Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Solutions from the Land offers three key overarching recommendations we would like to see incorporated into V0 priority actions that we believe will build a more robust roadmap that can effectively meet country-level multiple goals:

1) Concurrent agricultural production of biodiversity and multiple SDGs. Farmers, ranchers, fishers, foresters and those that manage agricultural lands for their livelihoods can concurrently produce biodiversity, food and nutrition security, ecosystems well- being, farmer livelihoods and other SDGs when supportive policies, incentives, and resources are available. See:
a) The role of agriculture in concurrently delivering ecosystem services and food and nutrition security. 
b) 21st Century Agriculture Renaissance

2) Agricultural circular biosystems approaches and models are important strategies to accomplish transformative changes within and across sectors, countries, and industries. These solution pathways promote circularity of farm and regional agrifood enterprise inputs, outputs, retained value, and SDG outcomes at farm and landscape levels; encourage biodiversity; reduce pollution and waste by recycling and reuse of resources; and utilize multi-species livestock and plants. Investments in agricultural circular biological systems research, on-farm and regional experimentation and practice can accelerate the effectiveness and adoption of circular pathways that protect and promote biodiversity. See:
a) See Morton, L.W. & E. Shea. 2022. Beyond productivity: Rebuilding circles of life to deliver multi-benefit goals via circular systems. Circular Food and Agricultural Systems. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 65(2):411-418 NRES14904 (
b) Iowa Smart Agriculture: Circles of Life:

3) A major constraint faced by agrifood systems producers and value chain are the increasing impacts of invasive species that affect nearly all aspects of the natural and man-made environment. Degradation of forests, deserts and wetlands due to invasive plants, insects and animals is occurring at an unprecedented level as phytosanitary infrastructure for prevention, exclusion, detection and eradication remains woefully underfunded in most countries. This is a national and global problem that will require coordinated, cross boundary jurisdictional cooperation and investments.

Please read our full submission prepared by SfL Board member and farmer Lois Wright Morton.