Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Prof. Hamid Ahmad

Pakistan Society of Food Scientists & Technologists (PSFST),Lahore Chapter,


Human Right to Adequately Certified Religious Food to about quarter of the world population is jeopardized under current prevailing situation in the world. About 2 billion Muslim population spread over 57 Islamic countries (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation-OIC) and otherwise as minority migrants in other places like Europe, EU, USA ,Australia, Canada etc. require availability, continuity and affordability of certified ritual Halal food for the faithful, purified  and credibly certified observance of their religion. According to UNO charter, it is a stated responsibility of all countries, nation states to provide adequate, nutritious, safe and secure food supply at affordable price to its citizens as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and several other international instruments. These UNO conventions about right to food are not being implemented due to variety of reasons thus causing hunger, disease or even death in some cases. The issue of the provision of ritual Halal food needs to be discussed in detail and to be taken care of, by the UNO, global humanitarian, financial,  commercial, regulatory and trade organisations to assess, identify, recognise and address the implications for a way out at national & international level. 

I can make a full and detailed presentation on the topic / issue , if required.