بيانات العضو

الدكتور Tricia Callender

المنظمة: Spanner Strategies
الدولة: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيّة
I am working on:

Local governance in South Africa (mayors, and municipal leaders) for development

Digital engagement for youth in South Africa
-creation of digital platforms
-social media campaigns
-digital education for refugees

Political Campaigns in the United States and Africa

أسهم هذا العضو في:

    • I am so glad to see the United Nations focus on Nutrition and Food Security. One tool that I think is being under-used is digital platforms. This is especially important when trying to reach food insecure youth. Though there is a digital divide between developed and developing nations, the digital divide is being closed rapidly. Rather than us finding food insecure youth, and citizens generally, we could find effective ways to listen to what they are already saying and map it in order to attack trouble regions more effectively. This would not require a bespoke platform, but simply a way to comb through social media (which people are already on and using heavily) to unearth messages and recommendations from the people living it, about how to help solve the nutrition problems. We must take better advantage of the egalitarian potential of digital platforms in order to promote an egalitarian world.

      You could partner with other like-minded agencies in order to pool resources effectively to get things done. When I was at UNICEF we worked with UNDP and UN Women on inequalities initiatives, focusing on digital. People want to tell you their situation and how to change it. They want to be included in the problem solving. By partnering, we managed to create the largest and most successful online consultation platform in UN history. I say that to say, without that feedback the SDGs would have looked a lot different.

      Whatever change does happen has to feature a healthy helping of people living in poverty and food insecurity in the conversation, the most effective, fastest and cheapest way to do that is through digital means. More focus needs to be concentrated in this area.


      Dr. Tricia Callender

      President and CEO of Spanner Strategies


      New York and Johannesburg