Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

The concepts of meeting the mandate of food security and nutrition with concern of the ecosystem is what i term as farming with nature as we live with nature because it is human activities that annul the normal balance of nature in his/her quest to satisfy his/her desire for food, clothing and shelter.

As the lead farm manager of Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority Integrated Farm working over the last 2 years, I observed that the first work in meeting this mandate is on working on the mindset of way of life of human being such that it is tailored towards being conscious about the ecosystem most importantly the environment. Our concern should be on awareness, sensitization and capacity development in form of "tell one to tell others" or train the trainers approach". I applied for a grant with the title: Capacity Building on Embracing Novel Sustainable Integrated Farming System Concept for Smallholdings Farming Families within the Kampe River Basin Catchment; A Resilient Approach to Climate Smart Agriculture and Disaster Risk Reduction.

The idea is to encourage others and to choose a micro rural area region and study both the people and nature around them; coming up with awareness concepts on how they may embrace the idea of sustainable Integrated Farming System as a way of farming with nature. I am also trying to work with collaborators with the intention of mainstreaming digitalization into the above concept considering the rate at which information and communication concepts is having way into globalization for both rural and urban population.

I wish to embrace partnership from all players globally to execute such project for the sake of benefiting humanity. You may as well go through the attached as a comprehensive approach in ensuring we attain the goal of food for all, by all, and in all i.e. most ecofriendly way. Thanks