
Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation – V0 draft of the HLPE-FSN report #19

During its 50th Plenary Session (10 – 13 October 2022), the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) to produce a report entitled “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation” which will be the 19th report of the HLPE-FSN. The overall aim of the report is to explore the issues surrounding urbanization, rural transformation and their implications for food security and nutrition (FSN). The report was also tasked to develop action-oriented policy recommendations on urban and peri-urban food systems that will encourage coordinated policies for FSN across rural, urban and peri-urban areas, taking into account the specific needs of diverse rural and urban contexts and the linkages between them.

The report will be presented at CFS 52th plenary session in October 2024 and provide recommendations to the CFS workstream “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation”.

As the CFS Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) 2024-2027 indicates, “growing urbanization, combined with the reorientation of urban and peri-urban agricultural lands to more profitable uses, have been gradually leading to a “geographical decoupling” of urban areas from sources of food supply, posing higher risks for food security and nutrition. In the absence of specific food systems planning across the rural-urban continuum, the sale and consumption of highly processed foods is growing in most urban centers, while local commerce that delivers healthy, fresh food at affordable prices is neglected, with negative impacts on food security and nutrition.”

Over 50 percent of the world’s population already live in urban areas, and that proportion is set to increase to over 70 percent by 2050. Approximately 1.1 billion people currently live in urban informal settlements, with two billion more expected in the next 30 years. Correspondingly, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms is increasingly an urban challenge, with 50 percent of urban populations in the least-developed countries being food-insecure, compared with 43 percent in rural areas.

It is imperative to address the challenges of urbanization in relation to rural transformation to “build back better” in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of climate change and conflicts. The current multi-layered global food crisis points to the importance and potential of the territorial dimension of food systems – addressing poverty and inequality, building resilience and social inclusion and fostering sustainable livelihoods.

To respond to this CFS request and as part of the report development process, the HLPE-FSN is launching this e-consultation to seek inputs, suggestions and comments on the V0 draft of the report.

HLPE-FSN V0 drafts of reports are deliberately presented early enough in the process – as work in progress, with their range of imperfections – to allow sufficient time to properly consider the feedback received in the elaboration of the report. E-consultations are a key part of the inclusive and knowledge-based dialogue between the HLPE-FSN Steering Committee and the scientific and knowledge community at large.

Questions to guide the e-consultation on the V0 draft of the report

This V0 draft identifies areas for recommendations and contributions on which the HLPE-FSN of the CFS welcomes suggestions or proposals, in particular addressing the following questions:


The V0 draft introduces a conceptual framework informed by key principles established in previous HLPE-FSN reports (HLPE, 2017; HLPE, 2020).

Do you find the proposed framework effective to highlight and discuss the key issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems?

Is this a useful conceptual framework to provide practical guidance for policymakers?

Can you offer suggestions for examples to illustrate and facilitate the operationalization of the conceptual framework to address issues relevant for FSN?


The report adopts the broader definition of food security (proposed by the HLPE-FSN in 2020), which includes six dimensions of food security: availability, access, utilization, stability, agency and sustainability.

Does the V0 draft cover sufficiently the implications of this broader definition in urban and peri-urban food systems?


Are the trends/variables/elements identified in the draft report the key ones to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems? If not, which other elements should be considered?

Are there any other issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems that have not been sufficiently covered in the draft report?

Are topics under- or over-represented in relation to their importance?


Is there additional quantitative or qualitative data that should be included?

Are there other references, publications, or traditional or different kind of knowledges, which should be considered?

5. Are there any redundant facts or statements that could be eliminated from the V0 draft?

Could you suggest case studies and success stories from countries that were able to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems? In particular, the HLPE-FSN would seek contributions on:

a) evidence-based examples of successful interventions in urban and peri-urban food systems with the principles behind what made the process work;

b) efforts made to enhance agency in urban and peri-urban food systems;

c) efforts made to enhance the right to food in urban and peri-urban settings;

d) examples of circular economy and urban and peri-urban food system and climate change adaptation and mitigation, preferably beyond issues of production; and

e) examples of national and local government collaboration on urban and peri-urban food systems.


The results of this consultation will be used by the HLPE-FSN to further elaborate the report, which will then be submitted to peer review, before finalization and approval by the HLPE-FSN drafting team and the Steering Committee (more details on the different steps of the process, are available here).

This consultation is open until 26 January 2024.

We thank in advance all the contributors for reading, commenting and providing inputs on this V0 draft of the report. Comments can be submitted in English, French and Spanish.

The HLPE-FSN looks forward to a rich and fruitful consultation!


Évariste Nicolétis, HLPE-FSN Coordinator

Paola Termine, HLPE-FSN Programme Officer


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Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformationn

in view of the topic it is suggested that food system is dependent variable that influence the food security.for me so far the  desiged  projects in this regards are not effective because designed project are (projects  for the sake of project ) thats why there is no significant change in the life of main stake will be better to involve the main stake holders farmers academia and private sector with the help of NGOS like FAO WFP. on behalf of my  personal experience i have pbserved that the main stake holders have good resources but not aware how to use these resources like milk meat hair wool and  agri cash crops in judicious manner. There is dire need to educate the masses at their door steps. for this purpose at union council or theseel levels small scale  colection center for milkand feed lot fattening units may will bring a change in the life of farm communties directly which will imrove food system and food security can be achived 

How to strengthen the urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in Pakistan


Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in Pakistan involves a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Here are several strategies that can be considered:

  1. Promoting Urban Agriculture:
    • Encourage and support urban agriculture initiatives, including rooftop gardens, community gardens, and vertical farming, to increase local food production.
    • Provide training and resources to urban farmers on sustainable and efficient farming practices.
  2. Enhancing Distribution Networks:
    • Develop efficient and reliable transportation and distribution networks to ensure the timely and safe delivery of fresh produce from rural to urban areas.
    • Establish farmers' markets and direct-to-consumer selling mechanisms to reduce the reliance on lengthy supply chains.
  3. Improving Storage and Processing Facilities:
    • Invest in modern storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses and ensure a steady supply of food throughout the year.
    • Support the development of food processing industries in peri-urban areas to add value to agricultural products and create employment opportunities.
  4. Implementing Sustainable Practices:
    • Promote sustainable agricultural practices to protect the environment and ensure long-term food security.
    • Encourage the use of organic farming methods, efficient water management, and eco-friendly pest control measures.
  5. Empowering Local Communities:
    • Involve local communities in decision-making processes related to food systems.
    • Support community-based initiatives that focus on nutrition education, especially for vulnerable populations.
  6. Leveraging Technology:
    • Integrate technology in agriculture for improved productivity and resource management.
    • Develop and promote mobile applications that connect farmers with consumers and provide information on sustainable farming practices.
  7. Diversifying Food Sources:
    • Promote a diverse range of crops to enhance dietary diversity and improve nutrition.
    • Encourage the cultivation of indigenous and climate-resilient crops suitable for urban and peri-urban environments.
  8. Policy Support and Coordination:
    • Develop and implement supportive policies that address the unique challenges of urban and peri-urban agriculture.
    • Coordinate efforts among government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to create a unified approach to food security.
  9. Research and Innovation:
    • Invest in research and development to find innovative solutions for urban and peri-urban agriculture challenges.
    • Support the adoption of advanced technologies and best practices through research-based interventions.
  10. Capacity Building:
    • Provide training programs for farmers, especially in peri-urban areas, to enhance their skills in modern agricultural practices.
    • Invest in educational programs that focus on sustainable farming, nutrition, and food safety.

By implementing these strategies, Pakistan can strengthen its urban and peri-urban food systems, ensuring a more resilient and nutritionally secure future for its population.

En el capítulo 4.6 Cross-cutting issues, específicamente en la Table 4.1: Challenges and opportunities for food security and sustainable, inclusive and healthy urban food systems, sugiero incluir una categoría en la fila de Retail and food service.

Esta categoría se podría llamar "Supermercados Cooperativos y Cooperativas de Consumo". Se trata de un actor relevante del retail en algunos países, y en otros sería deseable promover su creación, desarrollo y/o crecimiento. Se trata de un modelo de consumo sostenible, donde la propiedad del negocio es de los propios consumidores, permitiendo alinear sus procesos y estrategias en función de la distribución de alimentos, y no de modelos comerciales basados en productos financieros.

Se sugiere la siguiente estructura de columnas:



Common perceptions



Supermercados cooperativos y cooperativas de consumo

Las cooperativas son modelos anticuados y se preocupan básicamente de la producción.

En algunos países los principales actores del retail de alimentos son cooperativas de consumo, aspecto que es desconocido por gran parte de los consumidores. La competencia del modelo predominante de retail de alimentos no prioriza la distribución de alimentos, sino que desarrolla estrategias agresivas de financiarización donde los proveedores se endeudan para producir y los consumidores se endeudan para consumir.  

Los supermercados cooperativos y las cooperativas de consumo tienen como objetivo la distribución de alimentos hacia sus asociados-consumidores, y no la maximización de utilidades. Esto ha significado que sus procesos se alinean intuitivamente a las seis dimensiones de la seguridad alimentaria propuestas: disponibilidad, acceso, utilización, estabilidad, arbitrio y sostenibilidad. Con ello, permite llegar con tiendas a barrios y territorios donde no llegan las grandes cadenas de supermercados, permite generar vínculos robustos y de largo plazo con pequeños proveedores locales de alimentos frescos, ofrecer precios accesibles, y a la vez desarrollar prácticas sostenibles que no son "rentables" para el retail tradicional.


B. Is this a useful conceptual framework to provide practical guidance for policymakers?

Yes, referencing established principles from previous reports can be beneficial in creating a robust conceptual framework. To make it more practical for policymakers, consider incorporating case studies or real-world scenarios that demonstrate how the framework can be applied to tackle specific food security and nutrition issues. For instance, highlighting successful policy implementations in different regions or showcasing innovative approaches used by governments or organizations to address food security challenges could make the framework more actionable and relatable.










The V0 draft introduces a conceptual framework informed by key principles established in previous HLPE-FSN reports (HLPE, 2017; HLPE, 2020).

Do you find the proposed framework effective to highlight and discuss the key issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems?

The use of established principles from previous reports in the conceptual framework is a promising approach. However, the effectiveness of the framework in highlighting and discussing key issues concerning urban and peri-urban food systems depends on its ability to comprehensively address the specific challenges, dynamics, and interactions within these systems. Reviewing how well it covers aspects like urban agriculture, food distribution, access, and sustainability will determine its effectiveness in addressing these crucial issues.