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    • Hi There

      I have been part of the Technical Working Group on Resilience Measurement and I trust it managed to achieve a good result: clarify some crucial aspects of resilience measurement.

      Resilience is one of the most charming words in development studies and projects. People, institutions, NGOs and agencies adopt a resilience approach for better designing their resilience enhancing programmes that should address the needs of those who are less resilient. Such a large use of the word resilience is not always supported by a clear definition or by a sound measurement approach. There is everywhere an attempt to oversimplify resilience in order to develop light tools that can easily measure and assess resilience. The risk is to produce a bunch of bad surveys and tools which will increase confusion and will not bring any real added value to what we know about resilience.

      My take is to build upon what already exists as positive experience: the output from the technical working group on resilience measurement (4 very interesting papers on various aspects of measurement), and established knowledge sharing platforms such as resilienceinsomalia.org where evidence of the impact evaluation of the joint programme (WFP UNICEF and FAO) is reported together with other relevant documents.