Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear HLPE-FSN Secretariat,

The Global Network Against Food Crises is a multi-stakeholder initiative of humanitarian and development actors, united by a commitment to tackle the root causes of food crises and to promote sustainable solutions. Since last year, it facilitates the Coordination Platform for Food System Resilience (CPFR) together with TANGO International. This platform with over 30 experts from 17 institutions, including the Global Network members, was established for food systems resilience analysis and programming in fragile contexts with the aim of creating and disseminating a learning agenda.

The contribution to this e-consultation prepared by the Coordination Platform for Food System Resilience on behalf of the Global Network is attached, as well as supporting documents prepared for the Expert Consultation on Measurement and Analysis of Food System Resilience in Fragile Settings held last year. These documents contain relevant information to answer the questions of the CFS consultations. 

The Coordination Platform remains interested in further calls of contribution and collaboration to the Building Resilient Food Systems topic and CFS workstream.

Kind regards,

Katarina Polomska