

The State of the World's Forests 2022
Flagship publication
The State of the World's Forests
Sustainability by numbers
FAO Yearbook of Forest Products
Sustainability by numbers: Forest products at FAO
Global Forest Resources Assessment
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020
New releases
Unasylva 245

Bringing together case studies from different continents and biomes, the issue maps out progress made in forest landscape restoration and the challenges that lie ahead, covering approaches that range from “close-to-nature” planted forests in China to Africa’s Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative.

FAO Forestry Paper 176 Forty years of community-based forestry

Since the 1970s and 1980s, community-based forestry has grown in popularity, based on the concept that local communities, when granted sufficient property rights over local forest commons, can organize autonomously and develop local institutions to regulate the use of natural resources and manage them sustainably.


This double issue of Unasylva aims to tease out the complex interrelationship between forests, trees and disasters, and to examine the ways in which forests and trees can best be managed both to resist shocks and to protect from shocks.

FAO Forestry Paper 175 Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands

Drylands cover nearly half of the earth’s land surface and are home to one-third of the global population. They face extraordinary challenges, including those posed by desertification, biodiversity loss, poverty, food insecurity and climate change.

The Role of Natural Regeneration in Large-scale Forest and Landscape Restoration

Natural regeneration consists, in its most basic form, of letting remaining portions of the original ecosystem re-colonize a degraded area. A 5-fold cost reduction can be achieved when compared to Restoration Planting; additionally, species colonize from the surrounding area and are adapted to local conditions and to other species (local genotypes).