Webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

The SUN Civil Society Network invites you to participate in the Learning Route follow up webinar:

Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

Date: 31st January 2017

Time: 10:15 - 12:00 (GMT)

Language: English (translation in Frengh and Spanish will be available for the Q&A sessions)

At the end of October the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SUN Alliance Rwanda and PROCASUR Corporation, launched the first international Learning Route exchange programme in Rwanda. This six day peer-to-peer learning exchange brought together alliances from 9 African countries to learn from innovations being used by stakeholders in Rwanda including civil society to scale up nutrition. The Learning Route focused on key areas of intervention including multi stakeholder coordination, communication for behavioural change, social mobilisation, value chains and decentralisation. As result of the LR exchange, each Alliance submitted an “Innovation Plan”.

Join the webinar to find out more about the learning and innovations developed by the Alliances.