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Appendix 1 Daily field check sheet electric fishing boat based gear safety inspection (From Goodchild 1986)

Boat ID........................................................................................................................................................Date...................................
Crew Leader.........................................................................................................................................................................................
Crew Members......................................................................................................................................................................................
Log Book: Up to date....................................................................................................................................Yes..............No................
Manual present.............................................................................................................................................Yes..............No................


Hull integrity
Safety railings intact and sturdy
Decks clean, free of excess water/bilges dry
Adequate mechanical protection of wiring
Adequate connectors and interlocking (integral with hull)
All metal equipment in boat electrically bonded to hull (check with volt/ohm meter)
Batteries fully charged - properly enclosed and vented
Communication gear working (where applicable)
Oars/bailers present
Anchors/bailers present
Controls and gauges operational
hv output checks done
Adequate mechanical protection of wiring
Adequate connectors and interlocking
Audible tone generator working
hv flashing light working
All foot switches working
‘KILL SWITCH’ working
Operators safety switch working


Unit electrically bonded/connected to hull
Exhaust directed away from operator
All electrical connections secure and protected
Oil level OK
Fuel topped up

Boat motor


Oil level OK (where applicable)
Components secure
Belts OK
Visual inspection OK
Proper venting of exhaust
No fuel leaks
Auxiliary motor working
Bilge blower working


Fastened securely - safety chain
Adequate fuel supply

Ancillary equipment

Fire extinguisher present - fully charged
First aid kit and flashlight present
Bullhorn working
Headphone/communication gear working, where applicable
Lights working

Personnel/crew members

Each crew member briefed on boat operation, etc
Minimum number of crew trained in CPR, and
basic electronics
Each crew member wearing rubber gloves (long arm)
Each crew member wearing rubber boots
Each crew member wearing protective hearing gear
where applicable)
Each crew member has deadman switchman
Safety procedures covered
Local arrangements covered, ie police etc
Hospital route outlined

Appendix 2 Daily field check sheet electric fishing shore based gear safety inspection (from Goodchild 1986)

Unit ID........................................................................................................................................................Date...................................
Crew Leader.........................................................................................................................................................................................
Crew Members......................................................................................................................................................................................
Log Book: Up to date....................................................................................................................................Yes..............No................
Manual present.............................................................................................................................................Yes..............No................


Electrical connections secure and protected
Mountings secure
Exhaust directed away from operator
Frame properly grounded to earth
Unit electrically bonded/connected to frame
Oil topped up
Fuel topped up
Controls and gauges operational
hv checks done
Adequate mechanical protection of wiring
Adequate connectors and interlocking
Audible tone generator working
hv flashing light working
Operators foot switch working
‘KILL SWITCH’ working
Anode switches working
Wiring to anodes in good condition
Anodes in good condition-attached to handle securely
No screens of nets attached to anode hoops
Anode handles of non-conductive material
Cathode plate clean - connection secure
Anode cables unwound from coil - connections tight

Ancillary equipment

Fire extinguisher - fully charged - correct type
First aid kit present - fully replenished
Fuel containers - regulation style
Dip net handles made of non-conductive material

Personnel/crew members

Each crew member briefed on unit operation
Minimum number of crew trained in CPR, first aid and basic electronics present
Each crew member wearing rubber gloves (long arm)
Each crew member wearing rubber boots, or waders
Operator wearing protective hearing gear
Safety procedures covered
Local arrangements covered, ie police etc
Hospital route outlined


EIFAC/OP1Summary of the organized discussion on the economic evaluation of sport fishing (1968)
EIFAC/OP2Bibliography on nutritional requirements of salmonoid fishes/Bibliographie sur les besoins nutritifs des salmonidés (1968)
EIFAC/OP3Application of electricity to freshwater fishery management and development in Ireland (1969)
CECPI/OP4Les pêcheries de la Roumanie et la pêche roumaine (1970)
EIFAC/OP5Potential uses of waste waters and heated effluents (1971)
EIFAC/OP6Investigation of a method for comparing the efficiency of portable fishing machines/Etude d'une méthode permettant de comparer efficacité d'appareils de pêche électriques portables (1973)
EIFAC/OP7Economic issues and opportunities facing Europe in the field of sport fisheries/Problèmes et possibilités économiques de la pêche sportive en Europe (1973)
EIFAC/OP8Pond fish culture in Czechoslovakia (1973)
EIFAC/OP9A review of feeding equipment in fish culture (1973)
EIFAC/OP10Bibliography on nutritional requirements of warm-water fishes/Bibliographie sur les bsoins nutritifs des poissons vivant en eaux chaudes (1975)
EIFAC/OP11Survey of ownership and utilization of inland fisheries in various European countries and Canada (1976)
EIFAC/OP12Glossary of inland fishery terms/Glossaire de termes utilisés dans le domaine des pêches intérieures (1978)
EIFAC/OP13Historical review of EIFAC activities (1981)
CECPI/OP13Aperçu historique des activités de la CECPI (1981)
EIFAC/OP14EIFAC experiments on pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods in Lake Konnevesi, Finland (1982)
EIFAC/OP15EIFAC experiments in pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods in Lake Constance (1985)
EIFAC/OP16National reports of EIFAC member countries for the period January 1984 – December 1985/Rapports nationaux des pays membres de la CECPI pour la période janvier 1984 – décembre 1985 (1986)
EIFAC/OP17EIFAC experiments on pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods in Lake Tegel (1987)
EIFAC/OP18Bibliography of existing literature on selectivity of inland water fishing gear published by European authors (1987)
EIFAC/OP19The decrease in aquatic vegetation in Europe and its consequences for fish populations (1987)
EIFAC/OP20National reports of EIFAC member countries for the period January 1986 – December 1987/Rapports nationaux des pays membres de la CECPI pour la périoede janvier 1986 – décembre 1987 (1988)
EIFAC/OP21Age determination of Anguilla anguilla (.) and related species. Marking and tagging methods applied to eel, Anguilla anguilla (.) (1988)
EIFAC/OP22Report of the EIFAC Technical consultation on genetic brood-stock managment and breeding practices of finfish (1988)
EIFAC/OP23Codes of practice and manual of procedures for consideration of introductions and transfers of marine and freshwater organisms (1989)
EIFAC/OP24Code of practice and guidelines for safety with electric fishing (1991)


EIFAC documents are issued in three series:

EIFAC Reports

Report of each session in English and French

EIFAC Technical Papers

Selected scientific and technical papers, including some of those contributed as working documents to sessions of the Commission or its Sub-Commissions. Published in English and French, or one of these languages.

EIFAC Occasional Papers

Papers of general interest to the Commission. Published in the language submitted, either in English or French: sometimes in both languages.

Copies of these documents, when still available, can be obtained from:

European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission
Fisheries Department
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome

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