
    To deal and engage with any society we should understand the nature of that society. Interaction with different society with different civil class (realism or ritualism) requires different methods. Suppose some authorities of some countries which report contradictory agricultural statistics and information nationally and internationally for example in the self-sufficiency and transgenic products should be treated cautiously.

    The attached book (Persian Language) entitle "Genocracy of Democracy" contains a genetic theory called "People's Genetics" derived from the parameters of the chromosomal analysis of the frequency of genes or alleles of intelligence and awareness of the human population and its compatibility with management and functional examples of religious ritualism and non- religious ritualism leaders (sheikhs and kings) of the last century in Iran and their knowledge-phobic confrontation with the scientific, realism and even religious community of the society. Investigation, analysis and classifying the frequency of the alleles and genes of intelligence and awareness of people in the ritualism and realism categories and how to exploit the capabilities or improve the genotypic awareness of the public in order to make optimal and maximum use of their genetic capacity and originality or exploitation of their brain and thought or their Genocracy in the framework and body of society's democracy is one of the primary and main goals of the above mentioned book.

    In this book which is still in the process of governmental permission for printing for a long time, for example wick management of the agricultural and educational managers in the ritualism class and its relationship with their intelligence and awareness class is analyzed and discussed genetically.

Yours ever

Gholamhossein Hosseini

Ph.D: Biology-Biometrical Genetics, Scientist

Cotton Research Institute of Iran