Food Coalition


Countries involved

  •  Ethiopia
  •  Zimbabwe

    National institutions

    • Ministry of Agriculture (Ethiopia) 
    • Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Welfare (Zimbabwe)
    • Ministry Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement (Zimbabwe)
    • Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and Small and Medium Enterprises Development (Zimbabwe)

    Non-state actors

    • International Finance Corporation (Ethiopia)
    • Adama Science and Technology University (Ethiopia)
    • Lume Adama Farmers’ Cooperative Union (Ethiopia)
    • NAS Cargo and Logistic Service (Ethiopia) 
    • Africa Economic Development Strategies (AEDS) (Zimbabwe)
    • Pivot Africa (Zimbabwe)
    • University of Zimbabwe
    • Chengeto Consultancy Services (Zimbabwe)

    Time frame



    In Ethiopia, price hikes on foods are unacceptably high because of limited availability of and access to produces in the market particularly after the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted the smooth functioning of the supply chain. This has led to the rapid upsurge of food prices by 26.9 per cent in 2020, the highest since 2012. Likewise, the situation in Zimbabwe was worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    Reducing loss and waste throughout the food supply chain should be considered as an effective solution to improve food and nutrition security for low-income consumers, to improve the income and livelihood of the chain actors and furthermore to reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture. 


    Reducing food loss and waste for economic growth and food security for all

    The project aims at contributing to the realization of the national development goals of Ethiopia and Zimbabwe through improved food and nutrition security, increased export earnings, sustained supply of agricultural raw materials to agro-industries and enhanced employment opportunity as a function of reduced Food Loss and Waste (FLW) along food value chains. This will be done primarily through the implementation of improved FLW management practices and systems along the prioritized agricultural value chains, including the development of FLW strategic framework and coordination systems, capacity building, improvement in infrastructure and market efficiency, access to finance and technology.


    • Ensuring functionality of FLW strategic framework and coordination system;
    • Building the capacity of research, training and extension;
    • Improving infrastructure, logistics, and market efficiency;
    • Improving access to finance and promote investment in FLW management;
    • Promoting processing and value addition; 
    • Mainstreaming nutrition, climate change, gender, and youth participation as cross-cutting topics. 

    Contributing to

    FAO “4 Betters” Strategic Framework

    Better Nutrition

    Better Production

    Sustainable Development Goals