

The State of the World's Forests 2022
Flagship publication
The State of the World's Forests
Sustainability by numbers
FAO Yearbook of Forest Products
Sustainability by numbers: Forest products at FAO
Global Forest Resources Assessment
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
New releases
FAO Forestry Paper 183 FAO framework methodology for climate change vulnerability assessments of forests and forest dependent people

This publication provides practitioners with step-by-step guidance for conducting vulnerability assessments using the most appropriate tools. The guide will be useful for anyone conducting vulnerability assessments involving trees or forests, including forest owners, managers and administrators in the private and public sectors and in community forestry organizations, and land-use planners.

Deploying a humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach: Exploring, strengthening and reviving dryland ecosystems

The working paper unpacks how combined climate shocks, environmental degradation, and conflict exacerbates people’s vulnerability and reflects how responses should adapt to tackle these compounding challenges and bolster resilience.

Working Paper 13

A tool to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure to help countries evaluate their forest tenure systems, particularly those that facilitate participation of non-state actors in forestry, including co-management regimes, community forestry, smallholder forestry, large holder forestry, or company concessions granted on State lands.

A framework to assess the extent and effectiveness of community-based forestry

Well-performing community-based forestry (CBF) has the potential to rapidly restore forests in ecological terms and scale up sustainable forest management to the national level, while improving local livelihoods of billions of the most marginalized people around the world.

Working Paper 8 Agroforestry and tenure

This paper reviews the main tenure-related challenges that can affect agroforestry adoption. Drawing on practical cases, the document presents measures and approaches which could potentially fuel the adoption of agroforestry, concluding with specific recommendations for formulation and implementation of tenure policies promoting agroforestry.