Ali Dolloso

Occupy UN 4 Animals
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1. To date, the efforts towards SDGs have not succeeded in reducing socio-economic inequality within and between countries. How can FAO and CSOs work together to regain the momentum lost and work jointly to "leave no one behind”?

No one is more left behind then the Chinese dog meat worker using traditional live cooking methods.

Animal Rights organizations (CSOs) are the only ones that know the truth of the scale of atrocities committed

within animal agriculture/food production.  The more socio-economic inequality there is in a country, the less

animal protection standards such as the OIE Terrestrial Code or The EU Five Freedoms are ever considered.  

Socio-economic inequality certainly leaves tens of thousands of meat workers in Asia behind, using 2000 year old methods.  For example in parts of China, agricultural animals such as calves and donkeys, are strung up at market places.  Their mouths are bound, and then slices of skin, legs, rump, noses, ears, are sliced off the animal over 2/3 days while the animal is still alive.  The workers say they cannot afford refrigeration and this is the way things have always been done and its the best way to serve the meat to the customer who prefer it fresh.  

In the dog and cat meat trade across China/Asian regions, a common production method has been pieced together by Animal Rights advocates. Showing a 2000 year old method of slowly cooking the dogs and cats alive,

starting with soaking the animal in hot water, removing the hair, boiling the water more, and then finally

blow torching the dog/cat while still alive.  The workers say this is the way it has always been done.

The boiling water also protects workers from rabies they say.  The consumer also wants the traditional method,

with increased adrenalin in the meat.   No one is more left behind then the Chinese dog/cat meat worker,

using these methods.  Animal Rights orgs as well as the UK and USA  Gov have written and sent petitions to

China on the ancient cultural torture of  animals for purported health benefits yet nothing changes.   

How can FAO and CSOs work together to regain the momentum lost and work jointly to "leave no one behind”?  

By FAO actually setting up official meetings with Chinese (and other) Gov Food reps, bringing along the Animal Rights/CSO rep, and discussing the graphic evidence - photos and videos. Putting ALL the emphasis on the graphic evidence, for this is the truth. And pointing out, your food worker's methods are so ancient and the people are so left behind, that this is not sustainable food production in line with the UN Sustainable food agenda, this is in fact slow torture for ancient culture. China's PM Xi Jing ping famously said, he was waiting for the UN to tell him how to sustainably manage resources.   All the while, he is oblivious that animals in China are resources who deserve the OIE Terrestrial slaughter code. Not torture. Three way meetings with FAO/Animal Rights CSO/Gov reps all focusing on the graphic material,is the only way to show them that the people are left behind.

2. FAO seeks to accelerate transformation of agri-food systems to be more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable as a mean to achieve the 2030 agenda.What and how can CSOs contribute to such transformation to boost impact on the ground?  Please suggest concrete actions.

While so much torture, not slaughter, occurs, food systems are not sustainable.  FAO needs to take Animal Rights/CSOs pleas and cries for help seriously and properly engage with them and look at their graphic evidence.  If governments took the OIE Terrestrial Code seriously, then 95% of the atrocities would not happen.  

What and how can CSOs contribute to such transformation to boost impact on the ground?  The CSOs can only

contribute if FAO listens very carefully, pays close attention to their graphic evidence, and then is very firm

with governments. Developing a proper official pact and covenant or code with governments. Currently many

governments ignore OIE codes/suggestions.  Torture of animals for food does not just occur in some Asian/Chinese culture.  Torture of food bearing animals routinely occurs in modern agricultural systems, as a means of cost cutting,saving time/money.  For example in USA tens of thousands of pigs never get the chance to bleed out and die before they hit the scalding tanks, or are dismembered.  To be boiled or dismembered alive is torture, not slaughter and is not in line with the OIE Terrestial Code. There is no cost margin to allow for the bleeding out, so the pig must endure live scalding, and or live dismemberment.  Up to one million chickens are also scalded alive because of profit margins and the speed of the production line.  

How can CSOs contribute to improving this  on the ground?  

First, FAO should routinely invite Animal Rights CSOs to send in details of everyday atrocities.

Second. FAO reps should pay very close attention to the details presented by CSOs e.g.

Once FAO is aware of the details and has the graphic evidence, then a three way meeting with FAO/CSO/Gov

using the details and graphic evidence as the main focus of the meeting, asking the Gov to sign the pact.

If the government signs up to a UN compact/Pact/Terrestrial code, then this stops the torture on the ground.

The FAO needs to understand that the Animal Rights CSO cannot change anything on their own without UN

FAO help. They merely collect the evidence and are rarely supported by the governments. In fact some Animal

Rights/CSOs are under arrest merely for sneaking into factories to collect graphic evidence.  Some US Governments are making it a crime now for anyone to film what goes on inside.  FAO/OIE Reps should be allowed to go inside as part of the 'pact'.  FAO Reps should be supporting the Animal Rights reporters to show the truth.  Now CSOs that want to show the truth are being called Terrorists.

In China millions of pigs have also been burned and buried alive due to Swine Flu.  This is not the humane disposal method that OIE or WHO had in mind. Only Animal Rights CSOs can gather this info for you.
The only way for the OIE and FAO to stop such things on the ground is to engage with the Animal Rights/CSOs and carefully review the evidence. And then firmly speak with the governments, always using the facts - the graphic evidence as the central focus.
3. Climate change threatens our ability to ensure global food security, eradicate poverty and

achieve sustainable development.What FAO and CSOs could maximize collective impact to adapt

and/or mitigate climate change?

Sustainable development/sustainable agriculture also includes, or should include a high degree of

Animal Welfare/Animal Protection. For example adhere to the OIE Terrestial code of for example the EU 5 freedoms, eg. freedom from suffering, water to drink.  No consderation has yet been paid by governments, OIE, FAO to the effects of climate change on live stock.

Live export vet: Animals were 'cooking from the inside'

Again, its the Animal Rights Orgs/CSOs left on their own to gather the information of the torture.

What FAO can do? Engage with the Animal Rights CSOs and ask them to send in all such evidence.

Meet with them and review their evidence.  FAO/OIE - take the evidence to the governments and be firm and clear

and get them to sign the pact/code/compact.

It is not just in Live Export where animals are dying torturous deaths due to the effects of climate change.

Thousands of animals are also freezing to death for the sake of the food system.

Thousands of dogs in China and South Korea are also left in cages outdoors under the boiling sun,

they suffer from heat stroke with no water.  

The Animal Rights CSO's can do nothing to stop the above, until the FAO/OIE  involve themselves and speak

to the governments about the issues. 
4. Based on your partnering experience, can you share a good example of meaningful engagement with FAO or another UN agency/development partner? Please highlight what/why it worked well in your opinion.

I was assisting my friends at World Protection For Dogs and Cats In The Meat Trade (WPDCMT).  They are

Special Consultants to the UN Eco/Soc council on the dog/cat meat trade  When myself and my friends at

WPDCMT learned that Mr Qu Dongyu, who worked at the Chinese Ministry of Food/Ag was also now

the Director of  UNFAO, we wanted to meaningfully engage him in his FAO role, on the dog meat trade in his

own country.  Using the graphic evidence showing the traditional live dog meat process, a petition to Mr Dongyu

of 5000 signatures, and a large letter writing campaign personally to Mr Dongyu, we were finally able to engage

him to speak to the Chinese Ministry of Food/Ag. They then declared they would class dogs as companion animalsnot food, that civilization had moved on, and it was not right to class dogs as food as FAO and OIE did not class themas food. It was a big step for China.  Sadly nothing has changed in China and activists report dogs are still being cooked alive across huge regions. It is a start only, and FAO could do more.  Please note, that the only way we were able to engage the FAO DG in this case, was by dozens of people sending him personal letters, begging him to help and the petition with 5000 signatures.  This is the problem. CSOs should not have to beg people at the UNFAO to help.  The only way forward is for the FAO to rally the Animal Rights CSOs and ask them what they need help with. 
5. At present, what are the most significant challenges CSOs face in their engagement with FAO?  

What could FAO do to address some of those challenges? Please provide concrete examples.

The example I gave above is one of the biggest obstacles. Getting FAO to pay proper attention to the

atroscities and to take responsbility for fixing them.  Not having to get 50 people writing begging letters, and

not having to get 5000 people to sign petitions begging the FAO to pay attention.  The FAO should be engaging wtih the Animal Rights CSOs and asking them, saying, please send us in all the horrible issues, that need our assistance.  
There should be a dedicated person at the FAO who collects all the issues from the Animal Rights CSOs.  

The FAO should say, we can speak to the governments  once we have the details.  Currently, the Animal Rights

CSOs are left alone with no one to help them and some governments now classing them as terrorists for filming

the atroscities.  The FAO need to start looking at the Animal Rights CSOs as the ones reporting the facts,

not as raving lunatics to be ignored or brushed aside.  The FAO need to start taking the facts seriously and

agree solutions with the governments who have allowed it to carry on, using pacts/codes/agreements.

If the FAO takes my suggestions seriously, eg engage directly with the Animal Rights orgs like Humane Society,

Mercy For Animals, Animals Australia, PETA, World Protection for Dogs and Cats in The Meat Trade, asking

them for graphic evidence of their most pressing issues and proof of mass atroscities, then FAO can help to

prevent such things  from happening by engaging the governments.  The governments see Animal Rights CSOs

as an annoyance at the very least. Terrorists at the worst.  I am asking FAO to help change that as part of the

SDGs and certainly before 2030.