Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Brief Comments for improvement of  the draft Gender & Agr guidelines

i. Overall comment. Lets’ take care not to support the current food systems, which tend to exclude women, by suggesting these very same kinds of  interventions which may worsen their situations. For example, let’s avoid the tendency top think that commercialisation is what will solve all food security and gender problems! Rather let’s promote circular and solidarity local economies.


3.3.2 Access to advisory and extension services

Broaden to include self-education opportunities for learning and exposure to innovation and knowledge. Extension services are only part of the agricultural and food education picture. They are also often promoting agricultural policies that are unhelpful and/or counter to women’s needs.


3.3.4 Access to appropriate ICT-based, digital and innovative technologies

Radio is still the most accessible technology and yet women do not have adequate access to radio sets and programmes.

Don’t confine this to digital technologies.


Investments in technologies, rural infrastructure, transport and women’s specific activities

(across food systems and along value chains) that support women’s activities, informed by a context analysis that applies a gender lens, and strengthen women’s capacities to DESIGN, DEVELOP and use technologies or methods that reduce their work burden.

Let’s not bury this under ‘economic empowerment’ Give this its own heading area it is not just about economic empowerment. The appropriate tools and equipment gap is much neglected by agriculture and food projects. Funding for equipment development and design by women for women is in dire need of resources.

v. & vi.

84. Problem statement: Women tend to have unsecured land tenure and access, which limits options to sustainably manage and benefit from land. When women do have access to agricultural and, their plots are usually smaller, and of poorer quality than men’s, and often with less secure use rights.

3.5.2 Access to and control over productive resources

Add rights to seeds, to wild flora and fauna and landscapes/catchments.