Evgeny Tsvetnov

Senior Researcher, Eurasian Center for Food Security, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Position - Head of ECFS Economic work areas

Candidate in Agricultural Sciences 

He graduated from the faculty of soil science at Moscow State University and the Economics Faculty of Tomsk State University. 

He defended his Candidate thesis at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2007.

Areas of expertise: economic fundamentals of food safety, environmental economics, natural resource management, environmental and economic assessment of land, including cases of radioactive and chemical pollution, assessment of degradation and damage, assessment of ecosystem services.  

Author of the following courses of the Faculty of Soil Science at Moscow State University: "Environmental Economics", "Economics and Environmental Management", as well as special courses: "Environmental Economics: Part 1 and 2", "Environmental and Economic Assessment of Polluted Lands".

Author of more than 40 scientific publications, including 3 monographs.