The FSN Forum in Europe and Central Asia. A partner at regional and national level

The Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia

(FSN Forum in ECA) is a regional online platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue, where knowledge and policy decisions on food security and nutrition are collectively inspired, developed and linked with practice. 

It was establish in 2014 and is fully integrated into the overall activities of the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum), managed by the Agrifood Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The FSN Forum embodies FAO’s role of a neutral knowledge broker by engaging Forum members, partners and stakeholders in policy dialogue and knowledge-sharing, thus contributing to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition at the global, regional and country levels.

The FSN Forum in ECA supports policy and programmes by providing a channel for stakeholders in English and Russian to contribute to existing initiatives and decision-making processes, and voice their ideas and concerns on food security and nutrition across countries, sub-regions and the region. In doing this, FAO regional priorities and cultural and linguistic peculiarities of the geographic context are taken into account.


What the FSN Forum does

  • Introduces a new way in which FAO provides policy support on food security and nutrition issues at global, regional and national level.
  • Facilitates open online discussions and technical consultations on food security and nutrition that inform policy and decision-making processes, research, education and technical meetings.
  • Provides a channel for stakeholders to discuss priority topics and take part in the definition of food security policies and projects.
  • Increases awareness, enhances knowledge-sharing and advances learning processes on food security and nutrition.
  • Develops and facilitates communities of experts.
  • Supports stakeholders mapping, needs assessment and the evaluation of programmes and projects, organizing online surveys and stakeholder analysis.
  • Strengthens capacities through webinars and face-to-face workshops.


Benefits of being an FSN Forum member

FSN Forum members benefit from exchanging experiences with practitioners worldwide via a collective debate and by getting informed on the latest priorities in the food security and nutrition agenda at global, regional and country levels.

Our members work in governments, state organisations, research and education institutions, civil society organisations, the private sector as well as for international and regional initiatives.

In particular, as a member of the FSN Forum you can:

  • Contribute to the ongoing discussions and share knowledge and experience on the most pressing topics.
  • Receive regular updates via email and contact fellow members directly.
  • Participate in the FSN Forum’s survey, webinars and workshops.
  • Engage in the global, regional and national policy processes and keep up-to-date with the latest initiatives.
  • Help identify priority issues at national and regional level.
  • Learn from other experts and find professional advice.
  • Network with other food security and nutrition practitioners and be part of a global community.
  • Find and share relevant food security and nutrition resources and news.


Registration to the FSN Forum in Europe and Central Asia also allows participation in the FSN Forum’s global activities.