Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Question 1:
The greatest challenge that the FAO guidance can help address in advancing an SPI for agrifood systems in Nigeria is the lack of a structured approach to science-policy interfaces, leading to limited dialogue between scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders. The guidance can help address this by providing a framework for establishing functional SPIs, identifying core elements, and promoting principles such as credibility and legitimacy.

To make the guidance more practical and usable at the country level, I suggest:

- Providing concrete examples and case studies from Nigeria or similar contexts
- Developing a step-by-step guide for establishing and operationalizing SPIs
- Offering training and capacity-building programs for SPI actors
- Encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders

Question 2:
The draft guidance covers essential sections and elements, including core elements, principles, and mechanisms for knowledge co-creation. However, additional elements that should be considered include:

- Addressing power asymmetries and ensuring inclusivity
- Fostering collaboration across different knowledge systems
- Developing capacity development activities for SPI actors
- Encouraging learning and evaluation mechanisms

Some sections, such as the importance of traditional knowledge and Indigenous Peoples' perspectives, may be underrepresented and should be expanded.

Question 3:
Here's a potential case study:

Nigeria's Agricultural Research Council (ARCN) established an SPI to address the country's agrifood system challenges. The SPI brought together scientists, policymakers, farmers, and industry experts to co-create solutions. Key success factors included:

- Inclusive dialogue and knowledge sharing
- Capacity development programs for stakeholders
- Collaborative research and innovation initiatives
- Policy reforms and implementation

Lessons learned include the importance of addressing power asymmetries, fostering collaboration across knowledge systems, and connecting across scales (local to global).

Question 4:
Additional information that should be included in the draft guidance includes:

- References to traditional knowledge and Indigenous Peoples' perspectives
- Case studies from low- and middle-income countries
- Examples of successful SPIs addressing asymmetries in power and collaboration across knowledge systems
- Key publications and resources on science-policy interfaces and agrifood systems