
InFOflash e-bulletin

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FAO Director-General QU Dongyu

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests called for urgent global action to unlock the potential of forests for people and the planet at the high-level ‘Forests for our future’ event held on the sidelines of the United Nations 2023 SDG Summit.

Making grass charcoal ©MITDS

An innovative new charcoal production method using savanna grasses is giving communities in Ghana a sustainable fuel and income source, with support from the Forest and Farm Facility.

InFOflash e-bulletin

Op-ed | Climate response for drylands must include women

Maasai bees

Op-ed | How beekeeping can restore degraded land and improve livelihoods

Julian Fox

FAO’s Julian Fox and Anssi Pekkarinen explain how innovative technology can help the world halt deforestation and ensure our forests are restored and used sustainably in this op-ed for World Creativity and Innovation Day.