Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Prof. Ahmad Mahdavi

University of Tehran/ and Sustainable agriculture and environment.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

I have been involved in studying agrobiodiversity for decades since earning my PhD in Guelph in 1990. Over the past two decades, I have focused on the global protection and sustainable management of biodiversity in agriculture. As an expert in insect toxicology, I have closely monitored the impact of toxic compounds, particularly pesticides, on agrobiodiversity. For more than 20 years, I have taught the fundamentals of agroecology in integrated pest management (IPM). My work has consistently centered on protecting biodiversity in agriculture, driven by the understanding that only 1/300 of insect species are pests, and it is crucial to safeguard non-pest insects and overall biodiversity in agroecosystems. I have also been actively involved in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and advocating for policies that support biodiversity conservation. Through my research and advocacy efforts, I have aimed to raise awareness about the importance of preserving agrobiodiversity and the critical role it plays in ensuring food security and environmental sustainability. My commitment to advancing agroecological principles and integrated pest management strategies has been a driving force in my work, and I continue to collaborate with fellow experts and stakeholders to address the challenges facing agrobiodiversity conservation.