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FAO Programme of Cooperation with Academic and Research Institutions
The present study was made possible thanks to the FAO Programme of Cooperation with Academic and Research Institutions. We thank the support from Dr. J.M. Kapetsky, FAO.

The first author acknowledges the assistance of Ing. J.H. Aguilar-Alc�rreca, Land Transport Director General, Mexico, Dr. M. Liz�rraga-Saucedo, FAO, A. P�rez-Bravo, Mexican Ambassador, Mexico, M. Moya-Palencia, Mexican Ambassador, Rome, Italy, and M.Sc. G. Torres-Moye, Director, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Ensenada, Mexico.

The second author acknowledges the support extended by Dr. J. Bolte, Department of Bioresource Engineering at Oregon State University, for general advice on integrating growth models with GIS. Additionally, Drs. M. Prein and R. Brummett, ICLARM; Dr. G. Delince, Consultant, Belgium; Dr. M. Dixon, University of Stirling, UK and K. Veverica, PD/A CRSP, Kenya Project, are gratefully acknowledged for providing fish growth data.

At large
FAO Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI)
J. M. Kapetsky
gave guidance and supervision throughout the development of the present study, M. Martinez, A. Tacon, K. Rana and Z. Shehadeh participated in the Expert Group that decided on the relative importance of the submodels in the small-scale and commercial models. A. Immink, completed the questionnaire prior to its completion by the Expert Group and M. Pedini, gave advice.

FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit (FIDI)
F. Schatto, prepared the final layout for the table of contents, wrote the distribution list for the report and made the necessary paper work to have the report published.

FAO GIS Centre, Environment and Natural resources Service (SDRN)
E. Ataman
, provided practical insights and advice on the GIS analyses, M. Zanetti, very kindly assisted in many parts of the GIS analyses, S. Agnesi, supervised the GIS analyses from time to time and F. Grita, wrote a number of GIS-related programmes in an earlier study (Kapetsky and Nath, 1997) that were used (i.e. urban market size and proximity model), modified or enhanced in the present study.

FAO Soils Resources Management and Conservation Service (AGLS)
F. Nachtergaele
, prepared the soil and terrain suitability table; advised on the preparation of the soil and terrain grid and provided the potential evapotranspiration data (obtained from IIASA) that was used in the development of the water requirement submodel and L. J.M. Jansen, helped evaluate the land cover map in order to extract the cropland areas for the creation of the inputs submodel.

FAO Water Resources Development and Management Service (AGLW)
J-M. Faures
, made an earlier study of the water requirement evaluation (Kapetsky and Nath, 1997) which served as a guideline to the present study and supervised the GIS analysis and J. Hoogeveen, gave advice on the development of the water requirement submodel, very kindly helped digitize data for Uganda, and assisted in many parts of the GIS analysis.

FAO WAICENT/FAOINFO Dissemination Management Branch (GILW)
S. Anibaldi, published the entire report in HTML format to make it more accessible to the general public.

FAO Animal Production Service (AGAP)
J. Dijkman
, gave advice on using livestock numbers as a surrogate for manure estimations and M. Sanchez-Hermosillo, provided hard-to-get data on livestock numbers from Kenya.

FAO Crop and Grassland Service (AGPC)
L. Herzigova, very kindly prepared all the histograms and graphs in the present report based on the outputs derived from the GIS maps produced.

FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit (FIDI)
J. Pleitez,
wrote the visual basic programme that was used to create a comma delimited ASCII file for mean annual wind velocity.

FAO Agrometeorology Group, Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN)
R. Gommes
, provided the climate data (obtained from CRES).

FAO Information Materials Production Brach (GIII)
O. Bolbol
, prepared all the maps presented in this report for publication.

Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK.
M.C.M. Beveridge
, gave advice and very kindly acted as a reviewer to this study, L. G. Ross, gave advice and C. Gonzales-Vera, provided references on GIS and data for the statistical analyses of the weights for the submodels.

ALCOM, Zimbabwe
Farayi Zimuidzi,
planned and carried out the field verification work and data collection and J. Moehl, gave advice.

Environment Institute, European Commission, Ispra, ITALY.
K. Chan
, gave advice and wrote the MINITAB programme that was used to assess the rank order of the weights used to build the small-scale and commercial models.


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