What are the chances of voluntary guidelines taking us somewhere near significant? (FAO has experience with other such...).
We/you are talking of the URGENT need for global action, improved governance... Our bodies are filling with microplastics.
We/you are talking about policies and strategies, and about providing duty bearers along the agri-food value chain recommendations and best practices. Recommendations are based on 'should' when we need 'must'. Voluntary guidelines do the former.
I can understand this may not be realistic, but FAO is the best multilateral organ we have (I hope) so they must call a spade a spade ....and fight for it. No shame if you are defeated by the you-know-who member states that ultimately call the shots.
Claudio in Ho Chi Minh City
PS: what about calling for shutting down plastic production from fossil fuels? Think AND ACT upstream.
Dr. Claudio Schuftan