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    • The "APEC Wisdom Agriculture development and application workshop" was held successfully from Nov. 23 to 25 in Yinchuan, Ningxia (China). The workshop invited more than 120 experts and scholars from 8 APEC economies, 5 Observing countries, 5 international organization and different provinces in China. Experts from Greece, Korea, Spain, and Canada gave wonderful speeches on wisdom agriculture, precision agriculture, internet & agriculture, and agricultural product traceability. Chinese experts gave speeches on wisdom plant, precision forest, wisdom animal husbandry, crop modelling and wisdom orchard respectively. Experts from different economies showed the research and application progress in their economies, exchanged information on the advanced technologies and achievements.

      The workshop has yielded a series of achievements, mainly along four points.

      1. Create an APEC wisdom agriculture cooperation network, build a communication and exchange platform for experts. The information and technologies have been commonly applied in agriculture, and wisdom agriculture has gotten more attention from APEC and other regions in the world. The economies and regions faced some common problems regarding wisdom agriculture and there exist also some differences in wisdom agriculture development and application due to regional variations. The creation of an APEC wisdom agriculture network can help share information, integrate and optimize resources, and promote cooperation and communication.

      2. Strengthen long-term project cooperation in wisdom agriculture for APEC regions.

      The APEC wisdom agriculture workshop can build bridges for researchers and organizations in APEC and other regions in the world, strengthen related cooperation. It also can help apply funds and projects for wisdom agriculture in APEC regions, collectively carry out research in wisdom agriculture, and push the development and application of wisdom agriculture in APEC and other regions.

      3. Create expert database, and promoting multilateral cooperation.

      An expert database in wisdom agriculture can collect the related information of agricultural experts to supply support and help for the researchers in wisdom agriculture while strengthening multilateral cooperation in different APEC regions.

      4. Promote the research level and application ability of related researchers in wisdom agriculture.

      The workshop invited international leading experts in wisdom agriculture to give presentations on the internet of things, big data, intelligent agent, the agricultural product traceability system, the plant growth model, digital orchard, and presented good international application cases of wisdom agriculture in different APEC economies. The workshop supplied advanced knowledge on technologies, helped share good cases, and promoted the research level and application ability of related researchers.

      In order to expand the influence of the workshop, this online discussion was held to allow experts from across the world to exchange on wisdom agriculture. This discussion has been very successful in debating some crucial questions and for collecting examples from around the world.

      On behalf of agriculture information institute of CAAS, I thank the staff from FAO responsible for the online discussion, thank Dr. Bi for her support, thank YPARD for joining the discussion actively, thank the colleagues from the Agriculture Information Institute of CAAS for their help, thank our partners from Ningxia Foreign Affairs Office and finally and especially thank Mr. Max Blanck for his hard and careful work. I appreciate you all for what you have done for the on-line discussion, without which it would not have achieved success.

    • "The production of cereals, the main staple and cash crops for millions of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is severely constrained by parasitic striga weed Striga hermonthica, stemborers and poor soil fertility. A companion cropping system known as ‘push–pull’ overcomes these constraints while providing addi-tional soil fertility and forage grass benefits to smallholder farmers. To ensure the technology’s long-termsustainability in view of the current and further potential aridification as a consequence of climate change,drought-tolerant crops, Brachiaria cv mulato (border crop) and greenleaf desmodium (intercrop), havebeen identified and incorporated into a ‘climate-adapted push–pull’. The aims of the current study wereto evaluate effectiveness of the new system (i) in integrated control of striga and stemborer pests and(ii) in improving maize grain yields, and to evaluate farmers’ perceptions of the technology to assesspotential for further adoption. 395 farmers who had adopted the technology in drier areas of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania were randomly selected for the study. Each farmer had a set of two plots, a climate-adapted push–pull and a maize monocrop. Seasonal data were collected in each plot on the number ofemerged striga plants, percentage of maize plants damaged by stemborers, plant height and grain yields.Similarly, farmers’ perceptions of the benefits of the technology were assessed using a semi-structuredquestionnaire. There were highly significant reductions in striga and stemborer damage to maize plantsin the climate-adapted push–pull compared to the maize monocrop plots: striga levels were 18 timeslower and stemborer levels were 6 times lower. Similarly, maize plant height and grain yields weresignificantly higher. Mean yields were 2.5 times higher in companion planting plots. Farmers rated theclimate-adapted push–pull significantly superior in reducing striga infestation and stemborer damagerates, and in improving soil fertility and maize grain yields. These results demonstrate that the tech-nology is effective in controlling both weeds and pests with concomitant yield increases under farmers’conditions. It thus provides an opportunity to improve food security, stimulate economic growth, andalleviate poverty in the region while making agriculture more resilient to climate change."

    • Wisdom agriculture has made great progress in China. And quite a few projects have been set in some provinces, such as Shandong province, Henan province and Sichuan province.

      The county of Henan Shangshui proposed the method for poverty reduction through "internet+wisdom agriculture". On the food security premise, the leader group made a deep thought on how to overcome poverty in 2018. Based on the traditional agriculture big county, the county determined the basic thought through precision poverty reduction: change and update the traditional agriculture using "internet+ agriculture", develop wisdom agriculture. Meanwhile, introduce the handicraft and help the poor women get a job at home, so that they can both take care of the farmland and help reduce poverty.

      In Chengdu city of Sichuan province, it proposed "develop wisdom agriculture, push transition and update" in Xieyuan town, it's pushing new town and country build.

      In Shandong Zibo city, a wisdom agriculture centre was built, hierarchical platforms were created in every county. Greenhouse vegetable high-standard building is developing quickly, and it has become one light spot in the agricultural development history of Zibo. Wisdom agriculture is the necessary phase from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and it will provide good practise and experience.