حيازة الأراضي


المبادئ الخاصة بالاستثمارات الزراعية المسؤولة – لجنة الأمن الغذائي العالمي

تُعتبر الاستثمارات المسؤولة في الزراعة، لا سيما في زراعة أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة، عنصراً أساسياً للحدّ من الفقر وخلق فرص عمل كريم وتعزيز الأمن الغذائي والتغذية وكفالة الاستدامة البيئية. ويمكن للاستثمارات الزراعية أنّ تولّد مجموعة واسعة من المنافع الإنمائية. لكنّ هذا يفترض بها أن تكون استثمارات مسؤولة وموجهة بشكل خاص نحو تحقيق تلك المنافع بموازاة سعيها إلى تجنّب أي تداعيات سلبية ممكنة

Online Discussion from 6-20 February: Connecting people, sharing knowledge and increasing transparency. Using online platforms to increase access to open data, share best practices for monitoring women's land rights

Given the rapid expansion of the internet and the increasing number of users, including in the global South, the full potential of online platforms for promoting inclusive consultation of issues of high global interest is certainly not yet realised. An online discussion was organised to share views and perspectives on how online platforms could be used more creatively and effectively to share experiences on a key area where information and lessons learned through various interventions from around the world are generally dispersed, that is the area of monitoring women’s land rights.

The objective of the online discussion was twofold: (a) engage a collective reflection on ways of optimising the use of online platforms in efforts to promote equitable and sustainable natural governance and social justice; and, (b) to share experiences on approaches to monitoring women’s land rights.

The discussion was running simultaneously on landportal.info and across the following five platforms:

This discussion will be facilitated by the International Land Coalitions (ILC) (www.landcoalition.org) Women’s Land Rights team.


HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report: Investing in smallholder agriculture for food and nutrition security

The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) seeks input on the V0 draft of its report on smallholder investment in agriculture. This study focuses on the policy options for addressing constraints to investments, taking into consideration the work done on this topic by IFAD, and by FAO in the context of COAG, and the work of other key partners. It includes a comparative assessment of strategies for linking smallholders to food value chains as well as an assessment of the impacts on smallholders of different forms of partnership models.


HLPE Consultation on Land Tenure and International Investments in Agriculture

The HLPE of the CFS has also received the mandate to undertake analysis and formulate policy recommendations on land tenure and international investments in agriculture and seeks you feedback on the scope of the analysis. Have important elements been omitted? Should any of the elements be left out?


Second HLPE Consultation on Land Tenure and International Investments in Agriculture

The thirty-sixth session of Committee on World Food Security asked the newly created High Level Panel of Experts to undertake a study on aligning international agricultural investment with food security concerns.  We invite you to comment on the Version 0 draft of the document.

الوثائق المتعلقة بالسياسات

الخطوط التوجيهية الطوعية بشأن الحوكمة المسؤولة لحيازة الأراضي ومصايد الأسماك والغابات في سياق الأمن الغذائي الوطني

هذه الخطوط التوجيهية هي أول صكّ عالمي شامل خاص بالحيازات وإدارتها يُعدّ من خلال مفاوضات حكومية دولية. وتضع هذه الخطوط التوجيهية مبادئ ومعايير مقبولة دولياً للممارسات المسؤولة لاستخدام الأراضي ومصايد الأسماك والغابات وللتحكّم بها. وهي تعطي توجيهات لتحسين الأطر القانونية والتنظيمية والمتصلة بالسياسات...

التقارير والموجزات

The Economic Effects of Land Reform in Tajikistan

The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of land reform policies in Tajikistan on the country’s agricultural sector and rural households. There is a conspicuous lack of evidence-based policy dialogue with the government on the effectiveness of land and agricultural policies in...
