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Literature cited

Appelbaum, S., 1977 Geeigneter Ersatz für Lebendnahrung von Karpfenbrut. Arch.Fischereiwiss., 28: 31–43

Chen, T.P., 1976 Aquaculture practices in Taiwan. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News (Books) Ltd., 162 p.

Dwivendi, S.N., 1979 The seed suppliers. Fish Farming Int., 5:8–11

Japan Fisheries Association, 1975 Fish farming in Japan. Tokyo, Japan Fisheries Association, 44 p.

Hogendoorn, H., 1979 Controlled propagation of the African catfish, Clarias lazera (C. & V.) 3. Rearing of fry. Aquaculture (submitted for publication)

Huisman, E.A., 1974 A study of optimal rearing conditions for carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Thesis State Agriculture University, Wageningen, 95 p. (in Dutch, with English summary)

Huisman, E.A., The culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) under artificial conditions. In Proceedings of EIFAC symposium on finfish nutrition and feed technology (in press)

Kossmann, H., 1970 Versuch zur Erhöhung der Zuwachsleistung von Karpfen in Teichwirtschaften durch gezielte Brutzerzeugung in Warmwasser. 1. Mitteilung. Die Anzucht von vorgestreckter Karpfenbrut im Warmwasserhaus. Fischwirt, 20:255–63

Meske, C. and E. Pfeffer, 1978 Growth experiments with carp and grass carp. Arch.Hydrobiol., Beih. 11:98–107

Miller, J.W., 1975 Review and evaluation of rural fish culture extension in the Central African Empire. A report prepared for the Fish Culture Training and Research Project. Rome, FAO, CAF/72/002:28 p.

Schlumpberger, W., K. Anwand and R. Mende, 1976 Erfahrungen bei der Brutaufzucht von Amurkarofen (Ctenopharyngodon idella, Val.) und Silberkarpfen (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) mit verschiedenen Trockenfuttermitteln. Z.Binnenfisch.D.D.R., 23:164–74

Woynarovich, G., 1978 The role of induced breeding in fish culture development. In Workshop on controlled reproduction of cultivated fishes. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (25):18–24


EIFAC/T1Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries (1964).
EIFAC/T2Fish diseases. Technical Notes submitted to EIFAC Third Session by Messrs. J. Heyl, H. Mann, C. J. Rasmussen and A. van der Struik (Austria, 1964).
EIFAC/T3Feeding in trout and salmon culture. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fourth Session (Belgrade, 1966).
EIFAC/T4Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries (1968).
EIFAC/T5Organization of inland fisheries administration in Europe, by Jean-Louis Gaudet (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T6Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on water temperature and inland fisheries based mainly on Slavonic literature (1968).
EIFAC/T7Economic evaluation of inland sport fishing, by Ingemar Norling (Sweden, 1968)
EIFAC/T8Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. List of literature on the effect of water temperature on fish (1969).
EIFAC/T9New developments in carp and trout nutrition. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fifth Session (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T10Comparative study of laws and regulations governing the international traffic in live fish and fish eggs, by F.B. Zenny, FAO Legislation Branch (Rome, 1969).
EIFAC/T11Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on ammonia and inland fisheries (1970).
EIFAC/T12Salmon and trout feeds and feeding (1971).
EIFAC/T13Elements of the theory of age determination of fish according to scales. The problems of validity (1971).
EIFAC/T14EIFAC consultation on eel fishing gear and techniques (Rome, 1971)
EIFAC/T15Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on monohydric phenols and inland fisheries (1972).
EIFAC/T16Symposium on the nature and extent of water pollution problems affecting inland fisheries in Europe. Synthesis of national reports (1972).
EIFAC/T17Symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Report (1972).
The major communicable fish diseases of Europe and North America. A review of national and international measures for their control, by P.E. Thompson, W.A. Dill and G. Moore (1973).
Suppl. 2
Symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Panel reviews and relevant papers (1973).
EIFAC/T18The role of administrative action as a tool in water pollution control, by G.K. Moore, FAO Legislation Branch (Rome, 1973).
EIFAC/T19Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on dissolved oxygen and inland fisheries (1973).
EIFAC/T20Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on chlorine and freshwater fish (1973).
EIFAC/T21Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on zinc and freshwater fish (1973).
EIFAC/T22Ecological diagnosis in salmonid streams - Method and Example, by R. Cuinat et al. (1975).
EIFAC/T23Report on the Symposium on methodology for the survey, monitoring, and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers (1974).
Suppl. 1
Symposium on the methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers - Panel reviews and relevant papers/Symposium sur les méthodes de prospection, de surveillance et d'évaluation des ressources ichtyologiques dans les lacs et grands cours d'eau - Exposés des groupes et communications apparentées (1975).
EIFAC/T24Report on fish toxicity testing procedures (1975).
EIFAC/T25Workshop on controlled reproduction of cultivated fishes - Report and relevant papers/Réunion sur la reproduction contrôlée des poissons d'élevage - Rapport et communications apparentées (1976).
EIFAC/T26Economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries. Report and technical papers of the Second European Consultation, held in Göteborg, Sweden, 22–24 September 1975 (1977).
EIFAC/T27Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on copper and freshwater fish (1976).
EIFAC/T28Joint ICES/EIFAC Symposium on eel research and management (Anguilla spp.). Report/Symposium conjoint CIEM/CECPI sur la recherche et l'exploitation des anguilles (Anguilla spp.). Rapport (1976).
EIFAC/T29Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on the effect of zinc and copper pollution on the salmonid fisheries in a river and lake system in central Norway (1977).
EIFAC/T30Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on cadmium and freshwater fish (1977).
EIFAC/T31Report on the Symposium on Finfish Nutrition and Feed Technology (1978).
EIFAC/T32The value and limitations of various approaches to the monitoring of water quality for freshwater fish (1978).
EIFAC/T33Guidelines for sampling fish in freshwater (1979).
EIFAC/T34Report on the EIFAC/EVO fishing gear intercalibration experiments (1979).
EIFAC/T35Report of the EIFAC workshop on mass rearing of fry and fingerlings of freshwater fishes (1979).

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