
Piloting interactive teaching modules in Tanzania ©FAO IR Media

Forest education

Why forest education is important

People are increasingly disconnected from nature, and there is a widespread lack of awareness and understanding of forests and their benefits. By educating people about forests and sustainability, we can create a pathway towards a greener, more resilient future.

But a global assessment by FAO, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) found that, in many countries, forest education in primary and secondary schools is insufficient.

Those who work in forests, from private owners and companies to local communities, need information and training to manage the many challenges arising in the sector. Forest education can help create a generation capable of managing forests sustainably and thereby foster more inclusive, resilient and sustainable societies and a healthier planet.

FAO's work

FAO, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), has promoted forest education through two recent projects:

The Global Forest Education Project

Led by FAO, ITTO and IUFRO, this project focused on enhancing efforts in forest education at the national and local levels in developing countries, including through regional assessments and a global assessment of the status of forest education.

Forests for a Sustainable Future: Educating Children

The aim of this project, which is expected to finish in 2024, is to improve forest literacy among children aged 9–12 years through interactive forest teaching modules for primary schools.


©MVIWAARUSHA/Damian James Sulumo
FAO and partners set up school clubs for Tanzania’s children for a forest-friendly future.
Philippine education

FAO and the Philippines have launched a new initiative this month to teach children about the importance of managing forests sustainably to safeguard natural resources in a changing climate. Funded by Germany, and using an innovative hands-on approach, the project will develop forest educ...

New generations of students help adapt local knowledge and practices to a changing world.


Forests for a sustainable future
Forests for a sustainable future: Teacher's book – Module 2 Forests, health and well-being

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Forests for a sustainable future: education modules for primary schools
Forests for a sustainable future: Pupil's book – Module 1 Forest products, plants and animals

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Forests for a sustainable future
Forests for a sustainable future: Pupil's book –  Module 3 Forests and the climate

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Forests for a sustainable future
Forests for a sustainable future: Teacher's book – Module 1 Forest products, plants and animals

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Forests for a sustainable future
Forests for a sustainable future: Pupil's book – Module 2 Forests, health and well-being

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Module 3 Forests and the climate
Forests for a sustainable future: Teacher's book – Module 3 Forests and the climate

Designed for primary school children in Grades 3–5 in the United Republic of Tanzania, these education modules use an innovative teaching method, involving...

Guidance on developing forest education programmes for primary schools
Guidance on developing forest education programmes for primary schools

New guidance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations sets out how countries can introduce an innovative programme in primary...

Global assessment of forest education

This report reveals some overarching actions that would benefit forest education, including ameliorating a negative public image of professional forest-related...