Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear All
I think that many urban and peri-urban residents have their own cultivable lands or have scope of cultivation in rural areas. If urban and peri-urban residents were engaged more in agriculture then the food and nutrition system will be ultimately enriched. For example, I think if room farmers, balcony farmers, rooftop farmers to all types of farmers of urban and peri-urban residents were given smart renewable farmers identity card, technological and financial support, then it will not only promote urban and peri-urban agriculture but also mainstream rural agriculture. I think if there were a system to share First Selling Price-Location-Time (FS PLT) by label, receipt, QR code or any suitable way to the last consumer, then many problems would be solved. I think through many media consumers could be acknowledged about nutrition of each food and available alternate similar food. Culturally accepted, various new recipes could be introduced with higher nutrition and affordable cost. Using various electronic media with translation-transliteration, any resident from any urban and peri urban, can share his/her individual or group activity globally for the benefit of all. Like all others, I also wish for better food and nutrition security for all without discrimination.