In India, approximately 36.09 percent of agricultural land is irrigated and rest of the land depends on the vagaries of monsoon or rainwater. Most of the rainwater is not properly utilized for farm purpose due to non-availability of storage facilities and practices. A large amount of rainwater goes to be wasted. If this water is properly stored for the longest time, then It can be used for cropping during the non-monsoon ( non-rainy session ) . Different types of practices and methods are being adopted in different parts of our country. I would like to mention, such practices which are popularly being adopted in desert districts of Rajasthan(India), where rain is uncertain. And not being properly stored and used for agricultural purposes. However, farmers are trying their best to store this huge amount of rainwater through traditional method, known as TANKA SYSTEM.TANKA is a traditional pitcher of water used in Thar desert of Rajasthan of a traditional technology. Water is collected in it and taken out using the help of bucket. These are mainly made in rural areas of Rajasthan. But their storing capacity is too low to store plenty of rainwater. If storing capacities of these tankas are increased and quality of its construction is improved, then more rainwater can be stored and used for agricultural purposes. This method is beneficial for marginal and small farmers.