Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Alfredo Quarto

Mangrove Action Project
United States of America

Dear Friends at CFS-HLPE,

I have some serious concerns about the future composition of your proposed study team addressing the stated theme “The Role of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition.” For one thing, I urge you to include representation on this team of artisenal fishers from local communities and Indigenous Peoples affected by industrial style aquaculture to ensure their voices are heard in regards to the food security issues.

Furthermore, I urge your candidature list to include representative regional members of community-based NGOs from the Global South where the majority of industrial aquaculture developments take place.

And, I urge that your study team begin by clearly defining the term “food security” whose meaning has been misconstrued as to what it really signifies and for whom it truly applies. In my 21 years working with Mangrove Action Project on these complex and troublesome issues, I have seen the food security of the importing nations being enhanced, but at the terrible costs to food security in the producer nations. Too often, in relation to farmed shrimp or salmon, so-called food security in the importing nations signifies food insecurity in the producer nations.

Alfredo Quarto, Executive Director

Mangrove Action Project