بيانات العضو

Mamadou GOÏTA

المنظمة: IRPAD
الدولة: مالي

Mamadou GOÏTA, is a development socio-economist and a specialist in education and training systems from Mali. He is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Research and the Promotion of Alternatives in Development (IRPAD/Afrique), Bamako, Mali. He was the executive Secretary of ROPPA from 2011 to 2012. He is a member of the regional co-ordinating group of the “Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain” (COPAGEN) (Coalition to Protect African Genetic Heritage), which operates in West Africa. He has worked with UNICEF in Mali, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Togo and Burkina Faso and several NGOs, including ACORD (Regional Director for West Africa and Africa Program Manager) and OXFAM-Belgium (regional co-ordinator for West Africa based in Burkina Faso). He works with farmer organizations and their networks in West Africa in particular but also in the whole Africa. He coordinated the Polycentric World Social Forum Bamako 2006 and participated to the coordination of the World Food Sovereignty Forum which took place in Sélingué, Mali, in 2007.