Forest Monitoring


Spotlight on Papua New Guinea



FAO at the frontline in monitoring forests and ecosystems

Every year 10 million hectares of forest are lost to deforestation.

In response, world leaders have committed to halt deforestation and restore 1 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030.

To achieve this, countries need the right data to measure progress and enable action on the ground.

FAO’s Forest Monitoring team works to bridge this gap by:

  • Developing new solutions driven by innovation and technology 
  • Deploying inclusive capacity development approaches to empower anyone, anywhere 
  • Collecting, analysing and reporting of forest data 
  • Accelerating the protection, restoration and sustainable use of forests

26/ 7


Hybrid Event, 26/07/2024

Time: 08.00–09.15 CEST

Location: Austria Room (FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy)

Interpretation: French - Spanish

The Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement provides a framework to track and report on climate actions. Countries report on the implementation and achievements through Biennial Transparency Reports with the first submission due by 31 Decem...

24/ 7


Hybrid Event, 24/07/2024

Time: 08.00–09.15 CEST

Location: Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy)

Addressing landscape degradation and deforestation is crucial due to their significant environmental, biodiversity, and livelihood impacts. In response, governments and conservation organizations have united to accelerate forest landscape restoration initiatives, leveraging technical expertise an...

Enhancing Forest Data Transparency for Climate Action
Enhancing Forest Data Transparency for Climate Action

The webinar 'Enhancing Forest Data Transparency for Climate Action' offers invaluable insights from international experts and various countries, delving...

Let's go tree planting: From Global Library of Trees and Flowers – FAO Park to Green Ghana Day

From the FAO Park Global Library of Trees and Flowers in Rome, Italy, to Green Ghana Day, tree planting initiatives are making waves across continents....

Towards a digital public infrastructure for deforestation-related trade regulations What is in that plot? (Whisp) solution to implement convergence of evidence
Towards a digital public infrastructure for deforestation-related trade regulations What is in that plot? (Whisp) solution to implement convergence of evidence

This is a collaborative effort between partners and programmes such as the European Union’s Team Europe Initiative (TEI), the AIM4Forests and the Forest...

Technological innovation driving transparent forest monitoring and reporting for climate action

This paper reviews how countries are benefiting from technical innovations in their monitoring and reporting of forest-related emissions and removals...

Monitoring gender equality and social inclusion in forest and landscape restoration programs

Integrating gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in forest and landscape restoration projects and programmes helps to ensure access to a diversity...

Estimating emissions and removals from forest degradation. An overview of country experience

Estimating emissions and removals from forest degradation is important, though challenging, for many countries. Where forest degradation is a major...

AIM4Forests. Accelerating Innovative Monitoring for Forests

Reducing deforestation and forest degradation and restoring and sustainably managing forests are critical pathways to meet the 2030 global goals. Since...

Integration of SEPAL into Uganda's National Forest Monitoring System

This case study summarizes the experience of the use of System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL)...

SEPAL Forest and Land Monitoring for Climate Action

System for Earth Observation, Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL) is an open-source project serving and empowering government...

From reference levels to results: REDD+ reporting by countries

This report provides an overview of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) modalities for REDD+ reporting and additional...

Peatlands and climate planning – Part 1: Peatlands and climate commitments

Peatlands contain huge carbon stocks yet they cover only 3 percent of the world’s land area. Improved peatland management provides climate change mitigation...

Wetlands in climate commitments - Preliminary results

Wetlands in climate commitments. Preliminary results

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