
Towards the Development of the Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFSP)

Dear all,

Pursuant to the enhanced Memorandum of Understanding signed on September 24th 2014 between the Director-General of FAO and the Executive Director of UNEP, FAO and UNEP are jointly developing a programme on sustainable food systems under the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP), based on the experience and work under the FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme.

This follows a decision by the Agri-food Taskforce on Sustainable Consumption and Production of the FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme, the approval of the 10YFP Board of a preliminary proposal presented by FAO and UNEP, and the recommendation of the Committee on Agriculture of FAO at its 24th session.

As part of this process, a public consultation is being organized in order to:

  1. take stock of information on initiatives of relevance for the development of the Programme, particularly to avoid duplication and facilitate synergies and partnerships [please use this form]
  2. collect comments and input on a short draft concept note, for the further development of the Programme [please use this form]
  3. collect potential expressions of interest of entities to participate in the the Programme as Lead/Co-leads and/or as member of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC) and/or work area coordinators and/or simple partners [please use this form].

The results of the consultation will be used to further develop the concept note. A Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC) will be constituted, with Lead/Co-leads.

The Lead/Co-leads, together with the MAC will finalize the concept note and develop a full programme proposal, which will be submitted to the 10YFP Secretariat for formal validation of the 10YFP Board. More details on the process are available on the Web site of the 10YFP (www.unep.org/10yfp).

We thank you in advance for your interest, support and efforts, and for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us.

We look forward to your contributions.

Ms Maria Helena Semedo

FAO Deputy Director-General

Mr Ibrahim Thiaw

UNEP Deputy Executive Director


Please use the forms provided to send us your feedback and upload them below as attachment to your comment.

You need to be logged in to post. If you are not yet a member of the FSN Forum please register here.

Alternatively please send the filled in forms to [email protected]


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Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the stock taking form, the feedback form on the SFSP as well as the participation form.

Additionally, we like to refer to our principle publication about Sustainable Nutrition (in German): http://www.nachhaltigeernaehrung.de/fileadmin/Publikationen/aid_eif_Nachhaltige_Ernaehrung_Koerber_09-2014__Lit.pdf

and the flyer of our English book “The Joy of Sustainable Eating”: http://www.nachhaltigeernaehrung.de/fileadmin/Aktuelles/Flyer_The_Joy_of_Sustainable_Eating_-_Koerber-Hohler2.pdf. This consumer-oriented book with forewords from FAO and UNEP combines theoretical background and practical advice with about 100 recipes. It is awarded as “Official contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” and can contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Nutrition into practice.

Finally you can have a look at the flyer of our German edition „Nachhaltig geniessen: Rezeptbuch für unsere Zukunft”: http://www.nachhaltigeernaehrung.de/fileadmin/Publikationen/Flyer_NG_Logo_fuer_HP.pdf.

We are looking forward to participate in the SFSP.

Kind regards,

Karl von Koerber and Nadine Bader

Working Group on Sustainable Nutrition – Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltige Ernährung

Advisory Bureau for Nutrition Ecology – Beratungsbüro für ErnährungsÖkologie

[email protected]

Homepage: www.nachhaltigeernaehrung.de

Dear Moderator, Good Morning
Please, find in the attached files the information related to (Form #1) initiative reported, (Form #2) feedback, and (Form #3) espression of interest of participation in the SFS Programme. I think that sustainable agricultural and the technology development  refers to increase productivity, quality, efficient and resource-saving, i.e., water, soil, land, energy, fodder techniques, good practices, methods and expertise for production and life quality. It also refers to techniques for species development and improvement, pest-control expertise and to technology appropriate for the management, protection and improvement of the environment. To achieve such objectives, in addition to increasing inputs of materials for production, scientific and technical expertise should be useful and fully utilized to improve efficiency, quality of production and to maintain sustainable agricultural development. In this context I do believe that could be useful an attention to new methods and instrumentation to decrease risk and impacts in agricultural practices. 
Very Truly Yours,
Paulo E. Cruvinel
Embrapa Instrumentation


Our response is straight-forward - we ask that more support be given to those farmers and communities who wish to move away from farming animals toward plant-based farming and diets.  In a UK context, it is well demonstrated that such approaches are socially and economically sustainable and can reduce the need for fertile land, fresh water and fossil fuel energy by a factor of three compared to the typical UK 'meat-and-dairy' based farming and diets.  

With appropriate resources, locally adapted stock-free farming and plant-based diets can help communities to achieve food sovereignty. 

Dear colleagues, 

In our work on Incentives for Ecosystem Services (IES) for Food and Agriculture, we share the expected outcome of the 10YFP-SFSP as we also hope to “propose a mix of policy, regulatory and voluntary instruments (…) to accelerate the uptake of SCP practice across food systems.”  We hope to do this through activities similar to those you propose, especially:

-          Objective 4: Bring together initiatives and develop partnerships to build synergies and cooperation to leverage resources towards mutual goal of promoting, enhancing and facilitating the shift towards more sustainable food systems”.

-          Work Area 2: Encourage, facilitate and support inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue to help inform  interconnected policymaking:

a) capacity building provision to governments and policy makers to facilitate:

o   (iii) assessment of policy options, including cost-effectiveness and welfare analysis; and

o   (iv) the building of capacity for regulation, enforcement, and EIA ( environmental and social impact assessment) processes; and

o   b) promoting the building of Public Private Partnerships to, for example, expand access to finance

o   Work Area 3: Facilitate the use and enhance opportunities for market-based and/or voluntary approaches:

c) identification, and piloting the viability of innovative market mechanisms for environmental  services in the agri-food supply chain, and scale-up (e.g. the role of Payments for Ecosystem Services);

As such, please consider adding to page 4 of the FAO EOI: Land and Water (NRL) – work on sustainable management of land and water, and the development of incentives to support their adoption, through coordinated planning and investment in agriculture and environmental measures.

For more background see attached:

-         our stocktacking form;

-         the contribution we made at your last meeting FAO-UNEP Sustainable Food Systems Programme: Workshop on Knowledge and Information for Sustainable Food Systems, Rome, 10-11 September 2014;

-         a project flyer showing how we will do this in 2015;

regards to all




Bernardete Neves

Natural Resources Officer

Land and Water Division (NRL)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00153 Rome, Italy

Tel. +39 06 57056205 Email: [email protected]





Dear FSN moderator,

please find my feedback on the draft concept note of the 10YFP

Best regards,

Dr. Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa

Senior Researcher

Abt II Nachhaltige Wirtschafts- und Sozialentwicklung

Department of Sustainable Economic and Social Development

Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / German Development Institute,