Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Leonidas Hitimana


Some few ideas on the following question: “Based on your experience, what are effective strategies, instruments or mechanisms to ensure adequate access to services, resources and social protection among marginalized or vulnerable groups, including in humanitarian contexts?”

Inclusiveness requires assessing needs and targeting vulnerable groups. For the region,  using the Resilience Index measurement and Analysis (RIMA) tool can be of highly strategic importance to target interventions for vulnerable groups ( This tool has been used in many countries including Uganda. Results were highly appreciated and most development partners use the RIMA results for their interventions. The following link is just an example of how the tool can be useful to decide which instruments most suitable for vulnerable population.

“How can innovative partnerships be built and established? And how/what existing initiatives would you propose to replicate or scale up?”

For natural resources management, one of the most successful approach has been experienced by FAO/SPGS in Uganda. The success of approach lies  in the following aspects: (i) the modality of co-investment with retrospective disbursement of the grant which ensures establishment of quality forest plantations and rules out the risk of money being diverted into other ventures; (ii) extensive training on standards and guidelines to establish commercial forest plantations; (iii) the integrated approach which promotes related investments  along the value chain: certification of service providers like nursery operators (quality of planting material), building capacity of key players, downstream processing and value addition which are critical for market development.

Retrospective payment of grant has proved to be very efficient since it enhances quality and ensures that resources are not diverted into other ventures. The challenge for farmers will be to mobilize resources for initial investment before grant can be awarded. However, it ensures fosters to use the best planting material, carry out properly critical agricultural / silvicultural operations and therefore, improves significantly yields and revenues in the medium term.

Best regards

Leonidas Hitimana, FAO Uganda, Team leader natural resources and environment