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Blanc, M. et al., 1972 European inland water fish - A multilingual catalogue. EIFAC. London, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. unpag.

Dabrowski, B. and T. Waluś, 1965 Organization and production of fresh-water fisheries. In Fresh water fisheries of Poland, edited by T. Backiel. Kraków, PWN, pp. 31–6

EIFAC, 1964 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (1):21 p.

EIFAC, 1966 Report of Fourth Session, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Belgrade (Yugoslavia) 9–14 May 1966. Rome, FAO, 68 p.

EIFAC, 1968 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (4):24 p.

EIFAC, 1968 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Report on water temperature and inland fisheries based mainly on Slavonic literature. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (6):30 p.

EIFAC, 1968 Report of Fifth Session, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Rome (Italy) 20–24 May 1968. Rome, FAO, 73 p.

EIFAC, 1969 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. List of literature on the effect of water temperature on fish. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (8): 8 p.

EIFAC, 1970 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Report on ammonia and inland fisheries. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (11):12 p.

EIFAC, 1970a Report of Sixth Session, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Kraków (Poland) 18–22 May 1970. Rome, FAO, 71 p.

EIFAC, 1972 Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish. Report on monohydric phenols and inland fisheries. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (11):12 p.

EIFAC, 1973 Report of Seventh Session, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Amsterdam (Netherlands) 24–28 April 1972. Rome, FAO, 73 p.

France. 1972 Gazette officielle de la Pêche, No.456, Doc.585, 10 December 1972

Gaudet, J.-L., 1968 Organization of inland fisheries administration in Europe. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (5):74 p.

Gaudet, J.L. (ed.), 1972 First European consultation on the economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries. Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Netherlands with the support of EIFAC, The Hague, 24–25 January 1972. The Hague, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Netherlands and FAO/ EIFAC, 147 p.

Gottschalk, J.S., 1970 Fishery management in Spanish Galicia. Prog.Fish-Cult., 32(3)

Great Britain. 1961 Committee on salmon and freshwater fisheries. Report of Committee on salmon and freshwater fisheries. Presented to Parliament by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, by command of Her Majesty, May 1961. London, HMSO, Cmnd. 1350:151 p.

Holden, A.V. and R. Lloyd, 1972 Symposium on the nature and extent of water pollution problems affecting inland fisheries in Europe. Synthesis of national reports. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (16):20 p.

Natural Environment Research Council, 1972 National angling survey 1969–70, conducted for the Steering Committee for the National Survey of angling services. London W.C.2., National Opinions Polls Ltd.

Natural Environment Research Council, 1972a Research in freshwater biology. Nat.Environ.Res.Counc.Publ.Ser.(B), (3): 66 p.

Norling, I., 1968 Economic evaluation of inland sport fishing. EIFAC Tech.Pap., (7):96 p.

Norling, I. and J.-L. Gaudet, 1968 Summary of the organized discussion on the evaluation of sport fishing. EIFAC Occ.Pap., (1):24 p.

Norway. 1971 Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Salmon and sea trout fisheries. Oslo, H. Aschehoug and Co.

Paladino, J., 1965 Angling in Poland. In Freshwater fisheries of Poland, edited by T. Backiel. Kraków, PWN, pp.83–9

Ruivo, M. (ed.), 1972 Marine pollution and sea life. London, Fishing News (Books) Ltd.

Spain. 1963 Ministerio de Agricultura, Direccion General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial, Cotos salmoneros de pesca deportiva. Foll.Inf.Serv.Nac.Pesca Fluvial.Caza (Temas Piscic.), (3): 178 p.

Vibert, R. (ed.), 1967 Fishing with electricity: its application to biology and management. Contributions to a Symposium. London, Fishing News (Books) Ltd., 276 p.

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