
Discussions from n.41 to n.50

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Discussion No. 50

Strengthening Food Security by Empowering Farmers to Contribute to Seed Biodiversity

12.01.2010 - 08.02.2010

You are invited to discuss the trends affecting agriculture which lead to expanding monocultures and increasing concentration of seed production in the hands of few corporations: how can we protect biodiversity, empower farmers and increase food security?

Discussion No. 49

Food Security of Women in the Context of Climate Change

Topic available also in Español | Français

02.12.2009 - 11.01.2010

Members are invited to discuss on how to improve the position of women farmers in developing countries vis-à-vis climate change and on the role the various actors, such as governments and civil society, should play.

Discussion No. 48

Food, Agriculture and Cities

02.11.2009 - 07.12.2009

Members are invited to reflect on how the fact that over half of the world population today is living in urban areas is producing effects on their food security and on the need to strengthen urban-rural linkages.

Discussion No. 47

Public Procurement of Agricultural Goods

Topic available also in Español | Français

26.10.2009 - 23.11.2009

Members are invited to share experiences of cases of pubic procurement where government institutions directly purchase or finance the procurement of agricultural goods to support specific farmers’ groups, who otherwise might have difficulties in market access.

Discussion No. 46

Food Security and Agriculture Governance Systems

Topic available also in Español | Français

21.10.2009 - 30.11.2009

Forum members are invited to discuss on the trends affecting the global food and agriculture production systems and on how the involvement of different actors, specifically from civil society, can support the shift to more sustainable models of production.

Discussion No. 45

Revising the Food Chapter of the Sphere Handbook

19.10.2009 - 16.11.2009

In the framework of the second revision of the Sphere Handbook - Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, members are invited to give their feedback on the Nutrition and Food Security components of the Handbook.

Discussion No. 44

Land Grab or Development Opportunity?

Topic available also in Español | Français

29.09.2009 - 20.10.2009

Do international investments in agricultural land constitute a “land grab”, as reported by the international press, or do they instead offer development opportunities?

Discussion No. 43

How to Feed the World in 2050?

Topic available also in Español | Français

16.09.2009 - 19.10.2009

How can we ensure that enough food is available for and accessible to a growing world population? The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition invites interested parties to discuss these and other questions related to the future of agriculture.

Discussion No. 42

Recent Thinking on Rural Development

04.09.2009 - 09.10.2009

The past 15 years have seen an evolution of Rural Development approaches and the shifting away from a mainly agricultural to a more holistic thinking. Have these shifts had an impact in increasing policy effectiveness in developing or transition countries and communities?

Discussion No. 41

Looking back to effective rural practices ... Did we miss something?

Topic available also in Français

01.09.2009 - 21.09.2009

Traditional rural practices, often discarded in favour of modern production systems may still prove to be effective when not even more successful in providing livelihoods to rural communities. Members are invited to share their views and experiences on this topic.


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