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Selected papers from the Seventh Session of the EIFAC Working Party on Eel will be published in a single issue of the journal Irish Fisheries Investigations.

Editing is under the control of an editorial board comprising:

Christopher Moriarty
Inge Boetius
Yves Desaunay
Brian Knights
Russell Poole
Hakan Wickstrom

All papers must be presented in English.

Authors will be requested to present the papers in one of three forms:


The length will depend entirely on the needs of the presentation. However, authors should avoid long introductions, descriptions of methods and discussions and the referees may require severe curtailment. Data given in tables should not be repeated in diagrams. Photographs will be accepted when essential to the paper.


Length will be limited to 1 500 words including abstract. One A4 page of diagrams will be permitted. A communication should be set out in the same form as a paper:

Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References.


The intention is to publish all abstracts sent to the Session. A length limit of 500 words may be imposed.

In the interests of issuing the Proceedings with the least possible delay, the Editorial Board may decide to impose a deadline for receipt of the final corrected manuscripts.

The following information on the proceedings from the Working Party on Eel, Porto 1989, is provided by Dr. F. Tesch:

“Dear Colleague,

Concerning the editorial and the distribution work of the Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie I should like to inform you that the distribution of reprints and copies of the eel issue (Vol. 74, No. 6, 1990) with the beginning of the month of August started earlier than expected and just around the date when my co-editor, Prof. Braum, arrived at the bureau of the publisher - Akademieverlag - in Berlin (now in the hands of the Chemieverlag in Weinheim), to submit the page proofs for printing. That means that corrections by the authors have not been considered, but I hope that major errors have been edited out by the publisher.

Enquiries by Prof. Braum with regard to obtaining extra issues at a reduced price for Working Party members resulted in a reduction not worth the effort entailed: we ourselves would have had to take over the work for distribution and to keep the cash. We therefore suggest you order the issue yourselves through booksellers.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. F.-W. Tesch, Biologische
Anstalt Helgoland, Notkestr. 31 W-D-2000 Hamburg 52”

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