Dear Contributors,
On behalf of the HLPE-FSN Secretariat and Steering Committee, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in the consultation.
Your contributions and perspectives will help the HLPE-FSN address key challenges faced by policymakers, practitioners, and communities. This report will particularly highlight the deep and enduring connections Indigenous Peoples have with food systems, their traditional practices, and their knowledge systems.
The HLPE-FSN is committed to ensuring that this unique and sophisticated knowledge is recognized and incorporated, bringing meaningful benefits to Indigenous Peoples and the broader global community through the CFS.
Thank you once again for your engagement and dedication to this important process.
Warm regards,
Paola Termine, HLPE-FSN Coordinator ad interim, HLPE-FSN Secretariat
Silvia Meiattini, Communications and outreach specialist, HLPE-FSN Secretariat
HLPE-FSN Secretariat and Steering Committee