, Unesco Field Science Office for Southeast Asia, pp. 91–103
Ecological studies on tropical freshwater food fishes
Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (1975)376
London, Longmans, 337 p.
Fish communities in Tropical Freshwaters
Mabaye, A.B.E. (1971)377
Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:379–96
Observations on the growth of Tilapia mossambica fed on artificial diets
Mabaye, A.B.E. (1973)378
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special issue 2, 143–60
The role of ecological studies in the rational management of fish stock
MacCrimmon, H.R. (1972)379
J.Fish.Res.Board Can., 29(12):1788–91
World distribution of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri): further observations
Mahdi, M.A. (1972)380
Mar.Biol., 15(4):359–60
Haematological studies on some Nile fishes, Tilapia nilotica, Lates niloticus and Labeo niloticus
Mahdi, M.A. (1973)381
Mar.Biol., 18(2):89–92
Studies on factors affecting survival of Nile fish in the Sudan. 1. The effect of hydrogen ion concentration
Mahdi, M.A. (1973)382
Mar.Biol., 18(2):93–5
Studies on factors affecting survival of Nile fish in the Sudan. 2. The effect of temperature
Mahdi, M.A. (1973)383
Mar.Biol., 18(2):96–8
Studies on factors affecting survival of Nile fish in the Sudan. 3. The effect of oxygen
Mahdi, M.A., S.Z. Rafail and A.A. Al-Kholy (1973)
Bull.Inst.Oceanogr.Fish.,Cairo, 3:257–74
Biological studies on Sudanese inland fishes.
2. Tilapia nilotica Linnaeus
Mann, M.J. (1969)385
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 229–42
In: East Africa its people and resources, edited by W.T.W. Morgan.
Freshwater fisheries
Mann, M.J. (1970)386
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1969):21–7
A resumé of the evolution of the Tilapia fisheries of Lake Victoria up to the year 1960
Mann, M.J. (1971)387
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):25–34
Some taxonomical notes on the fish fauna of the Baringo area
Mann, M.J. and N. Ngomirakiza (1973)388
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special Issue 2, 135–41
Evaluations of the pelagic resources in the Burundi waters of Lake Tanganyika and the evolution of the fisheries
Mann, M.J. and G.W. Ssentongo (1969)389
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1968):28–31
A note on the Tilapia populations of Lake Naivasha in 1968
Mattei, X. et al. (1972)390
J. Microsc., 15(1):67–78
Ultrastructure of aflagellate spermatozoa of Mormyridae (teleost fish) (In French)
Mayer, R.F. and T.T. Nalbant (1972)391
Bull.Inst.Cercet.Piscic., 31(3–4):59–66
Resultatele inchtiologia ale expeditiei românesti transafricane, 1971.
Ordinul Siluriformes
McDowall, R.M. (1973)392
Ann.Cape Prov.Mus.(Nat.Hist.), 9(5):91–101
The status of the South African galaxiid (Pisces, Galaxiidae)
McMahon, B.R. (1970)393
J.Exp.Biol., 52:1–19
The relative efficiency of gaseous exchange across the lungs and gills of an African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus
Medani, Yu. I. (1968)394
Probl.Ichthyol., 8(3):438–43
Feeding of Distichodus niloticus (L.) and D. rostratus (Günth.) in the Jebel-Aulia reservoir (Sudan)
Meschkat, A. (1970)395
Rome, FAO, DDA:SF/AFR/REG.31:41 p.
The Fisheries in the Niger Basin. Interdisciplinary Mission on Integrated Development of the Niger River Basin
Meskal, F.H. (1975)396
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SE6:3 p.
Preliminary studies on the possibility of starting aquaculture of fish in Ethiopia. Paper presented to the FAO/CIFA Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September–6 October 1975
Micha, J.C. (1973)397
Cour.Assoc. CEE, Bruxelles, (21):45–8; (22):48–51
L'Afrique et la pisciculture
Micha, J.C. (1973)398
Paris, C.T.F.T., 110 p.
Etude des populations piscicoles de l'Ubangui et tentatives de sélection et d'adaptation de quelques espèces à l'étang de pisciculture
Micha, J.C. (1974)399
Aquaculture, 4:85–7
Fish population studies of Ubangui River; Trying local wild species for fish culture
Micha, J.C. (1974)400
Aquaculture, 4:227–48
First guidelines for the culture of Clarias lazera in Central Africa
Micha, J.C. (1974)401
Zoologie et Assistance Technique, Ed. FULREAC, 381 p.
La pisciculture africaine - Espèces actuelles et espèces nouvelles
Micha, J.C. (1975)402
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SE5:23 p.
Synthèse des Essais de reproduction, d'alevinage et de production chez un silure africain: Clarias lazera. Paper presented to the FAO/CIFA Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September–6 October 1975
Miller, J.W. (1975)403
Rome, FAO, CIFA/75/SR4:29 p.
Fertilisation and feeding practices in warm-water pond fish culture in Africa. Paper presented to the FAO/CIFA Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa. Accra, Ghana, 30 September–6 October 1975
Minshull, J.L. (1970)404
Grahamstown, Rhodes University, South Africa, Institute for Freshwater Studies Studies on the fish population, Lake Sibaya, 1968–69
Mohsen, T. (1973)405
Bull. Inst.Fr.Afr.Noire, 35(2):450–61
Sur la numération érythrocytaire, le taux d'hémoglobine et l'hématocrite de Protopterus annectens (Poisson Dipneuste) en phase aquatique
Moravec, F. and F.A. Puylaert (1971)406
Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 82(3–4):306–14
On Johnstonmawsonia africana sp.n. (Nematoda; Rhabdochonidae) from the freshwater fish Haplochromis schwetzi of Angola
Moreau, J. (1971)407
Cah. ORSTOM (Hydrobiol.), Bondy, 5(1):3–52
Biologie comparée de Tilapia rendalli (Boulenger) (Pisc. Cichl.) au Lac Itasy et au Lac de Mantasoa
Morgan, P.R. (1971)408
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):51–8
The Lake Chilwa Tilapia and its fishery
Morgan, P.R. (1971)409
Soc.Malawi J., 24:74–9
The culture of Tilapia shirana chilwae in fish ponds
Morgan, P.R. (1972)410
Hydrobiologia, 40(1):101–19
Causes of mortality in the endemic Tilapia of Lake Chilwa
Moriarty, C.M. (1973)411
M.Sc. Thesis, University of Nottingham.
Feeding of herbivorous fish in Lake George, Unganda
Moriarty, C.M. and D.J.W. Moriarty (1973)
J.Zool., Lond., 171(1):15–23
Quantitative estimation of the daily ingestion of phytoplankton by Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis in Lake George, Uganda
Moriarty, D.J.W. (1973)413
J.Zool., Lond., 171(1):25–39
The physiology of digestion of blue-green algae in the cichlid fish, Tilapia nilotica
Moriarty, D.J.W. and C.M. Moriarty (1973)414
J.Zool., Lond., 171(1):41–55
The assimilation of carbon from phytoplankton by two herbivorous fishes Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis
Moriarty, D.J.W. et al. (1973)415
Proc.R.Soc.Lond., (B) 184:299–319
Feeding and grazing in Lake George, Uganda
Motwani, M.P. and Y. Kanwai (1970)416
Kainji Lake Stud. Ecol., 1: 27–48
Fishes and fisheries of the coffer-dammed right channel of the River Niger at Kainji
Mulder, P.F.S. (1973)417
Zool.Afr., 8 (1):1–14
Aspects on the ecology of Barbus kimberleyensis and Barbus holubi in the Vaal River
Mulder, P.F.S. (1973)418
Zool.Afr., 8(1):15–24
Aspects on the ecology of Labeo capensis and Labeo umbratus in the Vaal River
Mulder, P.F.S. and G.W. Franke (1973)419
J.Fish.Biol., 5(2):143–5
A report on the artificial fertilization of the smallmouth yellowfish, Barbus holubi (Steindachner, 1894)
Muncy, R.J. (1973)420
Rome, FAO, FI:DP9/10 ZAM 511/3:69 p.
The Republic of Zambia. A survey of the major fisheries of the Republic of Zambia.
A report prepared for the Central Fisheries Research Institute, Chilanga Project
Muncy, R.J. (1975)421
Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol., (in press)
Floodplain fishery of the Kafue river, Zambia, Africa
Netterberg, F. (1973)422
S.Afr.Sci., 69(5):148
Note on the origin of fishes in Southern Africa and possible past links between the Okavango, Limpopo, Zambesi and Orange Rivers
Ngomirakiza, M. and L. Haling (1973)423
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special Issue 1, 53–7
Development of artisanal fishery in the Burundi waters of Lake Tanganyika
Nigeria. Federal Fisheries Services (1968)424
Rep.Lake Chad Res.Stn., Malamfatori (1966–67):83 p.
Okedi, J. (1968)425
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1967):42–8
Notes on the behaviour of the small mormyrid fishes of Lake Victoria
Okedi, J. (1969)426
Revue Zool.Bot.Afr., 79:34–64
Observations on the breeding and growth of certain mormyrid fishes of the Lake Victoria Basin
Okedi, J. (1970)427
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1969):42–55
Further observations on the ecology of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus Linné) in Lake Victoria and Lake Kioga
Okedi, J. (1970)428
E.Afr.agric.For.J., 35(4):436–42
A study of the fecundity of some mormyrid fishes from Lake Victoria
Okedi, J. (1971)429
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):1–12
The food and feeding habits of the small mormyrid fishes of Lake Victoria, East Africa
Okedi, J.(1971)430
Annu.Rep.EAFFRO, (1970):17–20
Maturity, sex ratio and fecundity of the lung fish (Protopterus aethiopicus) from Lake Victoria
Okorie, O.O.(1973)431
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., Special issue 1;27–34
Some major unsolved aspects of the dynamics of African fisheries as related to questions of rational development and management
Otobo, F.O. (1974)432
Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 3(2):123–34
The potential for clupeid fishery in Lake Kainji, Nigeria
Overmier, J. and D. Gross (1972)433
Z. Tierpsychol., 31(3):326–9
Quantitative study of nest building activity of the East African mouth-breeding fish, Tilapia mossambica
Pagan, F.A. (1969)434
FAO Aquac.Bull., 2(1):6
Cage culture of Tilapia
Pagan, F.A. (1970)435
FAO Aquac.Bull., 3(1):6
Cage culture of Tilapia
Paperna, I. (1968)436
Bamidgeh, 20(2):88–99
Monogenetic trematodes collected from freshwater fish in Ghana
Paperna, I. (1969)437
Bull.Inst.Fondam.Afr.Noire (A), 31:840–80
Monogenetic trematodes of the fish of the Volta Basin and South Ghana
Paperna, I. (1972)438
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Lymphocystis in fish from East African lakes
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Hosts, distribution and pathology of infections with larvae of Eustrongylides (Dioctophymidae, Nematoda) in fishes from East African lakes
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Larvae Contracaecum (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in the pericardium of fishes from East African lakes
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Report on ectoparasitic infections of fresh water fish in Africa
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ANNULOTREMA n. gen., a new genus of monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyridae, Bychowski, 1957) from African characin fish
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Testis weights in Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)
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Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Lateralissystems von Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)
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The establishment of lamstrine fish population in the Volta Lake in Ghana during 1964–66
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Fish population changes in the Volta Lake over the period January 1965 to September 1966
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Distribution, abundance and food of commercial fish in the Black Volta and the Volta man-made lake in Ghana during the filling period (1964–1968) 2. Characidae
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The fish population changes in the Volta Lake in 196
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Intestinal laminarinase of a vertebrate: Tilapia macrochir Boulenger (Teleostei, Cichlidae)
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The freshwater fishes of the Kruger National Park
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Composition, relative abundance and size range of fish populations in Lake Sibaya
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Nile perch as a predator in Tilapia ponds
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Révision des Synodontis africains (Famille Mochocidae)
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Un genre nouveau et une espèce nouvelle de Cyprinodontidae congolais
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The eyes of blind African fishes and of Caecomastacembelus brichardi Poll in particular
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Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika d'après les récoltes de P. Brichard
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Genre nouveau Triglachromis proposé pour Limnochromis otostigma Regan, Cichlidae du lac Tanganika
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Synopsis et distribution géographique des Clupeidae d'eau douce Africains, deseription de trois espèces nouvelles
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Révision des Malapteruridae et description d'une deuxième espèce de silure électrique
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A new, unusual, genus of Bagridae from the River Juba: Pardiglanis tarabinii gen. n. sp. n. (Pisces, Siluriformes). (In French)
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Feeding behaviour of barbel (catfish)
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Observations on parasitic infections in freshwater fishes of Ghana
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Species combination and stock densities in Aquaculture in Africa.
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X-ray analysis coupled with scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations of spermatozoa of the African lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus
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Description de Labeonema intermedia gen.n., sp.n., parasite d'un Labeo (Pisces, Cyprinidae) (Atractidae, Nematoda, Vermes)
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Etude systématique des organes sensoriels de la peau des Mormyriformes (Pisces, Mormyriformes)
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Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Procatopus (Cyprinodontidae)
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Biological studies on Sudanese inland fishes.
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The fishery of the lower Shire River area, Malawi
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Fishery technology in the Kainji Lake area
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Evaluation of fisheries resources in African freshwaters
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pH, salinity and temperature tolerance of Lake Magadi Tilapia
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Aménagement piscicole due lac artificiel d'Ayamé (République de Côte d'Ivoire)
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Contribution à l'étude ichthyologique du bassin du fleuve Sénégal. 2. Characidae
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The biology of the clupeids in the new Volta Lake
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Length-weight relationship of some Volta Lake fishes
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Hydrobiologia, 35:568–602
Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana. Part I. The Lake and the fish: feeding habits
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Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana. 2. Schooling and migrations
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Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(2):298–310
Biology and fisheries potential of four species of Alestes (Pisces-Characinidae) in the new Volta Lake, Ghana
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Biological notes on Barbus species (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Volta Lake, Ghana
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Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana. Part 3. Sex and reproduction
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The behaviour and brain function of the cichlid fish Hemihaplochromis philander
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Ecology of fishes in the Amazon and Congo basins
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Osteology and description of Tharattidion noctivagus, a minute, new freshwater clupeid fish from Cameroon, with discussion of pellonulin relationships
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Geographical distribution of African freshwater fishes
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A comparative study of the food habits of Microalestes acutidens and Alestes dageti (Pisces:Characidae) from the northern basin of Lake Chad
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Roloffia monroviae spec.nov.
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J.South Afr.Wildl.Manage.Assoc., 3(1):16
Reaction times of certain freshwater fishes to a rotenone-containing piscicide
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J.South Afr.Wildl.Manage.Assoc., 3(1):19–21
Laboratory and field tests in the revival of fish affected by rotenone
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Familiar behaviour of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) and its implication
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Effect of pollution on the blood characteristics of Tilapia zillii
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A comparative study of the length-weight equation and the condition factor of Tilapia zillii from Lake Mariut, Egypt
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Host-parasite relationships of Macrogyrodactylus polypteri (Trematoda:Monogenea) in some fishes of The Sudan
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The prevention and treatment of diseases of warm-water fishes under subtropical conditions with special emphasis on intensive fish farming
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The status of information on fish diseases in Africa and possible means of their control.
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Etude de Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) dans la région Sénégambienne - 2ème note: la pêche et le stock des ethmaloses dans le fleuve Sénégal et la région de Saint-Louis
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Investigation on the biology and fisheries of Bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata, Bowdich) in the Senegambia - (March 1971) Project Survey and development of pelagic fish resources
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Investigations on the biology and fisheries of Bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata, Bowdich) in the Senegambia, during May 1971. Project Survey and development of pelagic fish resources
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Biologie et pêche de Ethmalosa fimbriata, (Bowdich) de la région Sénégambienne. 1ère note. Contribution à la connaissance de la reproduction dans le fleuve Sénégal et la région de Saint-Louis
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A preliminary evaluation of the potential for cage culture of fish in Lake Kossou, Ivory Coast
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Fish culture possibilities around Lagos Lagoon and results of recent trials
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Review of the status and potential of Aquaculture in Nigeria
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Culture of Chrysichthys in Nigeria
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The biology of cultivable brackishwater and marine finfish in Africa.
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Sexual imprinting on another species in a cichlid fish, Haplochromis burtoni
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Anatomische Untersuchungen an den Hirnnerven von Tilapia (Cichlidae, Teleostei)
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Yield equations and indices for tropical freshwater fish populations
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Yield isopleths of Tilapia esculenta Graham 1928 in Lake Victoria and Tilapia nilotica (Linnaeus)
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On the fishes and fisheries of Lake Baringo
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On the fish species of Lake Baringo
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Perspectives du développement de la pêche dans le bassin du lac Tchad
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Fishing technology
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Ostéologie du genre Campylomormyrus Bleeker
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Note sur la systématique de poissons Mormyriformes
Le problème des genres Gnathonemus Gill, Marcusenius Gill, Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, Cyphomyrus Myers et les nouveaux genres Pollimyrus et Brienomyrus
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Considérations générales sur la systématique des poissons de l'ordre des Mormyriformes
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Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae (Poissons Ostéoglossomorphes): Boulengeromyrus Knoepffleri gen.sp.nov.
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An annotated bibliography of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)
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A preliminary contribution to a systematic revision of the genus Pelmatochromis Hubrecht sensu lato
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Description d'une nouvelle espèce d'Alestes de la rivière Cess (Côte d'Ivoire et Libéria)
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A new species of cichlid fishes of rivers Quanza and Bengo, Angola, with a list of the known Cichlidae of these rivers and a note on Pseudocrenilabrus natalensis Fowler
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