Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Miriam Ofoeze

postharvest Unit National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike

In most developing countries, attention is being given to production of farm products and little or non to postharvest aspects of farming eg. mechanization,  provision of improved varieties, extention services etc.

In Nigeria and so many other developing countries most farmers are rural women and lack the technology and female friendly equipment to handle postharvest loses. These lead to reduction of income, and hunger few months after harvest

In other to reduce postharvest loses, adequate attention should be given to postharvest aspects of farming as much as is being given to production of farm products

Rural women and girls should be educated, empowered and assisted by postharvest extension worker during and after harvest on  Morden post harvest processes so as to increase their income and provide food for their families for sustainable development in Africa.