

The State of the World's Forests 2022
Flagship publication
The State of the World's Forests
Sustainability by numbers
FAO Yearbook of Forest Products
Sustainability by numbers: Forest products at FAO
Global Forest Resources Assessment
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
New releases

This case study highlights the process undertaken since 2001 to understand the effect honey bees had on elephants and to develop, evaluate and implement beehive fences at several sites in Kenya.


In Assam, northeast India, the Himalayan foothill forests provide essential habitat for the Asian elephant. The natural vegetation in the region is moist deciduous forest, but this has mainly been transformed and now contains a mosaic of land uses and vegetation.

Forest Restoration Improvement for Environmental Development and Sustainability in Central Asia (FRIENDS)

FRIENDS project aims to develop national capacities to successfully conduct large-scale forest and other wooded lands restoration, by enhancing know-how to prevent degradation.

Global indicators for monitoring ecosystem restoration

The publication is the result of a joint effort by FAO and the UN Environment. The overall objective of this work is to contribute to the implementation of the UN Decade as well as to the UN Secretary-General’s reporting to the United Nations General Assembly at its eighty-first session.

FAO’s work on gender in forestry

his brochure shows how the different initiatives, programmes and projects of the FAO Forestry Division mainstream gender into their implementing activities and contribute to strengthening gender equality and women’s empowerment.