أسهم هذا العضو في:

    • In the context of discussion regarding the high priority needing to be placed on enhacing diet quality for all, allow me to point members to the new report on Food Systems and Diets: Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century. This was prepared by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Development.  First launched at FAO in Rome in September, it had a North America launch yesterday in Des Moines in the context of the World Food Prize. It is free to download here: http://www.glopan.org/foresight. Also attached to this message.

      The key message is that poor quality diets now contribute the greatest share of risk factors to the global burden of disease. This means that a lack of diversity, adequacy, key nutrients, safety, etc. underpin not only undernutrition but diet-related NCDs that often go hand-in-hand with overweight and obesity. No country in the world is immune to one or other form of malnutrition; hence every country in the world needs to place a high policy priority on addressing diet quality issues to achieve nutrition (and health) goals. 

