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  1. Opening of the Workshop

  2. Adoption of the Agenda

  3. Election of Rapporteurs

  4. Introductory Papers

    The Role of Fry and Fingerling Supply in Fish Culture

    Present Status of Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings in the EIFAC Region

  5. General Review Papers on Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings

  6. Experience Papers on Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings

  7. Demonstration of Fry and Fingerling Rearing at the Fish Culture Station of the Organization for Improvement of Inland Fisheries near Lelystad

  8. Conclusions and Recommendations

  9. Adoption of the Report

  10. Closing of the Workshop

List of Participants


Dr. J. Hemsen
Bundesinstitut für Gewässerforschung und Fischereiwirtschaft
5310 Mondsee


Ir. J.A. Timmermans
Station de Recherches des Eaux et Forêts
1990 Groenendaal-Hoeilaart


Dr. J. From
Danish Trout Culture Research Station
Brøns, 6780 Skaerbaek


Dr. K. Westman
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
P.O. Box 193
00131 Helsinki 13


Mr. J.P. Cavitte
Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche
Le Paraclet
B.P. 5
F. 80440 Boves

Dr. N. Charlon
Laboratoire de Méthodologie des Inventaires
B.P. 3
64310 Ascain

Ir. P. de Kimpe
Centre Technique Forestier Tropical
45 bis Avenue de la belle Gabrielle
94130 Nogent sur Marne
(Val de Marne)


Dr. M. Bohl
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wasserforschung
Versuchanstalt Wielenbach
Demollstrasse 31
D-8111 Wielenbach i. OB

Dr. G. Gunkel
Limnologisches Institut der Universität Freiburg
775 Konstanz-Egg
Mainaustrasse 212

Dipl.-Biol. G. Heisig
Linmologisches Institut der Universität Freiburg
775 Konstanz-Egg
Mainaustrasse 212

Dip.-Biol. H. Koops
Institut für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei der BFA für Fischerei
D-2000 Hamburg 50
Palmaille 9

Dr. M. von Lukowics
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Fischerei
Weilheimerstrasse 8/a
8130 Starnberg

Prof. Dr. Ch. Meske
Institut für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei der BFA für Fischerei
Aussenstelle Ahrensburg
Wulfsdorfer Weg 204
2070 Ahrensburg


Dr. L. Horváth
Warmwater Fish Hatchery
2441 Szazhalombatta
P.O. Box 28

Dr. G. Tamás
Warmwater Fish Hatchery
2441 Szazhalombatta
P.O. Box 28


Dr. D. Kahan
Department of Zoology
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mr. S. Rothbard
Fish and Aqua-culture Research Station
D.N. Hof-Hacarmel


Prof. Dr. P. Ghittino
Experimental Institute for Animal Prophylaxis
Fish Disease Research Centre
Via Bologna 148
10154 Turin


Ir. C.M. Bungerberg de Jong
Organisatie ter Verbetering van de Binnenvisserij (O.V.B.)
Buxtehudelaan 1
3438 EA Nieuwegein

Ir. H. Hogendoorn
Department of Fish Culture and Inland Fisheries
State Agriculture University
P.O. Box 338

Prof. Dr. E.A. Huisman
Organisatie ter Verbetering van de Binnenvisserij (O.V.B.)
Buxtehudelaan 1
3438 EA Nieuwegein


Department of Fish Culture and Inland Fisheries, State Agriculture University
P.O. Box 338

Drs. J.G.P. Klein Breteler
Organisatie ter Verbetering van de Binnenvisserij (O.V.B.)
Buxtehudelaan 1
3438 EA Nieuwegein

Drs. C.L. van Limborgh
Trouw & Co. N.V.
P.O. Box 40
Putten (Gld.)

Ir. B. Steinmetz
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
P.O. Box 20401
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
2500 EK 's-Gravenhage

Ir. J.J. van der Wind
Trouw & Co. N.V.
P.O. Box 40
Putten (Gld.)


Dr. O.J. Torrissen
Institute of Marine Research
5198 Matredal


Dr. R. Müller
Swiss Federal Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control
Lake Research Laboratory
CH-6047 Kastanienbaum


Dr. C.E. Purdom
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Fisheries Laboratory
Lowestoft, Suffolk

Mr. B. Stott
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Whitehall Place
London SW 1A 2HH


Mr. H. Westers
Department of Natural Resources
Fisheries Division
Stevens T. Mason Building
Box 30028
Lansing, Michigan 48909


Prof. Dr. N. Fijan
Veterinary Faculty
University of Zagreb
Heinzelova 55 p.p. 190
41001 Zagreb

Prof. Dr. B. Rzanicanin
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
University of Zagreb
Simunska cesta 25

FAO, Rome

Dr. A.G. Coche
FIRI, Fisheries Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100, Rome


Dr. Z.H. Shehadeh
International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management (ICLARM)
MCC P.O. Box 1501
Metro Manila

Opening Address

D.E. van Drimmelen

Acting Director of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Chairman of Organization for the Improvement of Inland Fisheries (OVB)

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to welcome you all to The Netherlands.

You arrived here to attend the EIFAC Workshop on Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings of Fresh Water Fishes, which will be held in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and on the fish farm of the Organization for the Improvement of Inland Fisheries (OVB) at Lelystad. I hope that during your visit to us you will not only succeed in producing a good piece of cooperative work but also in enjoying your stay in this country.

It is not the first time that The Netherlands acted as a host for activities of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission of FAO. In 1972 in this room the First European Consultation on the Economic Evaluation of Sport and Commercial Fisheries was organized. In the same year the Seventh Session of the Commission was held at the International Congrescentrum RAI, Amsterdam.

This session was preceded by a Symposium on the Major Communicable Fish Diseases in Europe and their Control, organized by FAO/EIFAC with the support of the International Office of Epizootics (OIE). And now we see so many distinguished scientists of so many countries join here to exchange and compile knowledge and information on a specific, but still very important phase in fish culture.

Looking at the work of EIFAC, as it has developed during the last 15 years, we can observe that its work has extended and has gained more and more scientific profundity. It was and is a promising experience to see so many EIFAC countries willing to collaborate in the field of inland fisheries, to see so many scientists from these countries being prepared to cooperate in so many specific programmes in this field.

Yet, I should like to emphasize that this development is not only induced by a willingness to cooperate but also by a necessity to do so. In most of the European countries inland fisheries and culture of fresh water fishes constitute a relatively small economic pillar in comparison with, for instance, industrial developments or even compared to agriculture or forestry. In the separate countries it is almost inevitable, that the efforts in the field of research are and will be of a corresponding nature. In that situation we may say that workers in inland fisheries and fish culture are more or less dependent on international cooperation, based on mutuality. There are many reasons to consider it as a great benefit, that EIFAC has elaborated and implemented adequate schemes to meet the occurring wants.

During the Nineteenth FAO Regional Conference for Europe held at Lausanne, 1974, it became evident that EIFAC got a strong support of the countries within the European region, but not only for the work rendered on behalf of these countries themselves. It was also stressed that the EIFAC activities to mobilize and coordinate scientific progress were appreciated because of their value for nations beyond the European region, and especially for developing countries.

It is evident that this is very valid for the EIFAC activities in the field of fish culture and more specifically for the Workshop that is now starting on Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings of Fresh Water Fishes. There is no way to harvest fish without recruitment. There is no way to produce fish in culture systems without rearing of the youngest stages. There is no way to progress without sincere analysis of the processes, the views and conceptions, which were valid so far.

Mr. Chairman, in The Netherlands we can neither speak of a long tradition in freshwater fish culture, nor of any extensiveness in its application. Still we hope that facilities here and on Thursday at the OVB fish farm at Lelystad may contribute to your work. With that I should like to conclude. May I wish all of you success in our meetings and a pleasant stay in this country.

Chairman's Introduction

On the Role of Fry and Fingerling Supply in Fish Culture

Prof. Dr. E.A. Huisman
Organisatie ter Verbetering van de Binnenvisserij (OVB)


Department of Fish Culture and Inland Fisheries
State Agriculture University

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues,

Starting my introduction to this Workshop I should like to add to the officially addressed welcome, my gratitude to all of you for coming here and to many of you for submitting review and experience papers as guidelines for our discussions.

In my opinion it is worthwhile to stress that at this very moment we are representing 16 different countries of which 14 are member countries of EIFAC. I think that this is a clear illustration of the very needs for and interest in this phase of fish culture. And at the same time it lays a claim on us to do the very best we can in all our activities during the next few days.

In this workshop we are dealing with the mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of fresh-water fishes as a logical consequence and follow-up of the “Workshop on Controlled Reproduction of Cultivated Fishes” of EIFAC, held in Hamburg, 1973.

Fry of many fish species can be obtained using more or less controlled reproduction methods as was dealt with extensively during the 1973 EIFAC workshop. However, quite an important part of fish culture still relies on the supply of fry by catch from the wild, as for example eel (Anguilla spp.) milkfish (Chanos chanos), mullet (Mugil spp.), catfish (Clarias spp.), etc.

For a fish culture industry the necessity of a dependable supply of fry, either produced or caught, is quite obvious.

However, the supply of fry from the wild can fluctuate considerably. For instance, in Taiwan the catch of milkfish fry in 1967 amounted to 28 million and in 1970 to 207 million (Chen, 1976). In the Central African Empire only 50–60 percent of the available fish ponds were in operation in 1975 mainly due to the absence of an adequate fry and fingerling supply (Miller, 1975). Eel production in Japan dropped considerably after 1969 correlated with a strong decline in the catch of elvers (Japan Fisheries Society, 1975).

But also pond or hatchery produced fry can be scarce. In some regions this might be structural by lack of adequate fry producing capacity as was pointed out recently by Dwivendi (1979) for India. However, also in Europe temporary market shortages do occur for fingerlings of carp (Cyprinus carpio), pike (Esox lucius), pike perch (Stisostedion lucioperca) and others, due to unfavourable weather conditions and/or disease outbreaks.

As pointed out very clearly by Woynarovich (1975) the controlled reproduction of fishes has been, is, and will be of increasing importance for a dependable and continuous (even out-of-season) supply of fry for aquaculture industry. This is the first link in the whole chain of fish production but the rearing of fry to fingerling stage may be regarded as just as an important second link in this process.

The terms “fry” and “fingerlings” are rather easily used, but it should be kept in mind very clearly that most fishes have to increase their weight by a thousand or even a few thousand times just to grow from fry, starting with the first exogenous feeding, to fingerling size. This is particularly true for most of the fishes referred to in this workshop.

Therefore, it is important to realise that we are dealing with that phase in fish culture in which the relative weight development for most fishes is much larger than during the fattening of the fish in the next phase of fish culture.

Another aspect should be mentioned too, namely that the period of this so-called nursing is very short in relation to the next fattening period. So, our workshop deals with propagation methods of organisms at extremely high growth rates.

Results achieved in our institutes with cyprinid fishes (Huisman, 1974, 1979) and with African catfish (Hogendoorn, 1979) indicate, that during the first days after yolk sac absorption specific growth rates up to 100 percent of body weight per day are quite common. This leads to the fact that the food ration during the first days of nursing has to be several times (depending on the nature of the feed) the total biomass of the fish per day.

In studying the literature concerning nursery operations and fry rearing experiments, it is striking how often low growth rates - in fact too low relative to the growth potential - are reported. This is especially true for experiments carried out in artificial environments using artificial diets but also for the proven control diet (Appelbaum, 1977; Kossmann, 1970; Meske and Pfeffer, 1978; Schlumpberger, Anwand and Mende, 1976). This indicates most probably rather poor quantitative feeding and qualitative husbandry techniques.

Apart from quantitative aspects of feeding, qualitative aspects may be of equal or even more importance. It is well known that nutritional requirements depend among other factors on the size of the fish and it would be even naive to assume that a thousandfold increase in weight during the initial growth phases should not change these requirements.

On first sight it may be considered economically irrelevant or even impossible to use different feeds during such a short nursery period. But in not doing so, we may have traced a reason why fish fry reared in ponds usually outgrow the hatchery reared ones fed on artificial diets, even when the best known methods are used.

Although in ponds a great variety of food (organisms) may be present, pond management still has to be carefully directed toward the particular phase of the life cycle of the fish fry cultivated. Experimental results of pike perch culture indicate that the ultimate production of fingerlings by and large depends on the availability of suitable tiny food organisms during the very early days of exogenous feeding, thus interacting with pond-filling time, ambient temperature, etc.

Food selectivity, on the one hand in size and on the other hand in species of prey, may be of great importance especially when the fry are of smaller sizes.

Apart from these and other nutritional and aquazootechnical nursery aspects, the production of fry and fingerlings can be strongly hampered by infestations of pathogens. Outbreaks of diseases are most critical in the very sensitive young stages of fish. It is well known that infections with specific viruses are detrimental just for the younger fish stages as, for instance, Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (I.P.N.), Channel Catfish Virus Disease (C.C.V.D.) and Pike Fry Rhabdovirus Disease (P.F.R.D.), while bigger fishes are far less or not at all susceptible, although they might be infected (carriers). Practice-directed research in the basic principles of the immune response development during the early life stages of fish is highly required.

The examples mentioned thus far can easily be extended to others - and I am sure they will during this workshop - illustrating that in rearing of fry and fingerlings from the zootechnical point of view one deals with an organism in a very susceptible and crucial stage of its life cycle.

On the other hand the objectives of this phase of fish culture are very challenging. In general two objectives can be numerated, that is the production of a half-product for fish culture purposes (Cyprinids, trout, etc.), and the production of an end-product for re-stocking purposes (pike, Coregonids, etc.) as a tool in fisheries management. An intermediate position is taken by the production of, for instance, fingerlings of Pacific Salmonids (Oncorhynohus spp.) for ocean ranching, which is rapidly expanding and is expected to increase total salmon production by 30 percent in the next five or six years (FAO Fisheries Statistical Yearbook 1976).

Whatever the objectives will be, the development of methods for a safe and dependable mass rearing of fry and fingerlings can be regarded as an important crossing between reproduction of fish on the one hand and fish culture and fisheries management on the other hand.

It is my sincere hope that this workshop may contribute largely to this crucial phase in fish culture to enhance the safe supply of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes.

Technical Papers Presented at the Workshop

Introductory Papers
1.On the role of fry and fingerling supply in fish culture, chairman's introduction.E.A. Huisman
2.Present status of mass rearing of fry and fingerlings in the EIFAC RegionA.G. Coche and G. Bianchi
Review Papers
3.Controlled fry and fingerling production in hatcheriesH. Westers
4.Fry and fingerling production under pond farm management conditions (carp and other cyprinids)G. Tamás and L. Horváth
5.Feeds and feeding in fry and fingerling cultureJ.J. van der Wind
6.Health protection of fry and fingerlings in mass rearing operationsN. Fijan
Experience Papers
7.Indoor and pond rearing technology for fry and fingerlings of wels (Silurus glanis L.)L. Horváth
8.Experiments with first feeding of carp fry with Alevon and freeze-dried fishM. von Lukowicz
9.Mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of herbivorous fish up to one month of ageB. Rzanicanin
10.Herbivorous fish breeding and rearingV.K. Vinogradov
11.Rearing of elversH. Koops
12.Propagation and rearing of pike perch in pond cultureA. Antalfi
13.Mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of trout species (Salmo spp.)J. From
14.Mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of salmon species (Salmo salar and Oncorhynchus spp.)O. Torrissen
15.Production and reproduction of tenchM. von Lukowicz and Chr. Proske
16.Catfish farming in EuropeP. Ghittino
17.Cultivation of whitefish (Coregonus fera J.): general possibilities and new findings about the growth of fry and fingerlingsG. Gunkel and H. Kausch
18.Propagation of pike (Esox lucius L.) fry and fingerlingsJ.A. Timmermans
19.Nursing of pike: problems and future perspectivesJ.P. Cavitte
20.First experiments concerning controlled reproduction and rearing of fry and fingerlings of rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.)J.G.P. Klein Breteler
21.Food organisms for larval and fry rearing of mulletD. Kahan
22.Practical mass culture of the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis, Müller)S. Rothbard

Status of Indoor and Outdoor Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings of Important Fish Species in the EIFAC Region

Based on the country reports submitted for the preparation by A.G. Coche and G. Bianchi of the manuscript “Present Status of Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings in the EIFAC Region” presented to the Workshop. Information about fry and fingerling rearing is listed in the next table. This information is rather tentative:

-   For some fish species information was lacking in the country reports;

-   Some institutes do have routinely small-scale reproduction and/or nursing of fish species, but these procedures are not yet established in the fish culture industry.

For these reasons the information given is incomplete and should be used with some caution, being based on information provided by only a limited number of EIFAC member countries.

 Latin nameEnglish nameReproductionaSao fry-feeding fry stageFeeding fry-fingerling stage
 Acipenser spp.Sturgeon**+**+**+
 Anguilla anguilla (L. 1758)Eur. eel*****+*+
 Micropterus spp.Bass******
 Tilapia spp.Tilapia**E**E**E
 Clarias lazera (Val. 1840)African catfish**E**E**E
 Coregonus spp.Whitefish-++++++++E
 Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758)(Common) carp++++++++++++
 Tinoa tinca (L. 1758)Tench++E++E++E
 Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val. 1844)Grass carp-++-++++++
 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val. 1844)Silver carp-++-++++E
 Aristhichthys nobilis (R. 1845)Big head-++-++++E
 Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L. 1758)Rudd++E++E++E
 Rutilus rutilus (L. 1758)Roach++E++E++E
 Esox lucius (L. 1758)(Northern) pike-++-++++++
 Ictalurus punctatus (Raf. 1818)Channel catfish+--+++
 Mugil spp.Mullet-+-+++
 Lucioperca lucioperca (L. 1758)Pike perch++E++++++E
 Perca fluviatilis (L. 1758)Perch+-+-+-
 Stizostedion vitreum (Mitch. 1815)Walleye******
 Salmo gairdneri (Rich. 1836)Rainbow trout-++-++++++
 Salmo trutta fario (L. 1758)Brown trout-++-++++++
 Salmo trutta lacustris (L. 1758)Eur. lake trout******
 Salmo trutta trutta (L. 1758)Sea trout-++-++++++
 Salmo salar (L. 1758)Atlantic salmon-++-++++++
 Oncorhynchus spp.Pacific salmon-+-+++
 Salvelinus alpinus (L. 1758)(Arctic) char-++-++++++
 Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitch. 1815)Brook trout-++-++++++
 Salvelinus namaycush (Walb. 1792)(Am.) lake trout-++-++++++
 Hucho hucho (L. 1758)Danube salmon-E-EEE
 Silurus glanis (L. 1758)Wels/Eur. catfish++++++++++E
 Thymallus thymallus (L. 1758)Grayling-++-++++E


a Indoor reproduction does include artificial fertilization of sexual products of wild-caught spawners

* Lack of information in the country reports available, but sometimes additional information based on other reports (journals,periodicals, etc.) is included here

- Not or hardly established

+ Established to a limited level or in limited areas in EIFAC Region

++ Well established

E Experimental

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