I think to enhance social farming/ care farming, there should be compulsory free of cost or very low cost bank account against each social farmer. This account should be used for maintaining all sorts of expenditure relevant to care farming. From local to international donation -everything might be operating through this account. In remote areas where branches of any bank are unavailable, there might be engaged agent of Bank.  There also should be Green environmental Loan disbursement target for each branch of each bank. Agent of Banks also needed to be involved in here. Its transparency & regular monitoring could be possible using latest low cost IT products & services.


Veranda gardening, Rooftop gardening, indoor aquaculture etc should be considered as urban social farming for bank loan sanctioning. I think this will enhance economy specially women economy.

Social farming should focus more on food & nutrition production rather than armature farming because water, time, money etc are involved in here. As for social farming, 100% pure is not necessary, water reuse policy could be applied there. Domestic Bio fertilizer, warm fertilizer etc could be used there. Using renewable energy for care farming should be influenced.  


Agri-telemedicine could be a significant tool for social farming in remote areas. To operate Agri-telemedicine agriculturist needed to be trained up in local language. Online based diplomas in home economics, care farming, or any relevant short courses are necessary in this regard.

Thank you



Muhammad Ariful Haque

CEO, Kamfisht Universe Engineering

Partner, Global Water Partnership

Partner, Global Soil Partnership of FAO, UN

Adopter Member, Bluetooth Special Interest Group

Member, International Desalination Association

Member, International Phonetic Association

Cell: +88 01710822509, +88 01819462549