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Bernstein T (1973). Effects of electricity and lightning on man and animals. Journal of Forensic Science 18, 3–11.

Bernstein T (1974). Electrical safety and electrofishing. pp. 32–33. In Novtny, D.W. and G.R. Priegel, (eds.) Electrofishing Boats. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Technical Bulletin no. 73, 48 pp.

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Eloranta A, Jutila, E & Kännö (1990). Electric fishing and its safety requirements in Finland. In Developments in Electric Fishing (I G Cowx ed) Fishing News Books, Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford. pp 340–343.

Goodchild G A (1986). Electrofishing guidelines and procedures. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Policy F1.3.01.01.

Hartley W G (1975). Electrical fishing apparatus and its safety. Fisheries Management 6, 73–77.

Hickley P (1985). Recent developments in electric fishing gear. Institute of Fisheries Management News, 18, 5–9

Hickley P & Millwood B (1990). The UK safety guidelines for electric fishing : its relevance and application. In Developments in Electric Fishing (I G Cowx ed) Fishing News Books, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Lazauski H G & Malvestuto S P (1990). Electric fishing: results of a survey on use, boat construction, configuration and safety in the USA. In Developments in Electric Fishing (I G Cowx ed) Fishing News Books, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. pp 327–339

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Novotny D W & Priegel G R (1974). Electrofishing boats, improved designs and operational guidelines to increase the effectiveness of boom shockers. Department of Natural Resources, Madison Wisconsin, Technical Bulletin 73, 48 pp.

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Williams, G I (1984). A medium-power electric fishing apparatus. Fisheries Management 15, 169–176.

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