

International Day of Forests 2016: Water

Forests are vital to our water supply. They influence how and where rain falls, and they filter and clean our water. By protecting the world’s forests,...

A spotlight on mountains - Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity

The ambassadors of Italy, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Switzerland to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) –...

Papua New Guinea: First national forest inventory and biodiversity survey

Papua New Guinea is embarking on its first national forest inventory (NFI) under the arrangements for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest...

A greener Europe

The World Expo has always been a showcase for state-of-the-art building, science and technology. Ever since the Eiffel Tower was constructed as the...

International Day of Forests 2015: Climate change

Climate change is subjecting our planet to unsustainable pressures. Forests and trees trap and store carbon as they grow – standing at the frontline...

Action Against Desertification

Over the next decade, 50 million people may be displaced by desertification - the result of climate change and the depletion of natural resources.

National Forest Inventory of Peru

The Ministries of Agriculture and Environment of Peru, with technical support from FAO and financial support from the Government of Finland, launched...

Free forestry software in the battle against climate change

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has officially launched new software that is expected to help significantly in the fight against...

Taking stock of Panama's tropical forests

Almost half of Panama is covered by rich forests. By sustainably managing these forests the opportunities for reducing emissions from deforestation...

FAO climate change in Tanzania (Long version)

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is in Tanzania, where climate change is taking a toll on local populations. FAO-backed initiatives...

International Day of Forests 2014: Our forests, our future

Forests and trees sustain and protect us, providing clean air and water, safeguarding biodiversity and acting as a buffer against climate change. For...

European forestry innovation: charting a path towards a green economy

This film highlights how Finland is setting an example in sustainable forest management and how the many and varied innovations emerging from Finland's...